Top 20 tribes


Infect 114.953.369 36 3.193.149 11834 9.714 eh not terrible shown they can hold their own but i do not see them lasting all of to long.
2 DSy4 85.927.268 37 2.322.359 8903 9.651 Very skilled group of individuals making very talented tactical decisions..Hope to see them continue on this path.
3 Virus 61.253.258 31 1.975.912 6249 9.802 Chumps...In all honesty have seen some of their behavior and skill sets and they are no different then the smoke they used to be.
4 Ronin 59.652.380 38 1.569.799 6311 9.452 Pretty good group of guys and a leader that seems to know what they are doing. See them as potential end game contenders.
5 ~DT~ 40.197.144 31 1.296.682 4284 9.383 All but 1 or 2 of these players are food waiting to be eaten.
6 PWM 22.936.990 38 603.605 2534 9.052 interesting tribe formed from a few solid core players and some rim trash...looks like they are making a turn around of those players and could give the world a very good run for their money.
7 NEW 20.300.049 29 700.002 2402 8.451 tribe that looks good and is ran by leaders that are very friendly but more then willing to push for the win at all costs. Would like to see what they could potentially do.
8 KTAD 18.921.372 28 675.763 2223 8.512 No real clue about them but based on what I have seen of their leadership on here I would like to see more out of them in the future.
9 Sparta 15.202.283 39 389.802 1772 8.579 Tribe that has a few good elements to it but could see alot of internal crumbling. Do not see as a end game finalist.
10 Victim 11.491.360 34 337.981 1412 8.138 food.
11 LesMis 11.189.126 17 658.184 1304 8.581 Food.
12 IS 11.100.766 15 740.051 1205 9.212 Infect's academy/family/runoff seen alot of promise with these guys curious how things are going to go.
13 ~TR~ 9.862.857 26 379.341 1113 8.862 food.
14 Iron 9.067.880 21 431.804 1065 8.514 rim tribe but see they might have some potential to grow
15 Knight 6.759.462 29 233.085 841 8.037 rim tribe
16 -DT- 5.550.613 15 370.041 636 8.727 food of dt so foods food?
17 I will 5.410.968 22 245.953 639 8.468 some rim tribe
18 VSG! 4.912.722 39 125.967 637 7.712 some rim tribe that looks like it could have some fun
19 -CIA- 3.755.474 29 129.499 537 6.993 food
20 CASSUK some random tribe
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One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
RankTagTotal PointsMembersOpinion
1Infect115,023,78636Still less than 500 villages lost in total. Activity is reasonable for this stage of the game. Sandwiched between DSy4 and Ronin, with ~DT~ pushing east; it will likely be a matter of months before the next major move occurs.
2DSy486,094,28037My own tribe; lost a few villages recently to Virus (props to them for spotting a weak point). On the whole, moving through several fronts fast. ~TR~ and NEW are the only major tribes now left between DSy4 and the rim.
3Virus61,138,85431Still kicking a fight. Seems to be focused on northern DSy4, and southern IS. Rumours abound of several merge requests by this leaking ship.
4Ronin59,721,64738The dark horse of W70. Quiet externally and unpredictable ingame. Seems to be in a unique position to determine the way W70 goes for a long while.
5~DT~40,336,14431A small number of talented players joined here when TT and Smoke collapsed. Seems to have an interesting style of play, with a surprisingly quiet forum publicity.
6PWM22,976,43638Rumours suggest there are a bunch of talented fighters hidden in this tribe.
7NEW20,342,09529Internal turmoil supposedly plague this tribe. I do not see this tribe lasting.
8KTAD18,920,21028Still standing, but they seem to be close to their final breaths. Can they pull something out of the woodwork in their battle with Infect?
9Sparta15,265,24939North Westerly tribe, that seems locked in a battle for the NW rim.
10Victim11,425,05533Their name truly lives up to their ingame potential.
11LesMis11,218,73317A couple of strong individuals in here; it shall be interesting to see where they end up joining, should LesMis fold.
12IS11,113,43315A number of cheeky chaps in this team, although I do not see many of them surviving this world.
13~TR~9,905,24626The only tribe in the NE not locked in the battle for that quadrant of the world. The future of this tribe could be dependent on arrangements with the other tribes in the region.
14Iron9,081,97821Falling fast, courtesy of CaptainHellrazor throwing in the towel during Ops by DSy4. He was unable to live up to his name.
15Knight6,763,27529This tribe will not be able to last in W70.
16-DT-5,569,30015If Knight will not last in W70, then neither will this tribe.
17I will5,456,90422If -DT- will not last in W70, then neither will this tribe.
18VSG!4,919,06039If I Will will not last in W70, then neither will this tribe.
19-CIA-3,577,57728If VSG! will not last in W70, then neither will this tribe.
20CASSUK3,445,15819If -CIA- will not last in W70, then neither will this tribe.

Michael Wittman

6 PWM 22,976,436 38 Rumours suggest there are a bunch of talented fighters hidden in this tribe.

rofl i bet you guys are blushing hahahahaha


My view on the top 5 tribes of all time

1.) bAd. No one seemed more threatening to me in the beginning, I feared for my existence for a short time during their era. Had some very committed teams of people

2.) Care? I thought they were the first real established tribe and thought they were very badass.They also had a really cool profile, about making and distributing care.

3.) TT. They were a really solid bunch. If they hadn't of disbanded my tribe might not be around today. I was very surprised when they split.

4.) Dsy4. They must be one of the oldest tribes, have been attacked from everyone and in every direction and still stand, bigger than ever.

5.) TFC\TRB. Before all their players went off to Smoke they had quite a few active players and i for one noticed them growing quite quickly in the north


3.) TT. They were a really solid bunch. If they hadn't of disbanded my tribe might not be around today. I was very surprised when they split.

I wasn't surprised at all. They never did anything of consequence. The only reason they're even mentioned on your list is because they were big.

When you have a tribe that sits around and does nothing for a long time, people get bored, people quit, or people argue with each other. No matter which one happens, the tribe collapses.


I wasn't surprised at all. They never did anything of consequence. The only reason they're even mentioned on your list is because they were big.

When you have a tribe that sits around and does nothing for a long time, people get bored, people quit, or people argue with each other. No matter which one happens, the tribe collapses.

Have to agree with Andy dawolf..... Wish i never joined TT would of been funner and easier to fight them but saying that i got to meet some people i like so idk.... still boring as hell tribe ended up inactive because they were so boring.


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
I wasn't surprised at all. They never did anything of consequence. The only reason they're even mentioned on your list is because they were big.

When you have a tribe that sits around and does nothing for a long time, people get bored, people quit, or people argue with each other. No matter which one happens, the tribe collapses.

lol. TT had 2 diplomatic relations the entire time it was a tribe. NAP's with SMOKE and INFECT
It fought every other tribe it touched. Thats why it got big. It didnt sit around and 'do nothing' but yes, it was easy and got boring for many veteran players like DJ mentioned. We lost activity and needed a change so the active players left.

Michael Wittman

that is a better explanation. although i would never get tired of taking more territory :p


Non-stop Poster
Reaction score
I remember the times when TT was " warring" k51 and k61 rim tribes

Yeah, we did war rim tribes this is true. As you can see, INFECT (old TT members) are on the rim and growing quite well. Unlike every other tribe that let rim tribes grow and are now 'warring' them.


Also 'warring' these rim tribes kills the barb noblers. That are physically slowing this game down.


TT had 2 diplomatic relations the entire time it was a tribe. NAP's with SMOKE and INFECT

How curious. As someone who might have had the occasional access to your diplomacy list, I somehow remember that to be slightly different.

Especially since you bartered a border agreement out of Ronin by selling out a member of Infect. Then when you nipped, you bartered an NAP by selling out a member of Infect (again). That would give you at least one more diplomatic tie. But Ronin being so insignificant, I'm sure it was easy for that little detail to slip your mind.

Same with all of the other NAPs that littered your list. That were so many that you had to plead with your tribe to relax and understand that not being able to attack anyone of any consequence was for The Greater Good. (At one point you had the audacity to state on your forum that the latest NAP was just so you could shuffle troops down south without having to worry about a rim tribe nipping at you up north - a tribe that was fighting DSy4 that you planned on eating when you knew for sure that their troops had been sufficiently depleted.)

