Hahaha will have to complete the sudden return of old schools suddenly popping up >

. Hello there everyone.
Now as for the topic in question, all I have to say is what have you guys been smoking? I see a lot of names on those lists I don't even know anything about, how can this be!?
Behold my super-awesome-cannot-go-wrong list, and yes I'm going to put them in order from most influential to nearly nada just cause I want to be different:
1. King bowser, this guy was everywhere, undisputably number 1.
2. Wizzy, although we didn't see him that much on the forums, his rank 1 IG lasted what, forever?
3. HTM, cause I'm a biased Prime lover, but he has done a lot whilst I was here, and even more it seems after I left.
4. Airsofter, a mini-king bowser if I may say so myself, he was everywhere at the same time too, just not to the same extent. :icon_sad:
5. rickyson, can't believe you guys forgot him :icon_cry:. Took over the forums at times, without spamming.
6-10. Bong972/Flameproof/TheSkeptic/McLovinn/Myself, simply because we created the most important tribes in w20 and because I want myself in the list :icon_cool:. If TheSkeptic wasn't the creator of Who?, well, then my bad, I'm a goldfish as far as memory goes.
11. Runican, just couldn't bring myself not to add him :|
I'll also give king ziggy some recognition, no you don't make it into my super-awesome list, but I like you so I'll simply mention your forum spamming and creation of What? or however that tribe was called.
Now bow down to my decisio... opinion, and accept this as reality cause I'm just too sexy to be wrong. Remarks are allowed, just dont make me look too stupid when you point out a huge mistake on my part (I'm seeing it coming) :icon_eek: