"Teh Discussion"


First of all, I'm going to address a few things here, including comments by both people in my tribe and out, as well as conspiracy theories. First of all, let's deal in facts:

1.) Lee had premium, it had not been 7 days since he logged in and his account went gray. The TW admin have not provided without question the reason his account went gray.
2.) Lee put a support ticket in, 3 days have gone by with no information coming from the TW admin.
3.) I was the person who was contacted by Cult, I was told hey, what the hell is going on, check out Leesupport. The person who contacted me is a legit and honest person from what I know and I have no reason to believe they knew anything about this, they were as shocked as I was and not only that showed geniune concern when they didn't have to (further, this person is a proven fighter, they don't need special help and wouldn't accept it).

Now, I'm not going to point fingers, because I like to deal in facts and until the mods give us those facts all we know is the account went gray from a mechansim that wasn't inactivity and didn't come from the owner hitting delete. That leaves two possible scenarios. The mods deleted the account from a ban of some type for a rules breach or someone else deleted the account. Logically, that's all that's left to happen aside from the highly unlikely event that it was a glitch.

Whatever happened, it's unfortunate. Frankly, the whole situation has left a sour taste in my mouth for this game. If somebody is responsible they're probably sitting back chuckling right now. It's not a game I'm interested in playing.
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Now that Bpell has had his say I shall have mine:
3.) I was the person who was contacted by Cult, I was told hey, what the hell is going on, check out Leesupport. The person who contacted me is a legit and honest person from what I know and I have no reason to believe they knew anything about this, they were as shocked as I was and not only that showed geniune concern when they didn't have to (further, this person is a proven fighter, they don't need special help and wouldn't accept it).

I was the person, from cult, who contacted bpell. In the past bpell and I had an excellent frenemy relationship. We talked about our lives outside of tribal wars and our personal feelings about the game in general. We were very committed to our tribe and friends we made in game and never betrayed them nor did we ask the other to do so. I saw that Lee had gone barb ( he was highlighted on my map so I could easily see his villages) because I had started attacking him less than 24 hours before and had been sending attacks almost every hour on the hour, I was completely gobsmacked! I don't mean to speak bad of Lee, I also had a very friendly relationship with him, but last time he came under heavy cult attack we spoke very earnestly, and I knew he had become tired of the game so I I was not surprised he had left the game but very surprised he would punch out and leave his tribe in the lurch (I personally felt Lee was also very dedicated to his friends in the tribe).
So when I contacted bpell less than an hour after after Lee had gone barb it was because I was shocked.

And a Cult player brought it to our attention that Lee was barb, which could be innocent and coincidental that they were looking at the map and noticed, or maybe they had advance knowledge that the account was deleted and were watching and waiting for it to go barb. This is somewhat speculation, but the mounting circumstantial evidence, points to Cult and no one else.

I don't know if I should be honored of pissed off by this. Honored that you think I have such mad hacking skills that I could pull this off or mad that you (I know bpell told you it was I who contacted him) would think that I would have to hack in to another persons account in order to pump myself and my points up. Guess what Khan-- Cult is a good enough tribe, and neither cult nor I need to pull low down tactics to make ourselves better.
F**k you for accusing me. Guess what no matter what you said here
I'm not naming any particular person.
You DID accuse me and I take that VERY personally.
Did it ever occur that Lee had some very serious RL issues and left the game but did not want to disappoint his teammates? It could of played out that way. I guess we will have to wait and see what the mods say.

I guess it is my own fault, I trusted people and took them at face value, even if they were my "enemy".


okay people...
@ cultists - calm down here we have proven without a doubt that we were innocent.
@ D*D - stop the claims going our way of foul play please.... remember Ssasf's account? we have more reason to complain about foul play and evidence to back it up more then you do in this particular case (the Ssasf account was taken and the account owner locked out by a hacker and the account was used inside D*D against cult)

@Bpell - remember our msn conversation? I raised to you then my concern over Leesupports inactivity, long before this occured (a couple weeks ago), so in fact this was raised to you back then as well as when he went barb...

@Caroline (The Kahn) - I would like you to formally appologize to PO on these forums as well as public (I did not know it was her that you were pointing a finger at before) those claims are prepostrous and out of line! We may be at war, but we have grown past the "mattaus" style politics of lies within the politics. There is not enough information to what really happened here, and far less evidence to point a finger at my people!!

I will defend my people until such time as I am proven without a doubt that they are guilty, and I have seen no such evidence here...so please, lets resume the game and continue eating villages... there is no need for this level of animosity or finger pointing... so I hope we can all sit back, relax and grow up a few notches in maturity... until we know the full truth we have to assume the account went barb on its own. If it was an admin error, then I trust they will repair those damages... If it was an error of not logging in soon enough to save an account, then I am truly sorry that an account had to die in such a manner... but it happens all the time to both sides of the war.

