TDE/A-21 Stats:


your just an attention whore
yes you kept many people awake for that pnp only because people thought your UBM
and now you still get the attention,no doubt in it...every one mentions your fail pnp
HAHA both NOB and RAID was losing hundres of villages to The Dragon Empire, and now you merge and some member choice to join us, and there villages are beeing lost in your area?

And the player that are in our area, yes like Arrakis, BEL, Hitman and so on did you not even invite becuse you dont want to sabotage the stat,

You are funny, hole world know this, i think you are the only that not see it....

Want a tip? if the stat changes again, you can allways make a new tribe... and a new...


//King Dragon

i dont see it either



Undead Billy Mays

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Please dont go away.... We need someone to fight ;)

//King Dragon

So far it doesn't look like they need my help. Tell me though, will it sting a little bit to have played the server for so long and get beat because you didn't know which truths to keep and which to break? That's a lot of hard work to have put in, running 2 accounts and all. :icon_cool:


Well I've not seem to have missed much than a merge that was supposed to happen nearly a year ago... (someone's head got too big and decided to make it a pissing contest instead of a leadership effort)...

A-21 seem to be holding their own... and I see some old friends on that lineup...guys I know well to be able to handle themselves in a good long as they work together and stop whinning

TDE still trying to flame like GE and Colpo... give up you just don't have that kind of immaturity, TDE has beenaround a long time... Original NOB!! had a chance... substitute NOB!! whined too much... looks like you've invited those one...whooooo A-21 you might have a chance with those leaky sieves sitting front row of the battle

when my SUB is done recruiting troops this month?... I will be glad to take back my cold seat and give W39 a pretty show again...

Areyaen is eager to nuke some crap... have a lot of built up anger to release...


So far it doesn't look like they need my help. Tell me though, will it sting a little bit to have played the server for so long and get beat because you didn't know which truths to keep and which to break? That's a lot of hard work to have put in, running 2 accounts and all. :icon_cool:

Bullshit as allways :) 99% of the world know it, only you and some few other that need to look on the truth ;)

//King Dragon


KD, why do you even bother posting on these forums? Your comments always boil down to one of three messages:

1. Bullshit.
2. >90% of the world knows it.
3. You mad?

They are rarely relevant and almost never make sense.
I suggest in future just stay silent and the rest of us can just pick one of those options at random to fill the gap.


KD, why do you even bother posting on these forums? Your comments always boil down to one of three messages:

1. Bullshit.
2. >90% of the world knows it.
3. You mad?

They are rarely relevant and almost never make sense.
I suggest in future just stay silent and the rest of us can just pick one of those options at random to fill the gap.
Look on the map from when the war started and to what it looks like now...its easy to see which tribe has conquered the most...its as simple as that


Look on the map from when the war started and to what it looks like now...its easy to see which tribe has conquered the most...its as simple as that

Not Bullshit, 90 % of the world know it, and yes... think someone will be mad when you write this ;)

The thing is that RAID and NOB is happy they noble back 240 villages when they lose about 4500 villages to T.D.E and about 3000 without a tribe. Sorry guys i dont fix it, you have lose about 7200 villages and are happy and brag about it? Good you play in a fantasy world ;)

//King Dragon


Look on the map from when the war started and to what it looks like now...its easy to see which tribe has conquered the most...its as simple as that

Good input. Just a shame, as usual, you totally missed the point. Nice to see you're still trying though :)

Deleted User - 7531779

Wonder how have miss the point ;) -7200 villages....

//King Dragon

I saw the above post earlier and I thought I really must investigate this....

I decided to just do the maths. Math (once correct and simple) cannot be argued with.

At this stage - I do want to take a moment here and comment on a issue I have. Now, the math to follow is simple and undeniable. I'll keep it dead simple so any manipulation will be easily visible....but I do want to say, no matter how incorrect and random King Dragons posts may seem, I do commend them - Per if my Swedish was half as good as your English, I'd be very proud.

Anyway - Moving on:

At the time of writing this post the clear cut stats stand as follows:

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: T.D.E, TgDE
Side 2:
Tribes: A-21

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 250
Side 2: 502
Difference: 252


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 2,292,733
Side 2: 4,598,306
Difference: 2,305,573



So 252 in favour of A-21 but clearly, that wasn't what King Dragon was getting at. So lets look further into the past.....

