The axemen.



my gosh, not another thread about us...


many of the big tribes will recruit lots. However, I wasn't aware of the full scale of the merging :).

why not merge :) when it can make you winner ? i dont get why people are against merges.

ask every tribe that successfully eneded a world :) you will see all of them have done merges many times.


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ask every tribe that successfully eneded a world :) you will see all of them have done merges many times.

Not quite.

Unless you count them beating a tribe and recruiting the spoils later a merge.

Nothing wrong with merges. People just get all up-tight because they are too stupid to take into account the tactical advantages that is possess sometimes.


We should see one of these of what MIND used to be, or TRIM as it is now :?

It'll all be either Merge from Pimps or merge from AGG, there werent any original members, it was all just merge :?


We should see one of these of what MIND used to be, or TRIM as it is now :?

It'll all be either Merge from Pimps or merge from AGG, there werent any original members, it was all just merge :?

Erm, okay.

Mind and Trim not the same tribe.

I count 9 original members, so, your wrong :?


I think I'll just stick with :?
Oh, why not merge? Not the NW51 idea, merging with every possible tribe, but taking the best : p


Is this not a bit hypocritical? As far as I know, you were a refugee as most of these people are.

Deleted User - 4669627

know when to let people go and use their vills for the greater good, a quality most tribes do not have.

not sure what you mean here, but typically players are "let go" from the axte family when they cease to be active for about 2 months.
i am pretty sure every tribe knows at that point the time has come to part ways.


The first time Apathy clashed with Axte I encouraged the players to move to Axte rather then Hate. Although J-I-M had already left to them at that time I do think I encouraged Perfect Storm (Altough he would have without) And a lot more who by now have crumbled (UK Revenge? UT BEE? Lionman? Others? I can't remember...)

but it was defo not a merge. Their later stuff were though
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all other ppl are jealous cuz of whats happening to axte. come on guys. every world we want to end it. :)


not sure what you mean here, but typically players are "let go" from the axte family when they cease to be active for about 2 months.
i am pretty sure every tribe knows at that point the time has come to part ways.

Yes i was reffering to kicking inactives and to a point those that don't contribute, every alliance has that group of players that no longer log in to have fun... just because they feel they have to and its these same players that often do nothing productive to help the alliance



Ironic that half our opponents have barbed or quit. Way to stick it out guys.


Not even worth fighting the greys, the inactive reds like you will do. :icon_wink: