The Hunt Begins

  • Thread starter DeletedUser84494
  • Start date


That is where my vote is but it all depends on how the tribe feels. We do not want to risk people tiring out and leaving when they deserve a world win.


That's the beauty of it. If you do it and change your mind down the road, you just return to one tribe and auto activate the end stage due to dominance.

Would be easy to do, just make the 2nd half, move people over and share all forums. Don't split your skype, etc.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
It's a brilliant idea, and I feel it would be fun to completely disembowel Infect, something which they deserve from my point of view.


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
well done infect on nobling more from themselves than Ronin




As the founding duke of Ronin, I have obviously been following this world with great interest. I see that Davo and I could not have left the tribe in better hands. It's been a great tribe to watch as the underdog slowly carrying out the task they were put on this world for. :)

Ronin has always been a tribe that doesn't respond well to being threatened. It's been seen time and time again. Since the early days, the founding and the baptism by fire, Ronin has always been matched up against larger, "stronger" opponents. First with PWNED, or whatever they were called (it's been a long time since they disbanded, one cannot be at fault for not remembering them clearly), then again with TT, Ronin has always stood its ground in the face of great adversary. With the jump across the world into the north, Ronin has shown great adaptability. It seems like most here are already inclined to disregard Toll's nonsensical garbage for what it is, and I echo that sentiment.

You guys truly are a great tribe. You never had the advantages of Toll's so called superior end game tribes. From the beginning, Ronin has been full of newbs. Many of you were/are first time players who wanted to play and were driven to learn. Your journey was was always going to be the harder path than that treaded by the seasoned veterans. Through your determination you attracted the talent to your team, and they flocked to your banner, victory. It is coming. Respect.



Side 1:
Tribes: Infect
Side 2:
Tribes: Ronin

Timeframe: 01/01/2015 00:00:00 to 17/10/2015 16:38:15

Total conquers:

Side 1: 40,734
Side 2: 38,528
Difference: 2,206


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 10,939
Side 2: 18,513
Difference: 7,574


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 324,168,677
Side 2: 305,447,173
Difference: 18,721,504


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 94,875,208
Side 2: 165,655,768
Difference: 70,780,560



As the founding duke of Ronin, I have obviously been following this world with great interest. I see that Davo and I could not have left the tribe in better hands. It's been a great tribe to watch as the underdog slowly carrying out the task they were put on this world for. :)

Ronin has always been a tribe that doesn't respond well to being threatened. It's been seen time and time again. Since the early days, the founding and the baptism by fire, Ronin has always been matched up against larger, "stronger" opponents. First with PWNED, or whatever they were called (it's been a long time since they disbanded, one cannot be at fault for not remembering them clearly), then again with TT, Ronin has always stood its ground in the face of great adversary. With the jump across the world into the north, Ronin has shown great adaptability. It seems like most here are already inclined to disregard Toll's nonsensical garbage for what it is, and I echo that sentiment.

You guys truly are a great tribe. You never had the advantages of Toll's so called superior end game tribes. From the beginning, Ronin has been full of newbs. Many of you were/are first time players who wanted to play and were driven to learn. Your journey was was always going to be the harder path than that treaded by the seasoned veterans. Through your determination you attracted the talent to your team, and they flocked to your banner, victory. It is coming. Respect.


I love the lack of response. lol:lol::icon_wink::icon_razz::icon_surprised::lol:


Some things don't require a reply back. K knows he's lovely, and he knows Ronin. He set the tribe on its initial path, went up against the fringes of Infect that tried to remove Ronin early on and succeeded in keeping the rank one tribe from gaining ground against a tribe that was a fraction of its size.

He was there for the TT war. He was there when Infect slapped us in the face and placed a foot on our neck while smiling sweet smiles and making sweet promises. His post doesn't demand everyone rushing in to validate his words, and perhaps you will take note that no one came in and refuted what was said.

That your biggest snark was "Haha, no one replied to you" is awfully telling in how little ground you have to stand on. And the stats show the condition of the team for which you're wearing that skimpy little cheerleader outfit.

But in Merika gold stars are given out to failures as long as they try. So have yourself a sticker.


I really admire Congo's forum prowess compared to his in game ability if only he fought this hard in game hey?


A good and lasting tribe is based on a good foundation. Im certain, that, even thou i never met therandule, the earlier work could still be reflected on Ronin today as it stands where is stands today a thanks to the foundations it was lay on and the excellent choice of leadership that follow his departure.

And there you have it.. the reply you wanted Congo :p


today at 06:59
sat for 2 weeks while I was without a computer. come back to see that im down 2 mil and its a total train wreck.

never lost to a worst tribe than yours....but we were obviously worse than you guys

you won

have fun

Ever the good sport.


Can I get an update on the happenings here? I see a HUGE gap in Infect's area on the maps. Whats happening?

(Ive just been watching this world)


That huge gap would be due to Infect's pride and joy, their rank one superstar, hitting delete and walking away. Not quitting, not passing his sit, not even dumping his nukes: just hitting delete and walking away from the tribe he has been a part of for over two years.

If you are not familiar with one of their more majestic players, you can get a fairly good idea of his mad skills from the little tiff found here: starting at post #9 and abruptly ending at post #11.

Infect is dead. There are a few players who keep playing simply to maintain their rank, but that is all. They have already made offers of a merge to end the world; they have already discussed a mass delete, many of their accounts are already permasits that a small handful are desperately trying to keep active.

The hunt is still on. Ronin has never been satisfied with a simple victory: we have always wanted complete annihilation whenever we have been up against another tribe.

The world is over for Infect: we will not be taking any others into our tribe and those that remain will be systematically be hunted down. Nothing they offer will stop the blade.

According to their less talented mouthpieces, the worst tribe in the game has overtaken them and won the world.


Wow. I suppose the big question for RONIN is weather the players want to wait that long for full dominance I suppose.

It is a real cool story to show other players. RONIN was the underdog for quite some time as far as I know, but managed to win totally.


of course.... the only reason qiwenwong account is still active and alive is to prove mystic WRONG. MYSTIC...OH WHERE ARE YOU? IM reclaiming my original core, better do something b4 i noble you and your friends out. COME AND PLAY WITH ME!


oh yeah and b4 any infect member comes in and say im only alive through nobling barbs. Quick fact: I have taken 2156 villages from INFECT, the highest capper till date.