Before the war several members were recruited and "stolen" from Basic. This includes the baron.
Promotion of donovanrules12345 commenced and the tribe was pretty much left in the dark.
donovanrules12345 insisted a "shake up" of the tribe was needed, and took charge. Members were stripped of all titles. Things were turned around and strict rules were presented. A new council had to be appointed as the old one was useless.
The same day a new council was appointed BFAM declared war
A few examples of mails that were sent out to try and "shake up" the tribe.
Some statistics:
Basic Returns (conquers)
BFAM (conquers)
Some fun things to read while your bored:
Sep 17
13:58 Randazzo left the tribe.
Sep 16
11:18 miclotte left the tribe.
Sep 15
20:38 jpgwapo left the tribe.
Sep 15
20:22 tbolling left the tribe.
Promotion of donovanrules12345 commenced and the tribe was pretty much left in the dark.
donovanrules12345 insisted a "shake up" of the tribe was needed, and took charge. Members were stripped of all titles. Things were turned around and strict rules were presented. A new council had to be appointed as the old one was useless.
Oct 05
05:51 Okeun (deleted) has been dismissed by donovanrules12345.
Oct 04
13:59 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of OuMOu.
Oct 03
17:39 frozenb0ne left the tribe.
Oct 03
07:22 donovanrules12345 has changed the internal announcement.
Oct 02
17:14 tianaEevil has been dismissed by donovanrules12345.
Sep 25
07:43 donovanrules12345 changed the description of the tribe.
Sep 24
11:48 liampat has been dismissed by donovanrules12345.
Sep 21
17:51 Dave H changed the privileges and title of jheid911.
Sep 21
10:13 donovanrules12345 changed the description of the tribe.
Sep 21
10:09 bmbzz has been dismissed by donovanrules12345.
[/SPOIL]Oct 06
05:08 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of Mythanos.
Oct 06
05:08 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of KingCaesar.
Oct 06
05:08 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of senior nr18.
Oct 06
05:07 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of soygordo.
Oct 06
05:06 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of draggin.
Oct 06
05:06 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of DrSeuss1.
Oct 06
05:05 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of JJtheKid.
Oct 06
05:05 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of bussantos.
Oct 06
05:04 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of Weedhomie2.
Oct 05
05:51 warbasherz has been dismissed by donovanrules12345.
[/SPOIL]Oct 06
14:29 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of thesusan.
Oct 06
05:29 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of notaserialkiller11.
Oct 06
05:11 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of OuMOu.
Oct 06
05:11 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of jheid911.
Oct 06
05:11 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of thesusan.
Oct 06
05:10 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of notaserialkiller11.
Oct 06
05:10 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of jheid911.
Oct 06
05:09 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of OuMOu.
Oct 06
05:09 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of notaserialkiller11.
Oct 06
05:09 donovanrules12345 changed the privileges and title of thesusan.
The same day a new council was appointed BFAM declared war
Oct 06
18:19 BFAM has declared war on the tribe.
Oct 07
00:09 The tribe has canceled their relationship with BFAM.
Oct 07
00:09 The tribe is now enemies with BFAM.
A few examples of mails that were sent out to try and "shake up" the tribe.
[/SPOIL]donovanrules12345 on 03.10. at 05:41
Hey guys, this is your baron messaging. From now on I'll send out a weekly mail with whatever information.
World 57 seems to be coming on nicely. Keep expanding and avoid trouble with bigger tribes.
It's clear to me that people don't know how to set up their villages properly.
1. Make your villages into either a defensive village or an attacking one, not both!
2. There should be 3 defensive villages for every attacking village.
Defensive villages
- Can vary alot depending on what item your paladin has.
- A good system is:
5000 spears
8000 swords
400 HC
100 catapults
- If you have bonfire you may want to increase to 400 catapults or something.
- Remember to pick troops that will arrive quickly, be built fast, and is cost effective.
- Swords are more powerful but slower than spears assuming you choose not to use bonfire (catapult paladin item)
- Catapults are slow, don't just build them alone.
Attacking village
- This is simple.
8000 axemen
2500 light cavalry
250 rams
- The more axemen the more powerful the nuke
- Never build more than 300 rams
[player]jheid911[/player] is being attacked. Some long term support for him will be appreciated until he can rebuild.
I want everyone to reply to this message
The entire tribe will be account sat by me. To speed up the process, please set me as your sitter after reading this message.
[/SPOIL]donovanrules12345 on 06.10. at 04:23
Hey guys.
I'm looking to promote someone. I need this person to be experienced.
You need to know about sniping and have done it before. You also need to know how to set up OP's and what they are. In other words, I need someone who is experienced in war.
