tH Vs -?-

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The cute thing was verm mopped up the remaining (still unstacked) villages up the following night.

And nobled4today - that laughs we have over that kind of post are what keeps us coming back for more! <3
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Nah, I took the 2nd last one 4 nights later, and the last one the night after that. 4 days to send some defense there...


Crap lousy players? I would like to point out to you, Angacam that tH while having big mouths do not have crap lousy players as one of them has handed your ass to you very quickly and you only bent over & grabbed your ankles for him.

Now before you say "crap lousy" and other ignorant phrases, please think about those 20 villages you lost in less than 24 hrs.



All I can say is that verm would of accounted for most of them from me. I applaud him for the time he spent to take those villages (3500 fakes), I am annoyed but that sort of thing happens.

But 1 good, dare say really good player does not a great tribe make I have attacked and taken villages from a lot of tH (except when I really get going they are usually no longer in the tribe hmmm wonder why that is and then they rejoin later.) Verm is the only tH player I am worried about because of his recent attack but.... for the rest........I just ain't that impressed prove me wrong if you want.


All I can say is that verm would of accounted for most of them from me. I applaud him for the time he spent to take those villages (3500 fakes), I am annoyed but that sort of thing happens.

But 1 good, dare say really good player does not a great tribe make I have attacked and taken villages from a lot of tH (except when I really get going they are usually no longer in the tribe hmmm wonder why that is and then they rejoin later.) Verm is the only tH player I am worried about because of his recent attack but.... for the rest........I just ain't that impressed prove me wrong if you want.

theres ryalnos, now theres a good player :icon_twisted:


Hi Wolfborn,

so I looked at your profile to see just how many tH players you have nobled.. and well... eragonftw, chandl3r and muse I see are your tH targets. Eragon and chandl3r are still in our tribe, as they are actually founding members from our previous game, so they'll never leave. Muse left 2 days ago because he no longer wanted to play anymore to make room for Ninjas.

next time, cover your tracks before you try to lie.

once again, dont take my word for it, its availible for everyone to see

Also, verm is indeed a very good player. However, to disregard the rest of tH players is pretty foolish. Just off the top of my head, I can tell you m4tm4t raped about 20 villages off 4nik8 today. Ryalnos took about a dozen kurmis2 yesterday. Just a few weeks ago, dyssman faked Nelaime 3k every day. I took 6 villages in 6 hours off Toxic Moon just now.

Stoneslinga fell. Kruaal fell. Nelaime fell. Notice the trend? One by one, we just line you up and rail you. Now for your ops on us? First you tried to get Ryalnos. Complete fail. Then you tried to go for me. More fail. Then you went for verm. Still failed. Who's next? want me to point you to an inactive?

-?- is not gonna last. Difference when I say it vs. a turd like Angacam is that we've displayed results and will continue our domination.


I am sure eragonftw left for about a week at one stage and came back.

If tH takes us down well that will prove that your not full of hot air. The reason I lost so mant of my K53 village's is because I underestimated verm.

But if you look at the Maps you are now in the position we were with ninja's on two sides and you on another. now we pretty much have a long front against you but we have allies or tribes that are engaged in their own wars around us so given a few days the stats will even up I am sure. Where as you have numerous tribes that will fall on you if we can weaken you enough.

Also verm's attack was a double edged sword because he took a lot of villages on the other if he hadn't attacked I would of probably quit soon so..... I am back and ready to fight.

One thing I have to hand to tH is that whoever their diplomat is has some skills to get back from when it looked like Ez was going to wipe them out. I think if they had consolidated and waited until we were weaker you would have stood a better chance.


again... this is information that is availible for everyone to check...just look up eragon's profile and see if he ever left. Look at your noble list to see you took his villages when he was tagged as [tH]. You need to drop this point of our members leaving cuz this is obviously untrue.

So lets assume I buy your explanation for losing those villages. Cute you cannot handle incomings 5 days away, and clearly verm demonstrated his ability to dominate by completely violating your leader you guys hold in high esteem for some reason. Next, how about your predecessors who fell? Yea, it was a complete rape show, I'll say it for you.

I look at maps, I look at stats, and I still see complete and total win from our side. You can try to cover your fail in fancy words and colours, but the truth is readily availible for anyone who wants to go look.

As for bringing you back, thats cool. We have your public admission now, that you are an active player, so when you fall, there is no excuses.

Lastly, your last paragraph makes no sense. Please re-read and gather your thoughts once again.


I will stay in undecided until the end of me or the tribe will you say the same thing of tH?

-?- undecided controls the core and guess what that means you have less travel time to the rim :icon_biggrin:

I dunno if we will win or not but wether or not we lose -?- has left it's mark on World 15 being at the top for so long and wether you like us or hate us, you know about us.

tH who are they????? oh they are the ones attacking undecided.


They were good until they disbanded, what's your point, I know sooner or later someone will be good enough or have enough tribes against us and we will be defeated or we will win :icon_twisted:
I respect tH in the fact you have put up a good fight, but can u win I dunno but I doubt it.

BTW I am active but I also have a life so unfortunetly I can't spend hours sending 3500 or more fakes, if you think it is worth missing out on your life to play this game well, I feel sorry for you but I guess it is your choice.

I am sorry I might have been wrong about players quiting and rejoining it might have been ninja's but I am sure you know it is hard to tell you guy's apart, well you can't really anymore.


ahhh, the no life argument. Sending 3K fakes over 5 days amounts to something like 600 attacks a day. assume you can do 5 attacks a minute, that takes about 2 hours/a day. Spending 2 hours a day on tribal wars is not a lot.


thats ironic coming from a tribe hopper. Plus, didnt *?* drop four ranks as you stripped all the players you could? I fail to see how that makes you any better than tH

oooo a tribe hopper correct lol thats the best one i heard all day, you call the likes of skorm a tribe hopper, list of main tribes i been in


you call that tribe hopping i call that moving on from one weak tribe till you find a strong one like undecidedl, problem with most people on tribal wars there in it for them selves then go crying when someone holds an op on them :)


might as well start looking for your home after Undecided then, sparky.


Maybe i shoulden't tell you this Wolfborn, but Axe72 was red already, which means he was a week away. Ofc Nelaime found one of his empty vills and found out he's not there at all

They were good until they disbanded, what's your point, I know sooner or later someone will be good enough or have enough tribes against us and we will be defeated or we will win :icon_twisted:
oh come on. I got a chance to see one of their allies forums, and guess what, 24/7 was claiming allies players. They demanded not to help him. I don't find players doing that good at all.


Let see I work 10 hours a day 6 days a week at the moment and I like to rest and relax with friends on my day off.

If you can take me out it doesn't matter why. But I do relaize this is a game and I play it in my spare time and if I don't have any I don't play it.

If there was a tribe of insomniac Internet junkies I am sure they would win but. I will fight you in the time I have, I just can't understand spending so much time but I admit it is effective and being able to do it might ensure your survival.


lol Woflborn, this no life argument is getting old, who are you to say what kinda hours other people work?

verm for one works 6-8 hrs a day and he's also a student, and he still raped you and angacam and i dont see anyone being able to stop him.

it's called using a different strategy, just because someone kicked your ass it doesnt mean they have less of a life than you, it just sounds lame when you blame your failure on someone not having a life.
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