SYNRG vs. Exterr

  • Thread starter Chandler the Great123
  • Start date


(Chandler-Exterr) I'm new to the TW forums,so I've been exploring.And I just wanted to know what you w37 people out there think the synrgy family vs. Exterr war will turn out like.I'm not sure how much longer this war will last,but it's been going on for like,I don't know,maybe 5-8 weeks,something like that.
Side 1:

Side 2:


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1:47
Side 2:176


Points value of total conquers against opposite side

Side 1:334,920
Side 2:945,207


So what do yall' think the outcome of this war will be like?


more then likely...RL or some other tribe will eventually sweep in to take all the villages


Just to give a quick update, Exterr's war effort has caused Synrga (Synrgy's academy tribe) to disband, due to the massive beating they were getting.

FireyFlame has lost every troop she sent at one of the Exterr warriors, her lousy 1 second trains were sniped with ease, and he uncoordinated "tribe wide" attack was simply horrendous thus far.

Exterr is simply taking any Synrgy family village they want, with little to no resistance, and synergy is beginning to reach those desperate times.

Remember kids... Even if you leave a tribe, you are still a target.

Exterr vs the family
Side 1:
Tribes: ExTerr

Side 2:

Timeframe: Last 3 months

Total conquers:

Side 1: 424
Side 2: 2,636
Difference: 2,212


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 159
Side 2: 45
Difference: 114


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 1,934,928
Side 2: 11,168,787
Difference: 9,233,859


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 887,462
Side 2: 341,633
Difference: 545,829


VS Synrgy
Side 1:
Tribes: ExTerr

Side 2:
Tribes: SYNRG

Timeframe: Last 3 months

Total conquers:

Side 1: 424
Side 2: 2,359
Difference: 1,935


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 147
Side 2: 45
Difference: 102


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 1,934,928
Side 2: 10,466,207
Difference: 8,531,279


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 806,553
Side 2: 341,633
Difference: 464,920


Vs SND (their middle ground)
Side 1:
Tribes: ExTerr

Side 2:
Tribes: SND

Timeframe: Last 3 months

Total conquers:

Side 1: 424
Side 2: 277
Difference: 147


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 12
Side 2: 0
Difference: 12


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 1,934,928
Side 2: 702,580
Difference: 1,232,348


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 80,909
Side 2: 0
Difference: 80,909


Vs SynrgA (their Academy)
Nothing to show, since they disbanded and are trying to reform.
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LOL, SYNRG is going to lose i think, especially because of their poor leadership skillls


Ahh... Yes.
Welcome Jorglor to the Mix.

ExTerr has been fighting SYNRG for more then 3 Mounths now, Simply taking any village we want.
We want to make this VERY Clear.
Anyone besides ExTerr that is in K6,
Is a Target.

In fact, This war has been the funniest I've been in with my 2 Year Experience.
I think SYNRG is just taken the beating.

Not only did Fireyflame, and a pack of other SYNRG noobs troops get mass massicared.
We have beaten their defenses down to almost nothing.

Rimming almost 30 SYNRG members in the Entire war.

Like I said,

ubla12 on 18.11. at 22:07
is it nessisary u attk me im in SND not synerga and synergy we dun even got u guys as enimys.... u shold stop wit nukes and stuff dude

Jorglor on 18.11. at 22:08
desperate pleads for mercy.

Btw, I'm happy to join the World-Wide SYNRG bashing experience.


I wish I could make a list of all the Dead SYRNG players.



that was epically epic, synrg doesn't even have close to a chance!


I'd love to see Fireyflame, and some of the other leaders of the SYNRGY family, come in here and post their side of the war...

oh wait... it would read "We declared war on Exterr, and they simply outplayed us from the start, They are warmachines and we just can't keep up to their noble rates and clearing forces. We've tried and tried, but it seems that almost every time we send an attack, with nobles placed after it, they die?!?!? wtf?!?!? can't you keep a village clear!?!?!?!?"



noely,i like ur talk!(go exterr)
you think a tribe with so many points would beat us.WRONG
man,we got good leaders,awesome players,and a heck of a attack force.NONE of exterr has been rimmed.i cant wait till this war is over.we are BEASTING!

Exterr------>:axemen: :swordsman:<--------SYNRG
Exterr------>:heavycavalry: :villagers:<--------SYNRGA
Exterr------>:cata: :spear:<--------SND

according to this chart(lol) it seems that we have the upper hand.:D


is this a thread for the insane? If so i will join in and reply

speenzer - you were the ex-YWP ro E2K player who was running from R.L. and joined us as a war refugee, I gave you sanctuary under our NAP probably days before you were directly attacked. Then you satrted running your mouth off in our forums like you do here, very annoying it was but i chose to ignore. It was when you tried to convince the tribe in the forum to stop attacking our main enemies leader at the time because he was your PA that i started to worry. Then i received two separate messages from players outside our tribe referring to you as a spy. So we internally nobled you. Rimmed. Now you are upset. it was all yoru own fault buddy. Kepp your motor mouth shut and you would still be playing your 30k account.

