This is getting boring.

Zeddy le mange

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Hi W119.

I'm just PP farming so I won't care in a month but it still annoys me.

There are 4 tribes in the west:

In RL, we have a chap called Rajasit, who I know nothing about except rumours his is a prolific multi-accounter who doesn't get caught by doing something with his IP.

Then there's 3 tribes they intend to feed off that they actually have the audacity to call barbs.

It's mental. Please make a rule or something.

They are just EXACTLY THE SAME THING at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME in the three feeder tribes...

I mean look at the village IDs!

Yes I'll copy and paste this to a support ticket and sorry for flouting the rules about rule breaking, But this is completely taking the piss.


New Member
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You actually wonder if TW mods gets paid to do their job or they do it for free like those reddit subs mods xD


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A whole tribe around Mr Eggman and Rajasit got banned on 117 like 1-2 weeks ago and ended their journey there most likely :p

Deleted User - 848972363

You actually wonder if TW mods gets paid to do their job or they do it for free like those reddit subs mods xD

Back in the days on the dutch server, the mods got paid like 800 pp a month.


Non-stop Poster
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On w107 their chat was leaked and they were openly talking about multi accounting. As I know and have confirmed personally, there were 7 players juggling 22 accounts. We reported but nothing directly was done about this. But our subsequent reports of them using their feeder accounts to repeatedly eat and grow barbs then "gift" them to the real accounts ended up in a couple bans of the feeder accounts.

These Thai players (and Korean players for that matter) are known for botting and multi accounting, I guess both are so rampant on those servers. The only way to do anything about it is report obvious feeder activity and usually the mods are pretty good about dealing with that. The only issue is they tend to use their multi accounts to bash and coordinate OPs with, and that's more difficult to prove.


New Member
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100% this. whats the point of 20 maximum players when people just create a branch of 12 family tribes and then screw over the smaller ones by nobling or what ever, especially when you know a few are probably all multiple people playing the same account. this game in this state , its not good for the over all health.
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It has been 4-5 years since I’ve last played this game . This world does look boring also don’t see many familiar faces . Do they still do Nopay2win World.

Deleted User - 848937309

You're so funny hahahahahahaha We are family clan. There are 146 people in our whatsapp group and they are all active. Please acknowledge that these are no longer multi. Our hearts are starting to break </3

Deleted User - 848983838

They're the best farmers i've ever seen, less than 1k plunders but topping the charts

im sure they are following the rule of farming my friends *push accounts* isn't cheating its just my friend helping me like a bunch did on uk54 (where they were spotted by their massive resources hauled compared to villages plundered)

clearly you don't know that only scrubs have to plunder tens of thousands of villages to loot 2 million when you can plunder less than a few thousand and net 2 million (heck if you are chuck or I am king you don't even have to hit 1000)

im sure those magical push accounts in the barbie family are just being really helpful and letting the actual players farm them!

it's hilarious sad to cheat at a game like this, and hilariously sad to cheat so obvious at a game like this.

it's also embarass that TW can't stop this (and when they get caught half the time they barely even punish them which is why in continues to happen so fucking often)
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Deleted User - 848930585

You're so funny hahahahahahaha We are family clan. There are 146 people in our whatsapp group and they are all active. Please acknowledge that these are no longer multi. Our hearts are starting to break </3

On 117 you had around 20 accounts all join on the same day and built identical villages with just D to stack your front. Even if there were real people behind each of these accounts (which I seriously doubt) and not just one of you on VPN, it's still against the rules as it's account pushing (rule $4.4). These accounts were built to stack your front and to get internalled giving you free villages same as is now happening on w119

It's still cheating if there were real people behind each of your push accounts on w117 and it's probably more embarrassing if you genuinely had 40-50 people playing in VOD when you got rimmed by 6-7 accounts
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Deleted User - 848983838

hopefully those getting hit hard in ECC get their villages back like those who were nobled by the same style of push accounts were on uk54 given their villages back, pretty pathetic and blatantly obvious they are able to do this not just in 1 world (where at least they failed and embarrassed themselves), but now 2 worlds.

Space Cowboy

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