To the Dearly Departed!


THx had a number of good players, and while they weren't a challenge in the sense we were every really fearing we wouldn't win, they definitely dragged things out nice and long. But then again we also didn't focus purely on them, and did what we always do, a slow measured movement on them, while still working on other objectives.

Had THx been more active, they'd likely have done a lot more damage similar to what [H] was doing to us, though I think the result still would have been the same (guess we'll never know!)

Well we only did so much damage because you guys were already in a war, thus didn't have many troops on our border, and you decided it would be a good idea to 'turn the other cheek' in a war game. I still can't fathom why you did that :lol:


Well we only did so much damage because you guys were already in a war, thus didn't have many troops on our border, and you decided it would be a good idea to 'turn the other cheek' in a war game. I still can't fathom why you did that :lol:

Sometimes you need to sit back, and take your lumps, so you can understand how an opponent acts, fights, reacts. Helps you to understand how to beat them. Unfortunately y'all bolted before we could get the chance to really fight back!


Well we only did so much damage because you guys were already in a war, thus didn't have many troops on our border, and you decided it would be a good idea to 'turn the other cheek' in a war game. I still can't fathom why you did that :lol:

well, we had been talking with many of your members for a LONG time... and almost all of them were wanting to delete before the fighting broke out between us..... with where our defense troops were.... and with the boredom factor heavily against H... we decided to let boredom take its course and finish you guys off for us..... not the strategy i would have picked, but it did work marvelously.... we defended the borders against the enemies that would be there long term.... and you guys left for other worlds (or the lucky ones left tw altogether)

it just goes to show you how many different ways there are to play this game


Well we only wanted a bit of a challenge before we left the world, and we were disappointed that you guys couldn't give us one. BBS at least gave us a fight!. But yeah, we hit our peak around the LoL war, after that we started getting bored.


Well we only wanted a bit of a challenge before we left the world, and we were disappointed that you guys couldn't give us one. BBS at least gave us a fight!. But yeah, we hit our peak around the LoL war, after that we started getting bored.

If you're looking from a challenge from a top tribe. You'd probably be better off not mentioning that you're going to mass delete soon regardless.

Kinda says to the top tribe that you're just there to piss them off while they try and actually win a world.

If you ask me, it's a pretty disrespectful thing to do to a tribe you say you respected.

If you want a real final firefight, you do it on equal grounds. Not grounds that you dictate and determine for yourself.

No point in kicking something out thats already half way out the door. Thats just a waste of time and resources.

I'd say you have nothing to be disappointed in, since you couldn't respect Time enough to give them the fight YOU wanted. But from my experiences with you, you never were the most logical being.

Just my two cents ;)


I'm not flaming. I'm just pointing out an opinion.

But my post contains both logic and validity to the subject quoted. So I'd hardly say it can be counted as a "flame post"

And bobby, if we want to be technical...

this world was over when [H] left and no-one else took the opportunity we presented to attack Time.

THATS what started the flood of replies about the past. So technically, you guys did start it ;)
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i hadnt :D i was browsing collegehumour and then read this. it sprang straight to mind :p

I'm not flaming. I'm just pointing out an opinion.

But my post contains both logic and validity to the subject quoted. So I'd hardly say it can be counted as a "flame post"

And bobby, if we want to be technical...

THATS what started the flood of replies about the past. So technically, you guys did start it ;)

1) I didn't quote anyone. It wasnt aimed at anyone
2) If you really want to be that technical, the song is entitled 'We didnt start the flame war'. As the topic on hand was, as you pointed out, started by a former [H] mem; my former duke, i think that the song was justly applied.


i hadnt :D i was browsing collegehumour and then read this. it sprang straight to mind :p

1) I didn't quote anyone. It wasnt aimed at anyone
2) If you really want to be that technical, the song is entitled 'We didnt start the flame war'. As the topic on hand was, as you pointed out, started by a former [H] mem; my former duke, i think that the song was justly applied.

I'll be honest.. I didn't actually click the link


If you ask me, it's a pretty disrespectful thing to do to a tribe you say you respected.

If you want a real final firefight, you do it on equal grounds. Not grounds that you dictate and determine for yourself.

I wouldn't have said it was disrespectful at all. They wanted a pop at Time the top dogs do you really expect them to wait around for a tribe to be free of war that was pretty much constantly at war?

And as for the grounds comment most victors of wars have won due to the grounds they dictate. Fair enough [H] didn't want to win that war they was wanting to leave but as I said the appeal was more appealing to do it then rather than wait for Time too kill everyone else.
And as for trying to piss Time off? I'd say probably not as much as [H] also declared on BBS at the same time. Too really upset Time would have been to just declare on Time alone.


I wouldn't have said it was disrespectful at all. They wanted a pop at Time the top dogs do you really expect them to wait around for a tribe to be free of war that was pretty much constantly at war?

Allow me to elaborate. [H] and Time had a mutual respect. And leadership got along. [H] would probably have been the closest thing Time ever had to an ally, and vice versa for [H].

The disrespectful part was not declaring war. Because yes, you're absolutely right, this is a war game, and you can't just wait for a one on one battle with a top tribe, as they're always going to be warring with someone.

The disrespectful part was declaring war with your foot halfway out the door with every intention of quitting very shortly regardless of outcome, and expecting a real fight out of it. [H] wanted a shot at the top dogs, which to my understanding there was a mutual respect amongst leadership.

If you were wanting a good fight. Then don't declare with every intention of leaving regardless of outcome. Sure, do that to the tribes you've had little contact with, but to a tribe you had a mutual respect for, and both wanted to see a good war between each other and then get upset about how they never fought back? Thats what I find somewhat disrespectful.

All [H] did was slow down Time for a brief period. And didn't even bother defending against them because wasting troops on a fallen opponent is just poor planning.

And as for the grounds comment most victors of wars have won due to the grounds they dictate.

Agreed. However that wasn't the war [H] was looking for. And they didn't get the war they were looking for, because of the grounds they chose to dictate.

The difference is, most will dictate grounds of war with an attempt to win. Or at least go down firing with the hopes of potential survival to some extent.

[H] was literally just being destructive. The "war" held absolutely no point other than slowing down Time. And for what purpose? Nothing really, you guys were out of the door anyways.

Fair enough [H] didn't want to win that war they was wanting to leave but as I said the appeal was more appealing to do it then rather than wait for Time too kill everyone else.

Right. The purpose of that war for [H] was to attack everything around them as a last ditch effort for entertainment before you all mass deleted and left for other things. The appeal was, you get to mess around with absolutely no consequence, if you win, you delete and say how awesome you guys were. If you lose, you say you were bored and out the door anyways.

Where's the incentive to fight back? The people fighting back are in a lose lose situation. They do nothing, you take villages and talk about how awesome you were. They fight back, they waste troops on villages that are guaranteed to go barb very shortly anyways. No point in wasting troops, so Time opted to lose the villages instead. Cut losses and fight what was actually threatening them.

And as for trying to piss Time off? I'd say probably not as much as [H] also declared on BBS at the same time. Too really upset Time would have been to just declare on Time alone.

Yes but you would have gotten crap from everyone about gang banging Time, which is what I suspect is a big reason as to why you guys actually declared on them.

Again, this is just an opinion.


Actually we had been planning to quit for a long time, we just didn't know when. If Time had provided us with a fight, we would probably still be there fighting. We needed a reason to stay, and by not fighting us, Time refused to provide us with that reason. We figured a free for all of the top 3 tribes would get our interest sparked once more. While fighting BBS was fun, the fight we really wanted was Time.

As for that nothing to lose comment, thats how we played from the very start. If we won, we won. If we lost, no big deal, we'll just move on. We actually restarted on the rim without much interest in sticking around. We just had far too much fun to leave.


Actually we had been planning to quit for a long time, we just didn't know when. If Time had provided us with a fight, we would probably still be there fighting. We needed a reason to stay, and by not fighting us, Time refused to provide us with that reason. We figured a free for all of the top 3 tribes would get our interest sparked once more. While fighting BBS was fun, the fight we really wanted was Time.

But thats not how you made the declaration. You made the declaration with the announcement that you guys were also going to mass delete sometime very shortly. Which took the purpose out of that war for anyone looking to play this world on a long term basis. And Time is in w32 to win it.

And if you figured a free for all with the top 3 tribes would have sparked your interest back up, then again, don't go in with the pretense that you're going to quit shortly after declaration, sometime during the war, or if not that soon then very shortlythereafter.

The point you seem to be missing is the intention behind the war. Because according to you guys, and the declaration post, you had already quit, this was just one last "hoorah" before you all mass delete. And there's no point in making something delete, that is going to do it anyways.

Had you made the declaration as an actual act of, we want to play this thing out and see how well we do. That would have been a much different story. It would have been a much more interesting war, and Time would have had another front to fight on, because they would be defending against an enemy with intentions of longevity.

Given that all they needed to do was outlast your boredom based on the declaration. It was apparent they need not even pay mind to you guys. YOU screwed up your own war with Time, you guys screwed up your own chance at a real last war. It was because of how you made the declaration.

As for that nothing to lose comment, thats how we played from the very start. If we won, we won. If we lost, no big deal, we'll just move on. We actually restarted on the rim without much interest in sticking around. We just had far too much fun to leave.

Again, to further that point. You had never played with the point of deleting shortly. You played to have fun, and whatever happened happened. There is a big difference.

If you're playing for fun, and the world throws fun back at you. You'll stick around and ride it out. Because it's fun.

If you're playing like you were when you declared. As dead man walking. You're going to be ignored because there's no point in fighting something thats already defeated itself. There's no fun in that on anyones side.

By posting that you guys were going to delete regardless of outcome, you also killed the fun for Time. Whats the fun in fighting a lose lose situation.

As stated previously. You guys win, you beat your chests as you've been doing and say how amazing you were. And delete. You guys lose, you say it's because you were bored and your peak times were long ago anyways, it was just one last fight before you deleted anyways.

Personally, I don't find this kind of thing fun without a sense of victory. And really, isn't that why Time has stuck around this long? For a feeling of some kind of sense of victory? To feel that maybe their time wasn't wasted that much because they won?

The outcome of the war was the same regardless of the effort put into it. Thats the point. And if you already know the outcome, why bother? To entertain you guys? But you were leaving anyways, again, whats the point?


Everything you've said appears to be based on the wording of the declaration. That was only put up for everyone to see that we were on our last legs, and looking for something to kill. Time knew of the war and the reasons behind it without the need of the declaration. They knew what we planned and why, as it had been discussed in length among both sides. We had already spoken to them about spots for players that wanted to continue if/when we left.

This discussion is pointless anyway, it's an event that occurred years ago and we've all moved on. I was just having a nice chat with some old friends when for whatever reason, you decided to strike up a debate by taking things far to literally.


Daysteppr left? Hazad I can believe, he was getting bored of TW I think, but daysteppr? :p Strange. Isn't Hazad setting up a premade somewhere with Xplicid as well?

Oh well, I'm kinda sorta setting up a premade for the next no hauls (minimal effort required) if you're ever interested. Of course, I'm not sure there will even be another no hauls world.

Uhm....Im still here.



He does not - such a loser, like some others here ;)

Like me, I can't believe I've been sucked back into TW, and a speed 1 farming world at that. I hate slow worlds and I hate farming, yet I'm enjoying this world -_-


I said this in the [H] vs everyone thread. Time fought in the way that worked best for them. Just as [H] and B.B.S did. Did it go the way [H] wanted it too? No, but than not a lot did :) [H] made its mark and everyone fought the war that was in thier best interests. Am I sorry [H] is gone? yes. I miss my friends. However, that war is done and over with. Bringing up the past, isnt helping the present or the future.

When w32 is over, i will be one of the dearly departed. Im going back into retirement :)
