
my gosh, not another thread about us...
my gosh, UseMe you are back? :icon_redface:...
many of the big tribes will recruit lots. However, I wasn't aware of the full scale of the merging.
ask every tribe that successfully eneded a worldyou will see all of them have done merges many times.
We should see one of these of what MIND used to be, or TRIM as it is now :?
It'll all be either Merge from Pimps or merge from AGG, there werent any original members, it was all just merge :?
uhm, you like to suck ballZz?
know when to let people go and use their vills for the greater good, a quality most tribes do not have.
not sure what you mean here, but typically players are "let go" from the axte family when they cease to be active for about 2 months.
i am pretty sure every tribe knows at that point the time has come to part ways.
I doubt they will notice a difference :icon_wink: