~TNE~ Vs Other tribes (stats)


Don't think it's a meaning behind the smaller tribe?

Quite a lot dumb and stubborn people reply to him as well so it's the same people that talk to eachother then.


i dont understand one thing:
Why people care so much about Daikou blather.

He cleary proved to be stubborn and stupid,so why anyone must prove anything to him?
I think the easy answer is that sometimes it's just a bit fun to.


Quite a lot dumb and stubborn people reply to him as well so it's the same people that talk to eachother then.

I cant argue whit that,maybe you are right.

Is one saying:`the smart man allways quit first`

Or another:`you cant win an argue whit an stupid man`

P.S.:i am reffering to Daikou,just to be clear


i dont understand one thing:
Why people care so much about Daikou blather.

He cleary proved to be stubborn and stupid,so why anyone must prove anything to him?
i noticed this already few days ago and stopped to say something to him or to prove.. :)


Word game, it can be translated in many ways.

You got the same people who make the same points all the time. Daikou takes 50 villages and brag about it. Now the same people keep whining about it isn't his account. The question is: "Was it anything else, something new?".

Then the fight continue with same arguments.:p

i noticed this already few days ago and stopped to say something to him or to prove.. :)

But you just went out to brag right?


Word game, it can be translated in many ways.

You got the same people who make the same points all the time. Daikou takes 50 villages and brag about it. Now the same people keep whining about it isn't his account. The question is: "Was it anything else, something new?".

Then the fight continue with same arguments.:p

I'm guessing this was directed at me? I'd hardly call that whining. If you knew me at all, you'd know that I don't whine about things. I simply brought it up at a few key times when he was bragging about stats that weren't entirely his, or when honor was mentioned, considering he left the actual owner's tribe after spying on PKs for about a month. Very honorable :icon_rolleyes:


Not right :icon_wink:


He didn't spy for us, he just sent chats with Mattius and Hilsted. He have done a lot and cannot be considered as a bad players. In my eyes he's good and skilled, most of all he's active.

You said that the main part of the account wasn't his doing, he said he knows that. However he brags and show what he have done, you repeat the same old thing again like an evil circle. This will lead to that he'll repeat as well and it'll be an endless repated conversation just like all the times before.

"Nothing New" Might fit in.



He didn't spy for us, he just sent chats with Mattius and Hilsted. He have done a lot and cannot be considered as a bad players. In my eyes he's good and skilled, most of all he's active.

You said that the main part of the account wasn't his doing, he said he knows that. However he brags and show what he have done, you repeat the same old thing again like an evil circle. This will lead to that he'll repeat as well and it'll be an endless repated conversation just like all the times before.

"Nothing New" Might fit in.
LOL what are you talking about? :) Show me such words.. I don't know even about player, his or not his acc you talkind..

You wrote "But you just went out to brag right?" and i answered "not right". Thats all.. :)


Yes that why I asked if it were to flame instead of bragging.:p

You need to chose... -.-


:) it wasn't flame.. it wasn't bragging.. It was just posted statistic, to see what situation was one day or another.. :) Maybe it was to often, but and war was/is too quick and everything changes fast (1 week - 300 villas, disbanding/leaving big TNE players, disbanding tribe).

This topic name ~TNE~ Vs Other tribes (stats). So what we have to talk about? About stats or about this bs, which i write to you..? :)


:) it wasn't flame.. it wasn't bragging.. It was just posted statistic, to see what situation was one day or another.. :) Maybe it was to often, but and war was/is too quick and everything changes fast (1 week - 300 villas, disbanding/leaving big TNE players, disbanding tribe).

This topic name ~TNE~ Vs Other tribes (stats). So what we have to talk about? About stats or about this bs, which i write to you..? :)

you do seem to be writing alot of BS dont you just to mock you,:):):):):):)theres more than 1 smiley here :icon_neutral:


Hmm, we'll have to make something that benifith us both. Indeed, We'll excange villages and premium points for checking eachothers stats before posted. :icon_cool::icon_wink:


Then you're truly pathetic, you'd rather not attack immediately to prove a point and completely shut down their morale, rather wait till others are already attacking and fending off attacks...? Says a lot about yourself.

I would rather plan before taking action as this is a strategy game. Wars take planning and preparation before starting. Obviously you're the kind of guy that rushes in without a thought and gets all your team members killed. Oh, and you have no right to talk about my own personal skills as you have not met me in game yet.


I would rather plan before taking action as this is a strategy game. Wars take planning and preparation before starting. Obviously you're the kind of guy that rushes in without a thought and gets all your team members killed. Oh, and you have no right to talk about my own personal skills as you have not met me in game yet.

I think I just figured out what Daikou's real name is!!!

Leroy Jenkins

And before anyone asks, no I don't play WoW, never have, never will.


i dont understand one thing:
Why people care so much about Daikou blather.

He cleary proved to be stubborn and stupid,so why anyone must prove anything to him?

Stubborn when I have a point to prove, stupidity, I lack that clearly, as I post truth and all anybody else can do is try to cover their tracks like the pussies they're, plain and simple.


I think I just figured out what Daikou's real name is!!!

Leroy Jenkins

And before anyone asks, no I don't play WoW, never have, never will.

I just actually enjoyed watching that video, although I've found it some time ago, but whatever, it clearly shows that instead of waiting for everybody else to join in, he wishes to go forth and grab glory for himself, although he clearly fails, I haven't shown any signs of failure, so now you tell me...

I'm on the battlefront with my friends, and I lead the charge by example, would you follow or sit back and watch? I think you would follow, and each and every time I've done this, I've been followed into combat, it takes me a while to get back up to full, but I do what I can.

As for what Adowsy said, I talk to quite a few people in HOPLOS, I wish to avoid attacking the inactives, hence why I put so much pressure on those who are active and tell them to prepare for a long, bumpy ride in the future.
I've not asked any to join us, I have plenty a friends in HOPLOS, and every player deserves a shot at getting to know someone else. I choose to get to know those in HOPLOS.

Every player I've attacked thus far,
DENIZ = Active
Ingi = Active
Gerrisito = Was Active until owned!
Framjo = Most active thus far, still fighting on till the end!
Dkis1 = Active, even if being sat or whatever

So please, continue on babbling, I enjoy hearing your rants and raves.


Daikou calm down, if everyone jsut ignore eachother then this evil provocation circle will end, not to mention that I can slack more.:)

And you can help that Hoplos suck either, that's just life.


i dont understand one thing:
Why people care so much about Daikou blather.

He cleary proved to be stubborn and stupid,so why anyone must prove anything to him?

no one is proving anything to him, he can go to hell for all we care, we just want him to get the facts right before he goes :)