T.D.E include a combination of of both previous wars with ~RAID~ and NOB!!, in honesty neglecting both would not make sense...So:

~RAID~ and T.D.E stats as at today:

T.D.E - 1,571
~RAID~ – 778

and T.D.E stats as at today:

T.D.E - 1,731
NOB!! – 994

So combine both ~RAID~ and NOB!! as a single entity, neglecting the fact they were not. Allies that both under went massive changes over the time-line of their wars with T.D.E.

So combining the stats for both can be easily justified.

Therefore the math so far is an impressive overall gain in favour of T.D.E of 1,278.

So clearly King Dragon was bringing into account a massive amount of external factors....So let us apply logic to the surroundings of these claims....

For this type of math we need constraints - I'll leave out the whole x and y thing so we can keep this simple - Simple war declarations will suffice:

  • ~RAID~ declared on T.D.E on November 16th 2010.
  • NOB!! declared on T.D.E on January 12th 2011
From this we decree T.D.E consider all ex-NOB!! or ex-~RAID~ need to be included in stats and so vice versa.

So following are stats in favour or against all members between now and the time they were removed/left their parent tribe after time of declaration;

Players ~RAID~
that have or were thought to have contributed to stats:

Ronuval - Dismissed on 18th April 2011 – 0

AK Thunder - Dismissed on 118th April 2011 – 0
Sabriel - Dismissed on 101st March 2011 – 0
Woody Timber - Dismissed on 109th March 2011 - -46

Players NOB!! that have or were thought to have contributed to stats:

madilyn A. - Dismissed on 6th April 2011- -1

Maxblade - Dismissed on 6th April 2011 - -62
TheSettler - Dismissed on 05th April 2011 - -59
Brodster24 - Dismissed on 17th March 2011 - -11
Zeervi - Dismissed on 11th March 2011 - -12
pookie1 - Dismissed on24th February 2011 - -5

Players T.D.E that have or were thought to have contributed to stats:

Legs wide open - Dismissed on 22nd April 2011 - -1

cipher94 - Dismissed on 21st April 2011 - -1
Spree Lark - Dismissed on 20th April 2011 - -47
eragon123644 - Dismissed on 18th April 2011 - -2

Comparing the above numbers leaves us with 1,423 captures in favour of T.D.E.

This admirable figure - wasn't enough.

This game is Tribal
wars but to allow us to follow King Dragon's logic - we need to add random external influences to see his view of the stats. Since these are war stats and King Dragon is viewing things in his post as all war activities are to be included we need to include the concurrent padding for NOB!! and ~RAID~.

So to continue:

History of NOB!! and T.D.E:

T.D.E once created a new tribe named Devils (and without disbanding subsequently changed back to T.D.E) and as a result appear in the stats twice. Once as above but again as:

NOB!! vs Original T.D.E – 52

Original T.D.E vs NOB!! – 12

Using this plus 40 we have an overall picture of 1,383 in favour of T.D.E.

At this stage it is evident the 7,200 stat was padding so severe it was comical. But I do recall upon my return #RAID# was employed by us and so to fight T.D.E.

Those stats stand at:

T.D.E vs #RAID# - 100

#RAID# vs T.D.E – 7

So T.D.E is up 1,476. A nice amount. Similar to Rx4U at victory over -V- a few months into w39.....

But surely, such padding is reflective only on the positive side of T.D.E.

Since #RAID# is included, lets include in this history those tribes of T.D.E, those family, those extensions, those coerced into battle...after all war is war:

Relevant NOB!! Stats:

NOB!! Vs T.D.E2 – 14

NOB!! Vs TAK – 31
NOB!! Vs B.F – 94
NOB!! Vs THEM – 22
NOB!! Vs *TA – 2
NOB!! Vs Divine – 220

T.D.E2 vs NOB!! – 0

TAK vs NOB!! – 2
B.F vs NOB!! – 4
THEM vs NOB!! – 1
*TA vs NOB!! – 4
Divine vs NOB!! - 7

