Infect 114.953.369 36 3.193.149 11834 9.714 eh not terrible shown they can hold their own but i do not see them lasting all of to long.
2 DSy4 85.927.268 37 2.322.359 8903 9.651 Very skilled group of individuals making very talented tactical decisions..Hope to see them continue on this path.
3 Virus 61.253.258 31 1.975.912 6249 9.802 Chumps...In all honesty have seen some of their behavior and skill sets and they are no different then the smoke they used to be.
4 Ronin 59.652.380 38 1.569.799 6311 9.452 Pretty good group of guys and a leader that seems to know what they are doing. See them as potential end game contenders.
5 ~DT~ 40.197.144 31 1.296.682 4284 9.383 All but 1 or 2 of these players are food waiting to be eaten.
6 PWM 22.936.990 38 603.605 2534 9.052 interesting tribe formed from a few solid core players and some rim trash...looks like they are making a turn around of those players and could give the world a very good run for their money.
7 NEW 20.300.049 29 700.002 2402 8.451 tribe that looks good and is ran by leaders that are very friendly but more then willing to push for the win at all costs. Would like to see what they could potentially do.
8 KTAD 18.921.372 28 675.763 2223 8.512 No real clue about them but based on what I have seen of their leadership on here I would like to see more out of them in the future.
9 Sparta 15.202.283 39 389.802 1772 8.579 Tribe that has a few good elements to it but could see alot of internal crumbling. Do not see as a end game finalist.
10 Victim 11.491.360 34 337.981 1412 8.138 food.
11 LesMis 11.189.126 17 658.184 1304 8.581 Food.
12 IS 11.100.766 15 740.051 1205 9.212 Infect's academy/family/runoff seen alot of promise with these guys curious how things are going to go.
13 ~TR~ 9.862.857 26 379.341 1113 8.862 food.
14 Iron 9.067.880 21 431.804 1065 8.514 rim tribe but see they might have some potential to grow
15 Knight 6.759.462 29 233.085 841 8.037 rim tribe
16 -DT- 5.550.613 15 370.041 636 8.727 food of dt so foods food?
17 I will 5.410.968 22 245.953 639 8.468 some rim tribe
18 VSG! 4.912.722 39 125.967 637 7.712 some rim tribe that looks like it could have some fun
19 -CIA- 3.755.474 29 129.499 537 6.993 food
20 CASSUK some random tribe
2 DSy4 85.927.268 37 2.322.359 8903 9.651 Very skilled group of individuals making very talented tactical decisions..Hope to see them continue on this path.
3 Virus 61.253.258 31 1.975.912 6249 9.802 Chumps...In all honesty have seen some of their behavior and skill sets and they are no different then the smoke they used to be.
4 Ronin 59.652.380 38 1.569.799 6311 9.452 Pretty good group of guys and a leader that seems to know what they are doing. See them as potential end game contenders.
5 ~DT~ 40.197.144 31 1.296.682 4284 9.383 All but 1 or 2 of these players are food waiting to be eaten.
6 PWM 22.936.990 38 603.605 2534 9.052 interesting tribe formed from a few solid core players and some rim trash...looks like they are making a turn around of those players and could give the world a very good run for their money.
7 NEW 20.300.049 29 700.002 2402 8.451 tribe that looks good and is ran by leaders that are very friendly but more then willing to push for the win at all costs. Would like to see what they could potentially do.
8 KTAD 18.921.372 28 675.763 2223 8.512 No real clue about them but based on what I have seen of their leadership on here I would like to see more out of them in the future.
9 Sparta 15.202.283 39 389.802 1772 8.579 Tribe that has a few good elements to it but could see alot of internal crumbling. Do not see as a end game finalist.
10 Victim 11.491.360 34 337.981 1412 8.138 food.
11 LesMis 11.189.126 17 658.184 1304 8.581 Food.
12 IS 11.100.766 15 740.051 1205 9.212 Infect's academy/family/runoff seen alot of promise with these guys curious how things are going to go.
13 ~TR~ 9.862.857 26 379.341 1113 8.862 food.
14 Iron 9.067.880 21 431.804 1065 8.514 rim tribe but see they might have some potential to grow
15 Knight 6.759.462 29 233.085 841 8.037 rim tribe
16 -DT- 5.550.613 15 370.041 636 8.727 food of dt so foods food?
17 I will 5.410.968 22 245.953 639 8.468 some rim tribe
18 VSG! 4.912.722 39 125.967 637 7.712 some rim tribe that looks like it could have some fun
19 -CIA- 3.755.474 29 129.499 537 6.993 food
20 CASSUK some random tribe
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