i never said anything about *np* everybody knows ive wanted to join them for 5 months now...
he left the tribe, he didnt leave me, you might need to check your 'facts' before coming here, as like bazz your hearing things and assuming they are true...
i didnt try to change his password or email, what good what that do me, after i gave him the account, if i took it back i would be banned... if youd like i can link him to this and he can come explain this himself if thats what it takes for you to stop believing bullsh*t
its not that fact that you kicked kingkong for being dead thats bad, any leader should kick a dead account, its the fact you only kicked him when he started loosing villas, he is no more dead now than he was 2 months ago, but you didnt kick him then did you? no.
and you cannot deny that TITANs his first, first strike came from yokosammy hitting morph76 in north K06, morph sniped all the trains and yoko not long after let me know that he wouldnt be attacking TB any longer and was going to concentrate on BoH, irony right there, also funny cos he is just one of 9 players in TITANs who let me know they wernt going to attack me...
bad trains yes, mav your trains are twice as good as SHYEs 40 second trains, but even yours had 12 second gaps between 1st and 4th noble. sleeps had 1 second between each noble, which is better, but not great, jokinvain is the only player who has sent trains at me with all 4 nobles in one second, but it wasnt a 150ms train so i still sniped them, me and him had a little laugh with each other, with his good trains and my good snipes, thats what war should be in this game. all the other players that have attacked me so far (yes all three of the others....) have had 40 second trains like SHYE...
i find it funny how apart from jokinvain (who im happy to fight, he is a good player) and banpol (who by the way you need to teach, ive seen mixed villages and half nukes been thrown at me in desperate attempts to take villages i had previously sniped from) every single player attacking me has been TITANs leadership, you guys have such good control over your tribe, that no one outside of your leadership (except for banpol and jokinvain like said above) are attacking me... some of them are even working with me in K49... its as if titans arent warring me, its just the leaders who are... guess its just an atempt to get me to stop showing everyone else what TITANs is truly like, kinda back firing on you though....
P.S SHYEs nobles are hilarious, 8000 swords 1 noble, 1000 spears 1 noble, 1000 spears 1 noble, 1000 spears 1 noble, 40 second gap, not accompanied by a clearing nuke, educate your friends mav.