The Essence of Troop Whoring


very true, but you cant soley build troops and forget about the rest. Logically its ineffiecient

Very true - it is indeed a sticky situation. Every player strives for more troops and therefore more power, but to gain such a thing, the player must concentrate on his/her buildings in order to be able to -quickly- replenish their losses.

A general with one army is as useful as a sack of potatoes in a marching band.


The fundamental aspect of "troop whoring", as you call it, is to steal resources from others to make up for a lack of resource production. Quite frankly, it's a win-win situation. Your opponents and potential enemies lose resources, and you gain them. I don't understand the point of this topic; you say "troop whoring is simply not enough to outdo your opponent." That is wrong on so many levels. Of course you need smart management of resources, upgrading the correct military structures, but those decisions are required for any village build.
"For the troop whore the ability of recruiting troops quickly will initially be impossible since all available resources were prioritized solely on troops and not production." The concept of farming seems to be out of your grasp. From the start, raiding will help you match other player's resource production AND you will have greater troop counts.
I only build up resource levels to max level 15. There's no point in making it higher, in fact you can stop earlier. On a relatively new world, it may be difficult to match the resources that players who are building resource mines normally, but with activity a constant raider will match a person who builds up resources, and in with time they will turn that player into a farm as well.
The constantly repeated cliché of Sparta vs Athens is a good example of this (yes, I have to bring it up because it demonstrates why his theory is so flawed). Sparta was an entirely militaristic society, and while Athens colonized the Mediterranean and Aegean seas for agriculture, Sparta conquered neighboring poli. These two poli were the strongest of the Greek city states, but when the Delian League was corrupted by Pericles and Sparta declared war on Athens, guess who won? That's right, the Spartans with their military prowess easily overcame the Athenian warriors.
The point being, a purely militaristic build does work in TW.