Then when it looked like a lowly rim tribe (that you kept telling everyone not to worry about because they were food - while simultaneously begging Infect to launch on them with you) was forgetting their place, you sent a letter out to all of the southern tribes promising them an NAP while also insisting that they were the only tribe that hadn't accepted your offer, and as such would be annihilated pretty quickly in the oncoming onslaught. So each tribe really had no choice but to side with TT and against the villainous Ronin.

You're lovely, LW, but you've always had a peculiar grasp of reality. Were only you solopsistic, then maybe history would cater to your version instead of stubbornly sticking to what actually occurred. Some might call you a bold faced liar, but not I. I know that you were world-weary and the burden of dealing with a tribe like TT was a strain that caused certain facts to go askew in your brain.

Such as when you told DSy4 that we were intentionally sabotaging your noble attempts during the DRC land grab, when it was you who was frantically trying to out-pace a tiny tribe that was out-eating you. So much so that you did everything in your power to op targets we told you we were opping (remember when you took villages PM cleared, apologized, renamed them as villages he could take back, then stacked them to the brim, which wiped his troops, and confessed it was because you wanted them? We do). Truly the strains of being in a war with your future food caused these little misfirings in your memory.

Also, be a dear in your future worlds: when posting up war stats to prove that you're the victor in a battle, do remember to include your many food tribes that were being brought to their knees. It's simply good manners.

Not that I would ever dream of implying that when a petty little tribe of no consequence declared war on their benevolent lords of the north, it was the deciding factor in you crawling on your belly to the tribe you had knowingly betrayed for personal gain at least twice before (and had strongly insinuated you would provide assistance in a war with Infect should we become your pleasant little lap dogs). Once all of the players you kicked and the food tribes you had were factored in, you still were a couple of villages ahead. And as we all know, any tribe that is a few villages ahead is a clear victor that has nothing to prove.

Clearly where you should be as a tribe that - by itself - was well over twice the size of the food that was nipping at your heels.

Times change, of course, but sadly history does not conform to the whims of even the great former members of the glorious Triad.

But never fear, LW, I'll keep what actually occurred between you and I. My lips are sealed, the key is lost, and surely this post will be seen by your eyes alone. A friendly reminder that we're still watching what you are saying.

We may not speak, but we watch.

Which is still more than what TT did.


How curious. As someone who might have had the occasional access to your diplomacy list, I somehow remember that to be slightly different.

Especially since you bartered a border agreement out of Ronin by selling out a member of Infect. Then when you nipped, you bartered an NAP by selling out a member of Infect (again). That would give you at least one more diplomatic tie. But Ronin being so insignificant, I'm sure it was easy for that little detail to slip your mind.

Same with all of the other NAPs that littered your list. That were so many that you had to plead with your tribe to relax and understand that not being able to attack anyone of any consequence was for The Greater Good. (At one point you had the audacity to state on your forum that the latest NAP was just so you could shuffle troops down south without having to worry about a rim tribe nipping at you up north - a tribe that was fighting DSy4 that you planned on eating when you knew for sure that their troops had been sufficiently depleted.)

Then when it looked like a lowly rim tribe (that you kept telling everyone not to worry about because they were food - while simultaneously begging Infect to launch on them with you) was forgetting their place, you sent a letter out to all of the southern tribes promising them an NAP while also insisting that they were the only tribe that hadn't accepted your offer, and as such would be annihilated pretty quickly in the oncoming onslaught. So each tribe really had no choice but to side with TT and against the villainous Ronin.

You're lovely, LW, but you've always had a peculiar grasp of reality. Were only you solopsistic, then maybe history would cater to your version instead of stubbornly sticking to what actually occurred. Some might call you a bold faced liar, but not I. I know that you were world-weary and the burden of dealing with a tribe like TT was a strain that caused certain facts to go askew in your brain.

Such as when you told DSy4 that we were intentionally sabotaging your noble attempts during the DRC land grab, when it was you who was frantically trying to out-pace a tiny tribe that was out-eating you. So much so that you did everything in your power to op targets we told you we were opping (remember when you took villages PM cleared, apologized, renamed them as villages he could take back, then stacked them to the brim, which wiped his troops, and confessed it was because you wanted them? We do). Truly the strains of being in a war with your future food caused these little misfirings in your memory.

Also, be a dear in your future worlds: when posting up war stats to prove that you're the victor in a battle, do remember to include your many food tribes that were being brought to their knees. It's simply good manners.

