Top 10 tribes and your thoughts?


Update (As at 18/11/2009)

1. S²ORM
2. Deus
3. SOA
4. =TTD=
5. S²ORM²
7. =RES=
8. DLV
9. ~WS~
10. Azi


1. S²ORM mass merging hug fest :lol:
2. Deus The awsum ones
3. SOA S2orms Bitch
4. =TTD= Deus' Bitch
5. S²ORM² Kaaz is my Lord
6. AYREON Sullys tribe, all I know.
7. =RES= S2orms other Bitch.
8. DLV Should be dead already.
9. ~WS~ Awesome peoplez
10. Azi mass recruiting noobs!


1. S²ORM
They have a solid skill base. I'm sure most of their players could go one-on-one against most people left of the world and win. Also alot of members, it'll take a looong time to noble half the fracking world.

2. Deus
Power of The East. They aren't as large as S²orm but they definitely have more average skill. I hear they may be having activity issues once again, but I'm sure they'll pull through and liven up for the S²orm war.

3. SOA Old Manic n' FS..?

4. =TTD= W24's Canada.

5. S²ORM² S²orm :s

6. AYREON My tribe, gettin' freaky with Deus n' =TTD=. Never publically declared (to my dread...) But we've had Manic, Xp, FS, and SOA all marked as enemies at one point or another.

7. =RES= If Canada had a brother that was a little good at futball, this would be him.

8. DLV Just give up, you've proven your point, now it's getting sad.

9. ~WS~ Raven, I think..?

10. Azi They have JasonOragan last I checked <3 he grows my barbs for me.

Shows how much I know :(


I love you. Definitely my fav poster! <3

Just don't let rukoh see this!


lol at last guy
every1 is entitled to thier own opinions but my opinion kicks ur opinion's ass
STORM WINS mauhahahaha:icon_twisted:


Deus vs. Storm, stat breakdown.

From the last 7 daysRank Tribe Conquered Villages
1 S²ORM 1137
3 Deus 795
6 S²ORM² 406

From the last 7 daysRank Tribe Lost Villages
3 Deus 264
7 S²ORM² 177
8 S²ORM 148

Storm thus has a net gain of 1218 villages. Deus has a net gain of 531 villages. 4 days into the war, neither tribe has yet slowed down their growth rate drastically, and both are growing very fast. This is a reminder of growth rates, to compare later on in the war.


1. S²ORM - Number one. Little tobe said that's relevant to their status
2. Deus - Lead by a great leader, this war is another test for him.
3. SOA - While I disaggree with their reasoning, I respect hebile's intelligence so ++
4. =TTD= - I really dont get to talk to them all that often, but they're nice when we do... I know nothing about their skill etc. I t can be assumed that their rank is deserved.
5. S²ORM² - see #1.
6. AYREON - Never heard of them being at war, but here they are.
7. =RES= - Locking down the rim k's.
8. DLV - My zombie army.
9. ~WS~ - Old friends and enemies who've got something to prove.
10. Azi - Still here? I'll fix that.


i like that azi tribe but DLV and them arn't even close to the best thing in this world look at storm deus and everyone else


1. S²ORM - ummmmmmm They can war? I think........ I never really saw the manic storm war with my own eyes it was always to far away..... we will see with this war though....
2. Deus - Insert praise here
3. SOA - Why are they so high? we are eating dem....
4. =TTD= - My former tribe... kicking storm but currently...
5. S²ORM² - see storm
6. AYREON - My tribe..... yet to declare.... depression
7. =RES= - A noobier version of what TTD is to Deus
8. DLV - They is legit
9. ~WS~ - que?
10. Azi - que?


Yah I read it.. I'm sad to know that.. God bless to those V-V-V members who survived.. By the way, I'm "mYemYn" - one of V-V-V's loyal warrior.. I quit for a while because of real life issues..

Hello Duke DaHolla.. You're the best.. Keep fighting..

God bless S2orm.. I'm happy you f**k MANIC.. Yaaahoooo! :icon_rolleyes:

I remember you. I just recently quit as well.



You stood up to MANIC, now you're here and they've given up.

But seriously, declaring on AZI and acting as if it's the biggest challenge going on in this world is making me lose confidence in you're... Well, sanity.

Is it insane to take EASY villages from undeserving players? It could be worse... we could be one of those "rim" tribes...

i like that azi tribe but DLV and them arn't even close to the best thing in this world look at storm deus and everyone else

If you ever heard us say that we were the best, i apologize for that foolishness, but if you heard us say, "You cant kill us" then its probably true. of course in YOUR case, You can't STOP us and can barely hope to CONTAIN us. Azi's days are numbered... not because you are a threat, because i believe you are not necessary. Goodbye.


Dude, it is a shame you got beaten by the inactivity of your leaders, but you got beaten before your own member disbanded the tribe. The active fighters took the hit on them, now they are fighting along with SOA. Having been disbanded does not mean the end of a tribe, if that's what you meant. It can however show how many members are wanting to come back, thus revealing the true situation.