This is getting old

  • Thread starter Situation.Critical
  • Start date


Nah morale still shoddy, even so:

Side 1:
Players: djwright15
Side 2:
Tribes: R4W, R2W

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers:

Side 1: 13
Side 2: 19
Difference: 6


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 12
Side 2: 0
Difference: 12


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 67,085
Side 2: 42,967
Difference: 24,118


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 57,119
Side 2: 0
Difference: 57,119


Side 1:
Players: djwright15
Side 2:
Tribes: R4W, R2W

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers:

Side 1: 36
Side 2: 102
Difference: 66


Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 26
Side 2: 0
Difference: 26


Points value of total conquers:

Side 1: 245,334
Side 2: 312,577
Difference: 67,243


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 147,225
Side 2: 0
Difference: 147,225


That's since we started on friday.


Once upon a time in a galaxy not so far away.. All the players got sick of the not-so-high-and-mighty R4W and sent their nukes and nobles to wipe them out for good. Then the east got interesting again.

Thats my little fantasy anyway.:icon_rolleyes:

Anyway, i'd love it if someone got rid of them already. They're internalling, barb nobling and a game of poker - leadership stakes style, seems to be going on. No-one really pays much attention to each others support requests. It's each for his/her own out here. This tribe has your typical family tribe stamp all over it's forehead.

So come on! 4play, Vodka, Knock! I don't care which one of you do it, just do us all a favour and rim them already.

[spoil]oh look, I just found a pretty <500 point bonus village. I wonder how long it'll take for that to get nobled... :icon_neutral:[/spoil]


I still love how u hide who u are when ur complaining about a tribe ur a part of i agree with everyone just leave the tribe


Now that wouldn't do. If I did that, then all this would be wasted. :icon_wink:


I lol'd when i read this. This is a 4play topic marked important and posted by a duke.

Scrumpmonkey said:
today at 00:02

Hey everyone,
been seeing this coming for some time now... 4Play have made it official.
Ladies and Gents, hit em with everything you got and I wish you all the best. If we don't survive this, see you on W60

Give em hell

Now thats what I call moral support and leadership.

-1 Leadership

On another note, there is a breakaway tribe now. Virus. People who have wised up to R4W's poor leadership.
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I disagree with you with the supporting part, without the support i got and weren't posted on forums just mailed to me, i wouldn't of survived Snatske nukes and trains against me, plus I had a small war with Alpha-Male from Knock! he nobled my village and i nobled his with defensive troops. Sounds noob but hey I play for fun, got nothing to lose and I do my best and use every troop count to win me a fight and I have a life to live however I do my best and feed my enemies pain, at least I try to make it worthy fight.

You think your smart spying us..etc, well dude good job! I will give you an A+, you got a way too much free time, Plus, you can't be a pro without learning, and learning includes mistakes, we might lose here but we can win somewhere else after learning from our mistakes, so what bothers you if we are internalling or nobling our inactives..etc, we are learning and having fun.

As been said before, Useless thread. Ciao


I lol'd when i read this. This is a 4play topic marked important and posted by a duke.

Now thats what I call moral support and leadership.

-1 Leadership

On another note, there is a breakaway tribe now. Virus. People who have wised up to R4W's poor leadership.

if u hate the tribe so **** much just quite all ur doing is complaining so quite and i did not swear i put in the marks my self


I play for fun too, and honestly, R4W is clogging up the east and killing the entertainment. Simple enough to understand, plus the tribe is just silly. :lol:

But mostly because i was bored. I have Skyrim now so this is all rather redundant. Still entertaining though, but I guess that'd mean i'm trolling. :icon_wink:


I play for fun too, and honestly, R4W is clogging up the east and killing the entertainment. Simple enough to understand, plus the tribe is just silly. :lol:

But mostly because i was bored. I have Skyrim now so this is all rather redundant. Still entertaining though, but I guess that'd mean i'm trolling. :icon_wink:

Why you blame us for killing the entertainment? We have our own enemies, in the same time we are dealing with the bigger tribes expansion plans and defend ourselves, Why would we offer entertainment to W57 while tribes like 4play, Knock!, Vodka! and many others can do that? instead they have NAPs with each others, in my view, they are killing the entertainment, because they decided to take the smaller tribes and put the bigger ones on hold.

But would it help them? I don't think so, as for example, Vodka! is taking all the smaller fishes around in their continents to gain worth,lands,troops and much more, knock! is doing the same, but a look to the future, what would happen when all the small fishes finish? they will get into war, thats an option or co-operate to take another big tribe. But in my opinion I think its useless, cause right now your not stopping them from growing however your having a NAP so gaining new lands won't help you why, because knock! is doing the same, so its like they are canceling each other, the only thing that will make one of them win the war if they went into it, that who got the better OPs and better skilled players not lands or troops..etc but tactics. While they could end it now if they think they can and one remove the other instead of wasting their time taking small loots. That's only my opinion and I'd like to hear yours.

and you never know, the silly tribe might do something, and be hard and painful enemy to win against. If we would have to lose, we won't make it easy, idk about others but for me, I won't make it easy and I will enjoy it. At least I will gain my enemy's respect for doing my best, that's a win for me is enough. :)


and you never know, the silly tribe might do something, and be hard and painful enemy to win against. If we would have to lose, we won't make it easy, idk about others but for me, I won't make it easy and I will enjoy it. At least I will gain my enemy's respect for doing my best, that's a win for me is enough. :)

Amen to that!

Situation, if we are so "clogging up the east" as you put it, then there is a very simple solution. get your ass off to another tribe.


Why you blame us for killing the entertainment? We have our own enemies, in the same time we are dealing with the bigger tribes expansion plans and defend ourselves, Why would we offer entertainment to W57 while tribes like 4play, Knock!, Vodka! and many others can do that? instead they have NAPs with each others, in my view, they are killing the entertainment, because they decided to take the smaller tribes and put the bigger ones on hold.

But would it help them? I don't think so, as for example, Vodka! is taking all the smaller fishes around in their continents to gain worth,lands,troops and much more, knock! is doing the same, but a look to the future, what would happen when all the small fishes finish? they will get into war, thats an option or co-operate to take another big tribe. But in my opinion I think its useless, cause right now your not stopping them from growing however your having a NAP so gaining new lands won't help you why, because knock! is doing the same, so its like they are canceling each other, the only thing that will make one of them win the war if they went into it, that who got the better OPs and better skilled players not lands or troops..etc but tactics. While they could end it now if they think they can and one remove the other instead of wasting their time taking small loots. That's only my opinion and I'd like to hear yours.

and you never know, the silly tribe might do something, and be hard and painful enemy to win against. If we would have to lose, we won't make it easy, idk about others but for me, I won't make it easy and I will enjoy it. At least I will gain my enemy's respect for doing my best, that's a win for me is enough. :)

You miss the point, going up against rediculous odds is my entertainment. To answer Scrumps question at the same time, the only reason i'm sticking around in the coordinatedly challenged mess is because my position would make that less entertaining than being in the tribe in the first place. Whether Virus broke off because they were noobs afraid of a fight or just sick of the leadership is completely irrelevant to me. They didn't specify either when they left so they are no place for me.

I don't know how many worlds you've actually stuck around very late in but thats how this game goes. Sometimes there are a bunch of NAPs between the big tribes and sometimes there are not. In the end, regardless of previous standings, most of those tribes will attack others once they have control of a specific area. this happened on W42, there were probably 5 major powers along the very edges of the world. the remnaments of one of the biggest tribes in the core, and a new arrival, AXE! who went on to win the world in the end. I can tell you that world had more frontlines than you could poke a stick at, and i'd be surprised if any of those tribes had an alliance or nap with more than one other for very long.

You'll find that the reason for big tribes taking smaller tribes has been beaten to death, it's been asked so much. They take smaller tribes so they won't become a problem later. If this were early world and there were two people around you. One with several villages, and one with one large village. Which would you attack? The weakest of course, because it provides the least resistence while you grow. The same goes for most tribes, they take more of the smaller tribes down so they have a 1up on the other tribes that would otherwise be on par with them.

This "silly" tribe as i called it may well do something, but it will never survive a full blown war with a legitimate contender for the top 20 tribe ODA. You know why? Well there are several reasons, 1) most of those players will have co-players so they are on as close to 24/7 as they can manage. 2) These tribes are loaded with players who most would consider pro. 3) These tribes use OPs on the tribe they are attacking, even players that may be difficult to take down, and they often use premium to achieve this.

Regardless of the premium part, our tribe is not active enough and not experianced enough Don't get me wrong, a tribe like that could still win, but without detailed OPs and planning. Then the tribe is pretty much divided from the start. Sure support might be solid, but that doesn't help if there is no organisation behind the counterattack. Several attacks arriving at random times will always be easier to defend than an onslaught arriving at the same time, and constantly after that.


