The Legacy of SNIPE!


Yeh, tbh i have alot more respect for snail now, hes taken it like a Man!

even with planned attacks on him, he doesn't really seem to be flaming.

It's pointless posting stats against a barb nobler who you've already planned attacks on :\


Antoher topic about spineless cowards switching sides.

Can we have something new please?


This whole thing is kinda sad if you look at it from my point of view.

What chance does a new player have of learning to play this game and enjoying it along the way.


Wish tullip came back to see this
He would not be happy
Just like me
Stuck no where now !!!!!!


This whole thing is kinda sad if you look at it from my point of view.

What chance does a new player have of learning to play this game and enjoying it along the way.

New Players wont have a chance.


Antoher topic about spineless cowards switching sides.

Can we have something new please?

You have used everyone of those words in nearly every post... ever... except antoher, you normally spell that right....



I really don't see the point in disbanding the tribe. If you thought that the tribe was no good and you were gunna quit and join -MM- , why do it this way?


This whole thing is kinda sad if you look at it from my point of view.

What chance does a new player have of learning to play this game and enjoying it along the way.

I really don't see the point in disbanding the tribe. If you thought that the tribe was no good and you were gunna quit and join -MM- , why do it this way?

this question was directed to you by the way.
I'm not trying to flame or troll or anything - just wouldn't mind knowing your reasoning behind how you handled this.


what a suprise the big tribe just cant resist pressing that recruit button maybe 1 day people will realise in this world to win a war you actually need to fight and maybe lose a few troops

not just recruit your way to victory

yet again another massive fail but its getting all to common now in this world


what a suprise the big tribe just cant resist pressing that recruit button maybe 1 day people will realise in this world to win a war you actually need to fight and maybe lose a few troops

not just recruit your way to victory

yet again another massive fail but its getting all to common now in this world

imagine if it was a no member limit world :lol:

it would be over by now, im certain lol


this question was directed to you by the way.
I'm not trying to flame or troll or anything - just wouldn't mind knowing your reasoning behind how you handled this.

Well, Babbic I do believe you at least deserve a more explicit explaination. I chose to disband the tribe for several reasons. 2 were personal, 1 was humanitarian. Now before people start freaking out about the humanitarian one, let me explain the personal ones.

SNIPE! was being led by an imbecile. We also had a long-standing NAP with OWO, who was at war with our ally, RIM. When tullip left, we lost a great leader. I am not even smug enough to suggest that I could have replaced him. But at the time I applied I was debating which course of action to take, to lead SNIPE! in it's defense, or join -MM-.
The final straw was Snail's optimistic mails. While theres nothing wrong with optimism, he had never done anything for the tribe so it was not his place to act all cheery and whatnot. (I cant really put that thought into words, its hard to explain)
Finally, the humanitarian reason is simple. Moar Beers (SNIPE!s war general) was red (As in inactive) and he had tullip's sit. With me not wanting to be in SNIPE!, SNIPE! would have been without anyone to run the ops. You guys are alot more likely to survive under RIM's banner, even with us working against you now.

And that is the truth about it, most of the stuff in the original PnP was rage-charged, this is not.
