they may be making interesting points but this topic is supposed to be about
ME! :icon_cry:
[8/3/2009 9:48:25 PM] jamie_red: well your council needs a wake up call
[8/3/2009 9:48:28 PM] jamie_red: before it's to late
[8/3/2009 9:48:29 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i will discuss with the others in our council
[8/3/2009 9:48:35 PM] jamie_red: thinking i was lying or what not
[8/3/2009 9:48:42 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i think, they might have received it today, we will see
[8/3/2009 9:48:43 PM] jamie_red: i couldn't belive my eyes this morning lol
[8/3/2009 9:48:59 PM] jamie_red: we are already in talks
[8/3/2009 9:49:07 PM] jamie_red: your either with us or against us
[8/3/2009 9:49:23 PM] jamie_red: a option to grow and open your wings lol
[8/4/2009 9:12:05 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: it is looking like we are thinking 2-3 weeks would be ideal for us
[8/4/2009 9:12:18 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: i will have final confirmation within 12 hours
[8/4/2009 9:13:32 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: the only issue with the diplomacy list was the main TRI which we understood to be listed as an NAP
[8/4/2009 9:14:23 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: however, right now, it should read that the entire family is NAP
[8/4/2009 9:15:04 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: please have your spy confirm for you that we are not "running to you" as you put it
[8/4/2009 9:15:06 AM] al haji rasul al masiha:

[8/4/2009 8:09:19 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i told you i would have a response, but the council is still debating, however, the votes are there, it is only a matter of the people coming online to cast them
[8/4/2009 8:10:00 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i will tell you that we would like to plan something for 2-3 weeks from now, as you said
[8/4/2009 8:10:02 PM] jamie_red: no problem
[8/4/2009 8:10:18 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: but the votes have not been counted yet
[8/4/2009 8:10:21 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: ty
[8/4/2009 8:12:10 PM] jamie_red: I would like to know within 2/3 days at latest what your doing
[8/4/2009 8:12:41 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i should be able to let you know within 24 hours, without fail, but appreciate the extra time
[8/4/2009 8:12:58 PM] jamie_red:

[8/4/2009 8:13:16 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i should even be able to have other leaders message you to confirm it is not just me saying we are with you
[8/4/2009 8:14:05 PM] jamie_red:
[8/11/2009 4:55:57 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i will have to talk to you later, things will likely have changed dramatically within the next several hours
[8/11/2009 4:56:31 PM] jamie_red: no problem
[8/11/2009 9:48:53 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: still playing out, i regret to inform you that likely we will suffer internal conflict for days
[8/11/2009 9:48:57 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: lol
[8/11/2009 9:49:06 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: nothing a diplomat should admit to
[8/11/2009 9:49:28 PM] jamie_red: lol
[8/11/2009 9:49:35 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: but i am a very open individual and it has not suffered me
[8/11/2009 9:49:48 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i would like to continue working with you
[8/11/2009 9:49:54 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: but i might switch to pawns
[8/11/2009 9:49:56 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: lol
[8/11/2009 9:50:09 PM] jamie_red: i heard that also
[8/11/2009 9:50:21 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i would later like to discuss merger possibilities with some of pawns and davder
[8/11/2009 9:50:28 PM] al haji rasul al masiha:
[8/13/2009 5:09:45 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: okay, looks like we will not proceed with any more changes in TRI until byk returns and has a chance to catch up
[8/13/2009 5:10:24 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: as far as i know, TRI is still planning for the 23rd, PAWNS is giving an excuse now to break the NAP by attacking 3 TRI members
[8/13/2009 5:11:07 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: i will do whatever i do likely between the 17th and 23rd, but byk will return on the 15th
[8/13/2009 5:11:19 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: sorry, between 17th and 22nd
[8/13/2009 5:11:35 PM] al haji rasul al masiha: so on 23rd, we should be on same page
[8/13/2009 6:26:40 PM] jamie_red: no problem mate
[8/14/2009 3:06:16 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: i expect to merge about 12 people into pawns between the 17th and 22nd
[8/14/2009 3:06:52 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: these 12 will be using their nukes before merging so they cannot be expected to take targets
[8/14/2009 3:07:52 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: we will not be able to attack on the 23rd, but when we do attack, i expect i can get 6 other pawns to turn and attack with us
[8/14/2009 3:08:39 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: dvavder is largest, they will need to declare first
[8/14/2009 3:08:59 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: TRI will follow once they have reports confirming attacks have begun
[8/14/2009 3:09:15 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: then INH will attack
[8/14/2009 3:09:55 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: then when the merged 12 have their nukes back they will launch the blow that breaks the back of the tribe
[8/14/2009 3:10:13 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: then the 6 will trun and launch their own attacks
[8/14/2009 3:10:39 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: 4 of those 6 will join dvader then
[8/14/2009 3:12:00 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: the other 14 will join when we come together
[8/14/2009 3:12:23 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: if everything goes according to plan
[8/14/2009 3:12:39 AM] al haji rasul al masiha: lot of variables still
[8/14/2009 8:10:42 PM] jamie_red: we already started nobling them
the time is not yet right to share the conversations that followed, but i believe its more than obvious when these communications are weighed against the reality of what is now history, it becomes clear that jr. and i have been family a long time
this is just a family squabble and should have been kept private, but jr.'s gone and dragged our relationship into the public forums
how could the #1 tribe, the #2 tribe, the #5 tribe, the #6 tribe all share a huge border and we are not exchanging blows, unless the west side of the world is just one huge love fest?