One thing I will say is this... to attempt to wedge a sword of lies between OTB and Cult is crafty, and sneaky...but lands with a complete FAIL! the world is past the level of lies and deception that plagued its early existance....most of us know each other, and we know each other well enough by now to know that none of us would do this.



I am working on finding out what for sure happened, all i know for sure is it was deleted and did not go barb. I was quite active, but not as much as i would like to be before things happened that i had wrote in my threat were i explained what happened. I just want to know what happened to my account and find the truth to what caused 4 years of work to be gone in less than a week. I had tried to log into my account when the thing happened to set a sitter and i could not, i came back 4 days later and my account was gone. No i was not inactive, i was not afraid or under pressure. Yes i had talked in time past of quitting but i would never delete my account, witch was about 80% or more all on the front lines, and leave my own tribe in a huge mess. As shown in the time past i know how to put up a fight and i have good tribe members to back me up. While after all i went through playing a game was last on my mind, but i would have rather had the choice weather i wanted to leave and what happened to my account, and i was looking forward to finishing the fight us on K62 had started all those many years ago. Whatever the out come who knows what will end up happening, but i have tried to be nothing but the best to everyone, so if you could refrain from dragging my name through the mud i would appreciate it. Ill be around till i get the final word from the admins, than this whole thing can be put to rest and everyone can go about there merry ways.



Lee, please understand, I am not saying anything negative about you, simply trying to make a point that Cult should not be viewed as the guilty people on this particular case... I am truly sorry that this occured to you, and I hope that certain members of D*D, who pointed the fingers of blame squarely on Cult are also truly sorry for their actions... But Cult is not to blame for this, that is my point.



I hit delete, quite some time back.. in one of my less than finer moments. It was before I held the position of solo leader. Having done this and knowing another person who has hit delete in the past year (not to mention, they went through with it) ...

You have 5 days to change your mind.

That means (assuming that it was not Lee himself who hit delete) that someone logged into the account, hit delete and Lee did not attempt to log into it for 120 hours (or more) following that moment. So Lee.. either your time frame is off in what you say happened or it's not what happened. Note that I'm definitely not calling you a liar here. As bpell stated, there is still the possibility that TW staff deleted the account. They're capable of doing that immediately, rather than having time pass. Though, it's highly unlikely, as it would be extremely unethical.


I do belive i stated i attempted to log in a few days before leaving and could not. But i knew i had 14 days before going barb with PA, i was gone not even 7 total. I was gone the weekend, the last time i logged onto my own account was saturday or sunday, i can't recall for sure, i went to monday and some reason i could not. I was leaving and attempting to set a sitter. I was too out of it to bother much so i just left knowing i would be back soon, before it went barb. I came back that friday, 4 days later, and it had gone barb that day.


I was gone the weekend, the last time i logged onto my own account was saturday or sunday, i can't recall for sure, i went to monday and some reason i could not.
I think this is where I'm confused. You tried to log in and it said you had the wrong password?


Yeah, that is the weird thing. Because i know i types the right password. I tried a few times and nothing, but i was to upset to even think much of it so i just left it. But when i tried it when i got back it went right on and i only say W52 and no W3 there at all. After 4 years of work i would never up and delete my account, least not without saying goodbye and giving my tribe the option of sitting and eating it.


I can't imagine most people who still remain would just delete without saying anything and then come to the forum to say something. Clean break or no break at all... guilt decrees it.

So, you can't get into your W52 account either then? :icon_sad:


Honestly if i had did that i would have felt to ashamed to show my face around here, i would have let my tribe down in a huge way. That just is not me. Even if i was given an account, there is nothing like having your old one. I had talked of quiting in the past but i would not in that matter. Yeah my W50 is gone as well. Not my month that is for certan :/


Have the mods checked in on this issue? Is there a resolution?


I don't know if it'd work out, but if you were to be given account and the mods agreed, you could have the name changed to leesupport. I doubt they'd agree to it, but you could try..


Yes they have wrote me back and it is not all clear but i did get some answers. And i talked to some people that would know about it and so far it looks like ill never find out exctally what happened.

On a brighter note its my b-day!

So off to celebrate.


Happy b-day :icon_smile:

On the other hand, I'm sorry that all this happened :icon_sad:


@ D*D - stop the claims going our way of foul play please.... remember Ssasf's account? we have more reason to complain about foul play and evidence to back it up more then you do in this particular case (the Ssasf account was taken and the account owner locked out by a hacker and the account was used inside D*D against cult)


*eyeroll* Geez, you're still more bitter over that than the ones that happened more recently against us because of a Cult player. You need to really let it go.