The Final Protest against cheaters - A sacrifice for the future of our game [Repost]


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Hello to all,

I am writing to you as the representative of all the honest and honorable players left in tribalwars world 125.
As shown with this world, this game has officially became a joke and nothing has been done about it. The mods have stood silent as our game has been destroyed.
It’s time for a sacrifice, time for a stand in order to secure a future of tribalwars. This means so much, that the four honorable tribes left (Family, Apathy, VVV, and Goochi) are willing to SACRIFICE a guaranteed win(over 50m point advantage) for this game.

In the past year, a bot has revolutionzed and transformed the way our game is played. It is by far the most overpowered and broken feature that has killed the fun in tribalwars.
Hoodie, the scumbag tribe known already for planting spies everywhere and ALSO botting their attack/defensive sends(some proofs will be posted of this here) have REVOLUTIONIZED cheating and scum play.
They have come up with a bot that uses their email attack notifications to automatically(without tagging themselves) notify the tribe discord WHEN any nobles are sent onto their villages. This has basically destroyed the whole gameplay of tribalwars:
1. A player is asleep but his tribe mates get a discord notification that he has nobles incoming, his tribemates can snipe for him or take his emergency sit and snipe on the account
2. A player wakes up to 10k incomings and 500 train incomings, this bot has told him exactly where the real trains are landing, and where the fakes one are.

This tilts the scale of fair play to such a level that playing against this is not enjoyable and not worth it. The mods have known about this bot/exploit for MONTHS but have failed to do anything about it. As such, it is up to the remaining fair and honorable players to make a statement to save our game.
We, the players of FAMILY, Gooci, Apathy are no longer participating in this world, and tribalwars as a whole until something changes, this is no longer a game, but a bot simulator. In Solidarity against unfair scumbag play.

Instructions of how to incorporate hoodie noble spotter bot(used by hoodie and now clowns, given to us by a hoodie player who did not want to win by cheating):
Retracted due to message from Jirki88 that botting instructions are disallowed. I apologize

Furthermore, the attack sending/def bot that hoodie use (confirmed by UGP) All trains from hoodie members that use it have been sent within 5 ms, just with normal ping lag, that is impossible for hundreds of trains.
Edit: Link retracted to not let more cheaters cheat like hoodie
Hundreds of trains with this timing:

It’s time for a sacrifice, time for a stand in order to secure a future of tribalwars. This means so much, that the four honorable tribes left (Family, Apathy, VVV, and Goochi) are willing to SACRIFICE a guaranteed win(over 50m point advantage) for this game.



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Furthermore, world 125 tribalwar discord bragging of hoodie of using this noble bot (for which my thread was removed on the basis of posting the instructions on how to use this illegal? Bot)



Non-stop Poster
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At one point you had almost double the village count of your oppisition (roughly 7k vs 12k) on a non pp world and it seems like you manage to lose it. This is one of the biggest L in the history of tw if not the biggest...

Eakshow McGee

Still Going Strong
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Guaranteed Victory ey?


Side 1:
Tribes: Hoodie, clowns
Side 2:
Tribes: VVV, Goocci, Apathy, FAMILY

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers:

Side 1:
Side 2: 16,015
Difference: 5,025


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1:
Side 2: 926
Difference: 410


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1:
Side 2: 112,450,122
Difference: 39,047,519


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1:
Side 2: 8,190,805
Difference: 3,466,781


And thats with a currently a 5k village advantage lol



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Posts about bragging that you’re up on villages while having a noble tagging bot in discord shows how delusional some players are. No wonder many players are never playing again after this is allowed.

Eakshow McGee

Still Going Strong
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Noble Discord Tagger is completly Legal, why would he ask you to take down instructions for something that is legal? XD

Dread Doctors

Active Member
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I mean if you wanted to become a Clown, why didn't you just ask us instead of being one here?
Just let them pack their keyboards




Nukes R Us:


Team play (1 out of 72+ players):

Family summary: 2 OPs per whole war.
Caps: -400.

Judgement: Ego is wrong key to achieve victory.
Punishment: MC Daddy and Father Rasputin banned for entertainment.
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