If you believe that's you. And if you are willing to set up an OP with a target I choose, and police it and such. Then reply to this and tell me all about yourself. I want it in resume style =P
A new council will be elected. So send in your resume. I don't want to be harsh, but please don't waste my time by applying unless you know how to play the game properly. Hopefully the new council and myself will be able to educate you guys in how to dominate and do well in this game.
Cheers tribe
Ps: Been account sitting more people. Thank you to those of you with the balls to let me sit your account. I've been slightly happier with the latest few people I've sat. Rekindled my hopes a little.
[/SPOIL]donovanrules12345 on 03.10. at 14:40
Just a circular mail to the entire tribe.
I've sat about 6 people so far. Common thing with all of you is that you guys down make enough rams in attacking villages.
Let me make this very clear to ALL of you.
When it comes to an attacking village, rams are by far the most important troop. Not catapults. Not axemen. Not light cavalry. But rams.
Why? Because rams attack first, they are the first troop to hit the village/wall. There is a reason you always need around 250 rams. Because they are likely to bring the wall down to at least level 10.
This is how it goes:
1. Rams hit first, before the battle starts.
2. Other troops such as axes, light cavalry hit next
3. Catapults hit last, when the battle is already over.
So FFS stop making so many catapults, and make 250 rams! Yes cats are good, but they aren't gunna help you get the village with minimum losses.
Also note. Rams are to be made in attacking villages, not defending ones.
Some statistics:
Basic Returns (conquers)
BFAM (conquers)
Some fun things to read while your bored:
[/SPOIL]Bruesibis on 15.09. at 11:11
The time has come to rationalise things in K76 & environs. You are one of a handful of [ally]Basic[/ally] players who has shown, through their actvity and participation in our joint effort vs MAD, that they have the qualities we are looking for to be a member of [ally]BFAM[/ally].
Therefor I would like to invite you to join us.
Note this is a one-time offer; if you wish to accept, say so by reply and I will issue an invitation. The only prerequisite will be a quick sit check to appraise your current status, for our planning records.
Director, Internal Affairs
donovanrules12345 on 15.09. at 20:33
I'd definitely like to join. Look forward to working with you guys in the future!
Bruesibis on 16.09. at 00:08
k. passed to our recruiter [player]Bolrog[/player] for last stage.
donovanrules12345 on 16.09. at 01:55
All good
donovanrules12345 on 16.09. at 22:36
Hey, just wondering what's happening. Seems like I didn't make the cut, no word from [player]Bolrog[/player]. Any reason in particular?
Bruesibis on 17.09. at 01:08
there's a debate going on in Council and you're caught in the fallout at present. should be resolved soon.
donovanrules12345 on 17.09. at 10:27
Oh doodles...great :/
Same thing happened on W28 before I joined the rank 2 tribe. I ended up being their 3rd best player. Oh wells.
donovanrules12345 on 20.09. at 16:28
Any updates? I see your still accepting some noobs, so I figured why not take in someone experienced instead? xD
Check profile for a taste of my background
[/SPOIL]Greyhound Sniper on 22.09. at 03:07
hello basic friend let me give you some guides about farming barb villages. make sure don't empty my farm sites near me. 300+ barb vills you must only
must send light Calvary about 100 to farm and then if you want full fledged farming you should farm in the north west I didn't farm there
and oh 1000 barb vills you must send 300 or 400 lc near my farm sites and don't worry about the losses I'm always destroying the walls and barracks.
after you finish farming my farm sites don't farm again you must wait for about 3hrs, after that farm again
I hope We get along each other thx
donovanrules12345 on 22.09. at 06:41
Thank you friend
May I ask what your experience with tribalwars is?
Greyhound Sniper on 22.09. at 07:53
nothing just my friend tempted me to play this in the end I've become an addict playing this game
donovanrules12345 on 22.09. at 16:50
This game is very addictive!
Good luck to you
[/SPOIL]fizzybomb on 06.10. at 18:40
Dont noble barbs in our k or we will destroy you. Well its a little late but whatever.....
donovanrules12345 on 07.10. at 00:08
Don't tell me what to do. Your not in my tribe and your not my leader. I have no loyalty to you.
fizzybomb on 07.10. at 00:11
It is your nobling barbs that brought this onslaught upon yourself
donovanrules12345 on 07.10. at 00:15
One barb you monkey. Don't you look at twstats? Not to mention that it wasn't truly a barb, it was a player who went barb. The other barb noblers do not represent this tribe as I have a kicking policy as far as that goes.
fizzybomb on 07.10. at 01:58
Sure you do.......
donovanrules12345 on 07.10. at 10:17
Yeah, I do. I'm one strict-ass baron, and I'm hated because of it
fizzybomb on 07.10. at 17:45
You do not. That's why we declared. You nobled our farms
donovanrules12345 on 07.10. at 22:24
They were MY farms. I was farming them long before you guys were on the block.
fizzybomb on 08.10. at 11:01
Do you have a cluster. Quite obviously not and you are only ever allowed to noble barbs in your cluster mate.
[/SPOIL]changos on 06.10. at 22:26
Howdy Donovan -- Thought I would send some troops out on an early Halloween scavenger hunt
See Ya Soon!!
donovanrules12345 on 07.10. at 12:21
Lol I was at work the entire day.
Slept..woke up...found you guys had declared war. Was on the computer for literally less than 10 minutes. Posted in the forum to ask the tribe to do something. Worked for 10 hours. And I'm sorta disappointed that you still haven't taken a village. I mean troops got knocked around by your little basher. You should have had at least taken 2 villages by now. I'm disappointed in you! Rofl
Then I get back and no one in the tribe replied to my thread. Even after I kicked like 10 people, account sat 1/3 of the tribe, gave everyone tips on how to play. And I appointed a new council literally the day before you guys declared war - an experienced council. Guess you didn't give us enough time to get a rhythm going. Lmao
changos on 07.10. at 12:27
Well - sent out some troops ... got some sleep ... nobled one of your neighbor's village ... and my train on your main ended up at 15% --
I have three different train, but only two in th area. And. with you being an "experience" player, I assume you understand the loyalty factor and the importance of clearing a smaller player first - then noble his/her villages.
donovanrules12345 on 07.10. at 13:35
Haha yup yup.
So how exactly did you and the rest of the tribe grow so fast? I'm on every day. You know the dealio...24/7 farming and such.
I knew from day one BFAM would declare eventually. So it came as no surprise.
changos on 07.10. at 14:35
When I noble a village --- I noble a village larger than 300 and 700 hundred points.
donovanrules12345 on 07.10. at 16:29
When I noble a village. I don't noble barbs.
I scout every single person I can find above 3000 points. I then make a calculated desision on whether or not it is a good idea to attack them. Builder to my west was going to be my target. And yet I didn't have the attack troops. Several players to the south were going to be my target...and yet attack troops weren't enough. Even the 3 inactives within our tribe, which I scouted, had too strong of a defensive force, and morale didn't help either.
My goal: to expand. The only compromise - noble lower pointed player, while keep my own "no barb policy" intact. THAT is why I nobled those players. Bit obviously really.
changos on 07.10. at 17:08
LOL -- It is a bit obvious!!
Obvious you are a Noobie and do not understand the process of building an effective offensive village allowing you to expand quickly. If the only targets your are able to overcome and noble are 300 and 700 point villages, which I was using as a farm, well - that simply isn't my problem.
To Funny -- You even stated you couldn't defeat an inactive player -- WOW!!! Now that is funny!! Thanks for the good mail ... I will have to post that one in the forums.
Take Care!!
donovanrules12345 on 07.10. at 22:23
Meh, I don't care how you take that message.
Fact is, I don't have an army to defeat 5000 spears and swords against an inactive when I'm getting 70% morale. You killed my army, and you yourself know how long they take to build.
changos on 07.10. at 22:39
Yep - it takes 1 1/2 weeks to build a complete nuke.... but, with you being on 24/7 - I guess you didn't have the time to build one. O' Well, better luck next time.
changos on 09.10. at 07:13
So - What is up with the fowarded report?
donovanrules12345 on 09.10. at 10:19
Noob using spears and swords
Nice job from your tribe *cough*
changos on 09.10. at 10:20
O'Well - He isn't the one losing village
donovanrules12345 on 09.10. at 12:35
rofl hurts him more in the long run
changos today at 05:39
Hmmm -- How does it "hurt" him more in the long run? If I remember reading the report correctly, I saw only one troop killed in the attack.... I understand you are upset and all - but, at least have a decent argument.
BTW -- I sent some defensive troops in an attack toward one of your villages ... I guess I am a noobie as well
donovanrules12345 today at 07:02
Let me spell it out for you.
Only noobs attack with defensive troops. Easy enough?
When it comes to big wars, attacking with defence is the last thing you should be doing.
So in other words. If he continues to do it, ie: the future ("the long run"). It's only gonna end up hurting him more. Does that sound a bit more obvious? =P
changos today at 07:08
A bit more obvious -- LOL
To Funny!! I love it when a player is being nobled out he attempts to find anything possible to show how he/she is the more experienced player.
changos today at 07:19
What - No "A bit obvious" sly remark?
Come on Donovan, I can only imagine what you really want to say
donovanrules12345 today at 07:21 first response was "kiss my butt" rofl =P But I deemed it inappropriate xD
changos today at 07:24
WOW - "Kiss my butt" ... Come on Donovan!!
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