Noely - you started/restarted on the rim and asked for an invite. I suggested acadeny because your were only a few hundred points. You complained referring to your overwhleming expertise. The academy was new and needed a second strong leader to the Duke we had found. So you went in there thinking you were going to be leader. Unfortunately within 24 hours you had gotten into an irreverable argument with the present Duke to the poitn where he wanted you rimmed. This was despite my best efforts talking to both of you repeatedly about working togetherand combining your skills. Pfft. You certainly stuffed that up by having the disease speenzer has. Foot in mouth disease to be specific.

Anyway ExTerr decided to ally with our enemy at the time WICKED and started clearing us out of their home K6. We couldn't do much about it. First off my K6 leader freaked out and joined ExTerr and from then on nobody else in K6 was up to the challenge of being a leader. So we had to concentrate our support for our main K16 and let them clean out mainly worthless players to us anyway. All the good ones ended up joining ExTerr.

but now we don't have a war with WICKED and have begun fighting ExTerr. Out first op was i think 12 villages out of 12 targetted. the second op was poorly conceived and we lost a lot of troops for no village gain. it was only 5 villages and that was a big part of the problem. I ended up sending 8 nukes at my village becasue scout reports showed 27k sp 12k sw etc. I also chose to stock only 2 nobles in my village 35 mins away. they dropped the loyalty below 50 and on their return run were sniped. I knew there was a problem at the 17.5 min mark of their final journey because me scout report to check up things came back empty after my scouts were killed. damn not using a train. then in frustration i sent anotehr 9 nukes. Planning to send another 5 the next day. i woke up thinking more clearly and didnt send the extra 5 and so lost only the 9. 17 nukes against a 59% morale player is something i wont be repeating i tell you :p

Next op on ExTerr if we go ahead should be interesting though


is this a thread for the insane? If so i will join in and reply

Noely - you started/restarted on the rim and asked for an invite. I suggested acadeny because your were only a few hundred points. You complained referring to your overwhleming expertise. The academy was new and needed a second strong leader to the Duke we had found. So you went in there thinking you were going to be leader. Unfortunately within 24 hours you had gotten into an irreverable argument with the present Duke to the poitn where he wanted you rimmed. This was despite my best efforts talking to both of you repeatedly about working togetherand combining your skills. Pfft. You certainly stuffed that up by having the disease speenzer has. Foot in mouth disease to be specific.

Anyway ExTerr decided to ally with our enemy at the time WICKED and started clearing us out of their home K6. We couldn't do much about it. First off my K6 leader freaked out and joined ExTerr and from then on nobody else in K6 was up to the challenge of being a leader. So we had to concentrate our support for our main K16 and let them clean out mainly worthless players to us anyway. All the good ones ended up joining ExTerr.

Exterr was allied with wicked before your war began.

as for your post and view on me, its seems you've been grossly misinformed. even after I forwarded you the mails.
I started late in the world, and ended up on the rim, correct. I asked for an invite when I started in the world, correct, I JOINED the academy tribe and saw that they were an utter mess... with the overall goal to create a giant family around the rim and try to take over the world from all angles... when I stated the OBVIOUS flaws in that, and kept showing everyone that the tribe limit is 500 people, and that we should focus more on making safe K's and ridding the K's we own of enemy players, I was told to shut up and that their ideas were better. OK! looks like it worked out well for them... since they no longer exist.

I was actually in the academy for... *runs to check twstats*...I joined the academy on 24th September 2009 - 16:00:01
I left the academy on 27th September 2009 - 01:00:02 Only to join the MAIN tribe (at under 4,000 points) on 30th September 2009 - 07:00:01. You asked me to go to the academy and help run things, So I went back to the academy, only to keep getting dismissed by the academy leaders, saying that "we don't need you".

KK, thats fine by me... i'll just take and destroy ever village that is owned by an academy player in my area.... oh wait, there are no more... we scared them off... and the ones that were in my area, were destroyed down to sub 200 points or nobled out.

You can try to play it off that I have "foot in mouth" disease, truth be told, you and the rest of the Synrgy family have "Help me! I'm a n00b" disease... and it shows with the stats.


I don't usually post stuff in here but I feel like I should make some points.

