Thanks Pit, and Kevin too, I think credit where credit is due, Life showed amazing resilience and I also think that losing the leadership account stepped up the activity to higher levels, Life became far more aggressive. That said I still think it would of been a far tougher fight if the famous 3 had not joined Life and one or two top TBP players such as HiQue had joined up with JG!! Now that would make a really nice twist to the world, the re-emergence of JG
I must say though that the sheer intensity of the war on the west front was astounding, players such as Xconnect and Thinkfirst took a pounding and I also say hats off the Xconnect for hanging in there, it is very difficult to play against such intensity when a tribe is so inactive, I think Life stepped it up just at the right time and broke the wills of a number of very good players.
I am currently trying out world 60, its been about 5 weeks I guess and it is amazing how different the game is, there is no grouping and clustering of villages, tribes kick you for nobling greys and the early game is all about farming resources. I have never seen so few live villages and so many grey ones in a 15x15 sector, it is so different to world 4 and how it started.
Players have hours between villages and nothing but grey farms around them.
There is very little comradeship, its all very clinical, noble a ville under 3k points and you are kicked, noble a grey and you are kicked, almost no alliances or PA's tribe rules are that you cannot claim a ville without a train and you must always have a train on standby. Very clinical, there is no way this world would last years like world 4, its such a different game.
Anyhow, merry christmas Pit, Kevin, Joe, HighQue, PJRyan and any of my other friends, best of luck in real life.
Kind Regards