Stats now standing at: 1,111

Relevant ~RAID~

~RAID~ vs B.F – 342

~RAID~ vs THEM – 14
~RAID~ vs *TA – 30
~RAID~ vs Divine – 159

B.F vs ~RAID~ – 58

THEM vs ~RAID~ – 1
*TA vs ~RAID~ – 5
Divine vs ~RAID~ – 27

Stats now standing at: 657

Considering #RAID# were a factor earlier on in the stats, it only reflects truly if included now:

#RAID# vs Divine – 23

Divine vs #RAID# – 0

Stats now standing at: 634

Since these are war stats and King Dragon is viewing things in his post as all war activities are to be included
(That's right I'm quoting myself) - Clearly, King Dragon thinks A-21 lack of recruitment of BrighteyesLondon at 983 villages and Arrakis at 424 villages should be added to the stats - that makes it 2,041 in the favour of T.D.E.

But wait - BrighteyesLondon and Arrakis fought for NOB!! and were included thus far. Then T.D.E had as much a chance to recruit as A-21 so they lost out on BrighteyesLondon at 983 villages and Arrakis at 424 villages so stats are now again at 634 in the favour of T.D.E.

The only reasonable conclusion is King Dragon considers his most recent recruits from what was once NOB!! as "war captures". By that same flawed logic the rest of ex-NOB!! and ex-~RAID~ are war losses? So that would make A-21 up by several thousand?

Alas, I'm afraid, war stats don't go on recruitment or barb munching. It is all about the hard, cold, respectable captures against the enemy.

T.D.E were doing so well, why smear such good work?

As it stands, in all responsible and undeniable logic, T.D.E are ahead the war stats by approx 1,000 - 1,250. Since the formation of A-21 we are up by 250 captures within 2 weeks......

Let us revisit this is a few months. By then we might be able to see who really is making headway....instead of lying to those members of yours working so hard daily...

Again, shall we proceed to the battlefield?
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Spectacular reading.
We all know whats true now, The evidence is before you.
Time Shall be our judge now, And will show which side of the cookie crumbles.
Now as Hybrid just said lets proceed to the battlefield.
I know I will be.
See you out there.


Good input. Just a shame, as usual, you totally missed the point. Nice to see you're still trying though :)

I believe you miss the point mate...the goal is to win this world...out of the 3 tribes TDE is the onlyone which has gained ground (a lot of it)...doesn't matter if your conquers are 500 vs 1 if you losea player to their tribe which has 1000're still losing by 1501 villas...military strength means nothing without diplomacy in this game.

even having players just leave the tribe and not join the opposition puts you down villas just not as much...
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I believe you miss the point mate...the goal is to win this world...out of the 3 tribes TDE is the onlyone which has gained ground (a lot of it)...doesn't matter if your conquers are 500 vs 1 if you losea player to their tribe which has 1000're still losing by 1501 villas...military strength means nothing without diplomacy in this game.

even having players just leave the tribe and not join the opposition puts you down villas just not as much...

I can see I'm going to have to break this down for you.

My comment never mentioned winning the the world.
My comment never mentioned winning individual battles.
My comment never mentioned winning/losing villages or winning/losing players.
My comment was simply stating the reptitive content of KD's posts. Nothing more.

So for you to turn around and go 'yeah but look at the map'.... can you see how this is illogical and off the point now? I do hope so, because if not I think it's best if you get back to that whole 'quitting TW' thing.

Edit: Hybrid 1 - 0 KD


I can see I'm going to have to break this down for you.

My comment never mentioned winning the the world.
My comment never mentioned winning individual battles.
My comment never mentioned winning/losing villages or winning/losing players.
My comment was simply stating the reptitive content of KD's posts. Nothing more.

So for you to turn around and go 'yeah but look at the map'.... can you see how this is illogical and off the point now? I do hope so, because if not I think it's best if you get back to that whole 'quitting TW' thing.

Edit: Hybrid 1 - 0 KD
Im not putting you down but simply enforcing KD's point that he's right and TDE is still far...and thats all that really matters.


The thing is, no matter what the stat's are so far from all the past wars etc. The current war is the one being faught, not the ones since November or January.

T.D.E could of won the last wars, but its a different ball game now, and as far as we all should be concerned, A-21 have nobled 505 villages compared to T.D.E's 257. This gives A-21 a lead of 248 in the last 15 days.

Thats enough stats everyone needs to see :icon_cool:
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