I think first I should point out I was in synrgya too, though I doubt you guys from Syn will remember me much. I wasn't a major player, but having seen the kind of garbage DT dragged up and the way he led, it put me off doing much more then spamming the 'fun' section. The way the entire thing was led was poor, I knew that from the start. I asked to join, yes. My (mini) tribe originally was going nowhere, and with my (somewhat) limited experience of playing on a few worlds, I thought it would be best to join one of the bigger tribes then just get nobled when my villa got tasty enough. You shunted me into the academy, which I accepted due to the level of points. What surprised me, however, was that not one single person in either tribe thought to look up, or even ask about previous experience of members at any effective manner. Considering what I've found in other worlds' better [sarcastic air quotes] tribes, this seem to me to be a fatal flaw. On the odd occasion it came up, it was not paid any attention to. There were players there who had been in many worlds (and still were) and where very experienced, but had fewer points then some of the leaders, so who cared? In my opinion, it led directly to a complete black hole in leadership and experience, as not only did DT basically not draw on others for the help and experience he needed, he didn't even bother to find out who could. That was the key difference for me when I joined ExTerr, the first thing that came up when I asked, was my experience in w31. This happily surprised me, that they actually took note, looked me, saw what I was like - in other words, evaluated me fully and not just 'ooh he's got 100k points we'll have him' or 'he's got less than 5k points, therefore he MUST be a noob, stick him in the academy'. You guys in SYNRGY weren't quite point whores, but you were damn close. I still think looking a tribe of 200 odd members, is ridiculous. Especially when 75% are pretty much lame. Anywho, you also major problems in every department of the academy. I don't know how your main tribe worked, but I judge that you picked DT to lead (and judging by your own post you seem to admit he needed Noely's help) and therefore you had to be complicit with the way he ran things. What I saw of this was a tribe with about a million different segments, none of which were coordinated properly or had decent leaders; a mixed system that screamed 'I'm not sure what to do for the best' as far as support and offensive operations went, no idea how to aid morale other than 'We took a village, we took a village', little to no communication between the academy and the main tribe (particularly in the area of support), and so many inactives and barb noblers you may as well have just written 'this is the academy of synergy. Can you spell nuke? Do you think spears are effective nuke forces? Do you send nobles by themselves? We want you' on the tribe profile. It was embarrassing, and the one time some one tried to say [metaphorically] 'hey this tribe has a great heart but no skeletal structure, and several missing organs' (this was noely) they shut him down, said, this isn't the way we do things, don't do things with out permission, and pretty much 'there's the door'. And all he did was show that there was soooooooo many inactives that even when he circ'ed a tribal announcement we should all say we are here! Big crime, trying to make things better!

Anyway, this is just my opinion and what I saw and I could well be totally wrong, though I'd need some decent proof of that. And judging by the sudden death of Synergy Academy, I think my points are well proven. But the whole 'foot in mouth' disease thing really doesn't work. The next time you wonder why your tribe is failing, perhaps you should take a moment and think that actually, telling the people trying to help you or be a decent member that they have 'foot in mouth' disease and kicking them/nobling them/forcing them to leave may NOT be the best ways to go about strengthening the tribe. You should try to do something you obviously found hard (kinda like DT) and LISTEN. It's not hard. I could teach you if you like.

But anyway, listen to me doing exactly what I don't like about these forums sometimes and debasing myself to almost the pettiest level I can reach. On that note, I really hate it when people say 'the stats show this' or 'it shows with the stats'. The stats tell you nothing really (sorry Noely, again just my opinion). Particularly on a players worth. I agree it can back you up (as it does in this case N) but really it cannot be a proof in and of itself.

Anyway, whatever. This is tiring. I just like to see the continuing war of 50 members odd of ExTerr against the formiddable might of the several hundred members of the Synergy fam. Even if you somehow won, you can hardly boast about it. You're so many times bigger in members alone this should be a cakewalk. The fact its not is just a tribute to either our awesomeness or your failsomeness. I don't mind which tbh :D But then again, like I said, you have to many internal problems to be an effective tribe any more imo. Though I got many laughs out of watching you guys fail so hard. A slight tip: if the villa is so heavily stacked that you do so little damage after 9 nukes, GIVE UP. It's just self-inflicted wounds, and it makes for some pretty funny fail. Come on, surely you can work out that sending more nukes, even if you clear the village, just leaves more of your own vulnerable and you with far fewer troops. For 1 (empty except for support) villa. You don't even know where the support was coming from so you can't strike at those who lost troops, but they know where you sent your nukes from. Little vulnerable, don't you think?

Anyway, it's all my opinion. It's up to you guys to make of it what you will. I will do the cliché though.

Go ExTerr!



most of what you said is fair and reasonable except the entire last paragraph. also there is a bigger picture to consaider than the one you are looking at. And ... you could take into account peoples inability to play perfectly. It takes a lot of time to play perfectly. To send your 4 nukes all inside the same second. To attach your train right on the end of that. To have the support land with your final noble and the rest less than a second after the end of your train. To send hundreds of fakes again, all in the same second. To minimise the chances of your train being sniped or re-taken before support lands. have you ever tried it? Set up 200 tabs worth of attacks sequenced chronologically and run through them from start to end. with an alarm in one pocket and a stopwatch in the other. Over a 7 hour period. It was fun the first few times but then it became hell. Alternatively to run a tribe and play your account is demanding. I started that academy from an acct-sit and from this beginning of SYNRGA, i didnt even have the time to set up the forum properly. I had SYNRG in a war with WICKED who were 2.5 times our size to deal with. After a week of SYNRG there is this guy mailing me, telling me all of the things wrong with the tribe. That was DT. So i said fix one of them. He was back to me in 5 mins ... done he said. Ok another. 10 mins later he was back. So i made him a baron and let him do his thing. The only evidence i had that he was doing badly in any aspect were highlighted by people mailing me and complaining. Noely you were one of them. DT had a dictatorial approach. Not my style so my main involvement with DT was to stop him being so domineering with players who argued back. This was a month worth of twice-weekly discussions on leadership style. He is 18, he improved that side of his style, i give him credit for that. I did not bother to enquire about any other aspects of his leadership. I did not care much. And the reason why is important:

The academy was only ever a way for me to shunt low pointers and obvious 12 year olds who were never going to get the more complex aspects of the game sorted. I was being mailed by half a dozen new ones a day as SYNRG grew and gained area dominance. So i shunted them all to the academy, for one so they all stayed in one place and for two to see who would learn quickly enough to be worthwhile for the future. DT tried to train them and the more mature players went along with it and it all worked out pretty well.

The academy was also a way to keep control of the rim behind our main tribe. This worked perfectly. No other small tribe had the chance to grow and gain strength against us whilst we had to support our frontline against WICKED. It didn't come close to happening. SYNRGA and later also SND simply exterminated these other rim tribes. The exception is ExTerr. A virus above us whom we have never had a chance to deal with, until now. Don't get me wrong, i get on very well with the leader of ExTerr - WrEkM. Fun guy who doesnt take the game too seriously. But ExTerr have to go now.

The academy was most likely never going to last. Nothing does. Still they had their chance and they grew well and fulfilled our purposes. Plus the top players were always recruited to SND which was the more elite training academy. But that is a whole other story.

Finally, with the completion of our merger into R.L. imminent, the academy no longer served a purpose. So i had it disbanded.
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yeah its funny that. you mention 12 villages taken out of 12 targets. funnily enough, all the troops you encountered again were that players only. no support was in there and yet thousands upon thousand of troops died. try tell the full story, not just your half.

Also funny. you are rather cunning. i give you that. getting your "loyal" members to attack us, and then hide under the wings of RL. Whats up? Cant you handle the pressure of a tribe much smaller than your in numbers and everything else? Great work there. ;P


Oh. i forgot to mention how many players it required and how many attacks (fake or real) it took to defeat those villages. i believe it took roughly 7-9 members and OH! over 200 attacks easy. Its a shame the player didnt receive support in time really as if he did, you would be pretty damn surprised.

Just for proof of how many troops (mainly nukes) were killed, this players ODD was roughly 20k. after the attacks it was very close to 700k and thats all without support. now morale may have been a slight help to this but i doubt it was lower than 95% for most of the attackers.
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is this a thread for the insane? If so i will join in and reply

speenzer - you were the ex-YWP ro E2K player who was running from R.L. and joined us as a war refugee,

I was S~E to Y.W.P to E2K.

is this a thread for the insane? If so i will join in and reply

I gave you sanctuary under our NAP probably days before you were directly attacked.
I was not even attacked once, not even once. I had no attacks, and I was personally friends with a bunch of R.L. members, and still am with
some. If you claim I was attacked, then who attacked? I will ask them if I was attacked.
is this a thread for the insane? If so i will join in and reply
Then you satrted running your mouth off in our forums like you do here, very annoying it was but i chose to ignore.
It was when you tried to convince the tribe in the forum to stop attacking our main enemies leader at the
time because he was your PA that i started to worry.
When did I say not to attack Eira Nemonie?
is this a thread for the insane? If so i will join in and reply
Then i received two separate messages from players outside
our tribe referring to you as a spy.
Who? Oh, like you're going to say someone like shaunl1?
is this a thread for the insane? If so i will join in and reply
So we internally nobled you. Rimmed. Now you are upset. it was all yoru
own fault buddy. Kepp your motor mouth shut and you would still be playing your 30k account.
Nobled me, and I had 50k smart one. I proved you wrong on every single way you are claiming that I did wrong, you should open your eyes
and see reality, stop with the lying, and don't complain in the external forums, I am happy on the rim, its only a game, mate, don't try making this up.
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oh yeah, i forgot, I got kicked too and labeled as a spy for some tribe in the south east.... but then again, that was from DarkTrevor...