Ok I'm tired of seeing this back and forth, I thought there were adults behind these screens, not 12 year olds. So let me explain what people seem to have misunderstood.
1) All you (talking a lot to the people on the CGI shared forum) who think we are 'crying' about this because we think a world win has been taken from us, are clearly misunderstanding. We don't care about a win or loss. Yeah, a win would be nice. But we're not angry because the win will now be so much more difficult to achieve. And to an extent, we aren't too angry that FFF decided to join CGI. Thats not whats pissed us off. You've all missed the point. The thing that pissed us off is the extent to which FFF leadership went to lie to us. Had they said here are our grievances, we are no longer on Colour's side, that would be different. Yes, we'd be mad at the backstab, but nothing like now. For months, Kelly and Nick (Kelly aka Shorty, Nick aka Sniped69) have been making it seem like they were on our side. Only a few days before they hit us, when Ceiling Destroyer sent home some support that was no longer needed, they offered to send it back to the new front. He did not ask, they offered. There was no reason for that, so why did they do it? You see, the deception is what pisses us off. There is no honour in playing nice for months on end, knowing that you are going to backstab us. That was unnecessary, especially given the dominance differences, and the fact that FFF were in our backline already. The deception was either out of malice, or cowardice. Or, more likely, both. Do you all now see why we are pissed off? I believed that kelly and nick were my friends, and treated them as friends. I even told them a while back, that if the grievances about ckong/ping made their members turn on us, I'd probably just delete because I didn't want to fight a bitter fight with my friends. Kelly told me she'd never betray us, acted like its above her to do that, when she clearly had already resolved to do so in the first place. FFF even created a shared forum for war support for the CGI war. It was not needed. They could have simply said no, we and our members are not happy with all thats transpired between us, we will not fight on your side.
2) This talk about me being 'sent' to deal with FFF. Thats untrue. Rob and I were just talking and spoke about FFF issues, so I said screw it, I was in FFF, and I'm friends with Kelly and Nick. If these guys can't have a civil conversation between them, then fine, I'm not going to standby and watch as colour and FFF fight. Again, I did not want to fight my friends. So, I approached either kelly or nick, I cannot remember which one, and I frankly cba to try and find the messages. I reported to Eddie and Rob yes, but I was certainly not a puppet. I was a puppet of peace, thats all. I wanted whatever arrangement we made to be fair for both sides, and to that, I had to drop a colour agenda, it was a peace agenda.
3) FFF not being allowed to join BT war?!? Please, provide screenies of where that was said, because that is BS, seeing as I personally told one of you (I think it was Nick) that if your nukes arent being used, you could prenuke for us. If anyone prevented you from hitting BT, it was CGI and your border agreement with them, not us. I hate lies, so please, stop the crap. Show me where we said you cannot hit BT with us. You had a border agreement with CGI to not go into k55. Guess where BT was closest to you? k55. As for the argument that we needed you to keep peace to force border agreements on BT, thats total BS. War is a far more effective border agreement if you're on the winning side. We always knew we'd beat BT, so we had no need for a border agreement using FFF as a proxy. Had you been at war, if they went into your territory, you guys would have dealt with it no problems. So your argument is invalid as far as I'm concerned.
4) Don't play the part of good allies, Nick, you tried to recruit me several times. You don't do that. Not to mention Kelly's short AF temper, with everyone. I even brought it up with her recently, that she constantly rages at me for nothing. That makes diplomacy rather difficult. Yes, Eddie also has a short temper. Hence why once you guys started fighting, we kept him out of the diplomatic arrangements. I began to deal with the relations because I got on well with you guys, so I offered to try handle it. And I never once tried to manipulate either of you.
5) Your BR War. We at colour were not going to declare, as they were too small to be worth the declaration. We had skirmishes with their members for as long as we've been in those areas. Hell, ckong/ping/myself (and likely Xanthae) had been hitting BR players since we were in FFF. CKong and ping did not have a BT front, so we set them on BR. Yes, it was when you declared. Because we were allies, and we thought that allies work together. The fact that we didnt declare for 2 of our members to hit with you is irrelevant. Yes, ckong/ping trampled a bunch of churches, that much we agreed on, hence why we made a nobling agreement between us, that coincidentally, you did not stick to. Shock, horror! You guys held claims all over the area. I just didn't care seeing as we weren't going for them. Even the ones in my CZ were held for weeks if not months!
6) Nobling barbs. Yes, Xanthae nobled some barbs. Firstly, that 'church' you keep talking about. Don't act like I said all of them were for churches. You had approached me only after some were nobled. When I spoke to him, he wanted another for a church to redo churches. Not all of them. He was on mobile and said he'd let me know which would be the church, please just leave them till he's on a pc. So thats what I did. I never said they were all for churches, I'm not an idiot. Also, its worth noting that bearcub repeatedly nobled barbs, many in my cz. Every time I spoke to nick about it, he said he's told him to stop, if he does it again, he'll kick bearcub. It kept happening, and bearcub is still there. So don't play righteous.
So, now hopefully some of you see why we are so angry. Its all the lies and deception, I can't deal with it. I had planned to stay quiet on the forums, but some 12 year old must have got hold of Nick's forum account to type "booooooooo hooooooooo", and that just pushed me over the limit.