If you're waiting for the perfect "situation" then you best just quit now, no offense and all pun intended. Otherwise, why don't YOU try to help entertain your own tribe members that might be willing to do a mini-OP of sorts, doesn't take many players to do. Pick a player, post the targets and set a landing time.

Can't get anyone to join in with you? They're all too n00b or unteachable? They'll probably post incoming nobles and cry for help in your support forum. Entertain yourself then. Snipe the nobles for them, keep track of how many and come back here with a running tally. Be your tribes mercenary! I guarantee you'll not complain and have loads of fun for yourself while serving your tribe. Who knows? Maybe some of them will take notice, be willing to listen to what you have to offer and join in with you. You might find it more enjoyable if you play with this attitude. What have you got to lose?

If your argument is it's too late then your topic here is just sour grapes and you're just looking to place blame for your projected failure.


If you're waiting for the perfect "situation" then you best just quit now, no offense and all pun intended. Otherwise, why don't YOU try to help entertain your own tribe members that might be willing to do a mini-OP of sorts, doesn't take many players to do. Pick a player, post the targets and set a landing time.

Can't get anyone to join in with you? They're all too n00b or unteachable? They'll probably post incoming nobles and cry for help in your support forum. Entertain yourself then. Snipe the nobles for them, keep track of how many and come back here with a running tally. Be your tribes mercenary! I guarantee you'll not complain and have loads of fun for yourself while serving your tribe. Who knows? Maybe some of them will take notice, be willing to listen to what you have to offer and join in with you. You might find it more enjoyable if you play with this attitude. What have you got to lose?

If your argument is it's too late then your topic here is just sour grapes and you're just looking to place blame for your projected failure.


Well yeah, you might be right at some points, but not everyone is noob, I don't consider myself one however i don't say i am a pro player, I can snipe, make noble train and backtime..etc I have all the skills, but sometimes luck doesn't like you. And I don't know if your trolling or playing for real, but if you looked around theres no where to go, if you would join another tribe, this won't make you protected from Knock!, Vodka! and 4play attacks. But if your so into it, and know the problem, why don't you take over things and try to fix? provide advice or even make an individual effort and put OPs up and you will find many players are willing to help and join.


Well yeah, you might be right at some points, but not everyone is noob, I don't consider myself one however i don't say i am a pro player, I can snipe, make noble train and backtime..etc I have all the skills, but sometimes luck doesn't like you. And I don't know if your trolling or playing for real, but if you looked around theres no where to go, if you would join another tribe, this won't make you protected from Knock!, Vodka! and 4play attacks. But if your so into it, and know the problem, why don't you take over things and try to fix? provide advice or even make an individual effort and put OPs up and you will find many players are willing to help and join.

I said not experianced enough, I did not say you were all noobs. that would be a idiodic claim. Some are, some are Newbs and more still are that odd area between seasoned players and veterans. Coordination and communication is the crack in the ice that will break this tribe.

I don't expect shealter at all, i'm used to bringing a knife to a metaphorical gunfight. Thats my TW history in a nutshell. Honestly i'm no leader so I can't claim moral high ground in any way here, but you guys legitimately lack good leadership, hell. there is barely any to be found, and you know it as well as I do, a war with a top 20 tribe starts and the leaders are either MIA or have little of use to say. The writing is already on the wall my friend.


That's because you are one of the leaders who has got bored of the game and just decided to cause some trouble....


I said not experianced enough, I did not say you were all noobs. that would be a idiodic claim. Some are, some are Newbs and more still are that odd area between seasoned players and veterans. Coordination and communication is the crack in the ice that will break this tribe.

I don't expect shealter at all, i'm used to bringing a knife to a metaphorical gunfight. Thats my TW history in a nutshell. Honestly i'm no leader so I can't claim moral high ground in any way here, but you guys legitimately lack good leadership, hell. there is barely any to be found, and you know it as well as I do, a war with a top 20 tribe starts and the leaders are either MIA or have little of use to say. The writing is already on the wall my friend.

Maybe they are there, Anyway, the only one thats really fighting us is Dj.
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yes I did. You say the leadership has gone missing. You are right because you are one of them Mr Hellzone


Oh no, i've been found out. :icon_sad: What ever am I going to do?