Not that I would ever dream of implying that when a petty little tribe of no consequence declared war on their benevolent lords of the north, it was the deciding factor in you crawling on your belly to the tribe you had knowingly betrayed for personal gain at least twice before (and had strongly insinuated you would provide assistance in a war with Infect should we become your pleasant little lap dogs). Once all of the players you kicked and the food tribes you had were factored in, you still were a couple of villages ahead. And as we all know, any tribe that is a few villages ahead is a clear victor that has nothing to prove.

Clearly where you should be as a tribe that - by itself - was well over twice the size of the food that was nipping at your heels.

Times change, of course, but sadly history does not conform to the whims of even the great former members of the glorious Triad.

But never fear, LW, I'll keep what actually occurred between you and I. My lips are sealed, the key is lost, and surely this post will be seen by your eyes alone. A friendly reminder that we're still watching what you are saying.

We may not speak, but we watch.

Which is still more than what TT did.

Well written post.

Michael Wittman

Sparta is a rim tribe so yes we have to war other rim tribes to take dominance :p dont worry, we have no preference on fighting soldiers from the core or the rim as long as we get to fight

Michael Wittman

Yeah, we did war rim tribes this is true. As you can see, INFECT (old TT members) are on the rim and growing quite well. Unlike every other tribe that let rim tribes grow and are now 'warring' them.


Also 'warring' these rim tribes kills the barb noblers. That are physically slowing this game down.

all these tribes started on the rim. of course we are fighting rim tribes.

sounds like TT just couldnt hack it. rim, core. always a fun battle.


Sparta is a rim tribe so yes we have to war other rim tribes to take dominance :p dont worry, we have no preference on fighting soldiers from the core or the rim as long as we get to fight

So ... you dismantle tribes so that core tribes can eat the remnants and eventually only have to worry about you? Every time 2 rim tribes war, the winner is the core tribe standing by with more nobles to send at weakened players. You're basically bashing with no perks.

One Last Shot: I look forward to the time when Dsy4 decides VSG!'s time has come. Preparation is dull. Especially when there's no real hope to reach a point of sufficient preparation.

I'm supposed to review a top 20 tribe, right?

VSG! is my tribe. I have to believe we're very under-rated. Although I haven't seen a real rating (saying "won't survive" really isn't a rating at this point in the game).

~TR~ has a lot of resources at its disposal. They send the most ridiculous attacks just because they can :)
Also, probably the most straight-forward leaders I've ever talked to. It's really been a pleasure being felt out by these guys.

NEW traitorous. We're probably allies right now, since my mates have a bunch of incomings from them. But I can't really blame them, given the natural condition of rim tribes.

Knight F has the most interesting forums ever. A couple of good players in there. They handle internal issues very well.

Dsy4 Don't know much about most of these guys, except the ex-streakers. Who really seem to have tightened up since the merge

I think that's all I've got. Haven't been here long enough to make a more meaningful post or review any other tribes.

LordWard: sorry for barb nobling. My villages couldn't pump out enough troops to replace lost support. I've switched to internalling now. And watch out! I'm coming for some player villas soon! :)
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NEW traitorous. We're probably allies right now, since my mates have a bunch of incomings from them. But I can't really blame them, given the natural condition of rim tribes.

Traitorous.. Based on?? Why??? Due to the fact the we caught some of your tribe members supporting our enemy while we had an alliances with you guys and based on that we decided it was best to terminate relationships with your tribe and eventually we started to hit those within our cores to secure ourselves from having a treacherous ally within our border....


Traitorous.. Based on?? Why??? Due to the fact the we caught some of your tribe members supporting our enemy while we had an alliances with you guys and based on that we decided it was best to terminate relationships with your tribe and eventually we started to hit those within our cores to secure ourselves from having a treacherous ally within our border....

I must agree with Spartan, NEW's (BB at the time) move against TR was completely justified, you all were supporting our enemies... Not that it helped them that much. I've never seen NEW as treacherous, they've by and large behaved with honor despite lots of internal issues.

Their move against VSG/YGN/Smoke's puppies/I can't even remember what you were called was likewise justified - you guys consistently nobled barbs in the center of BB clusters... You were warned, diplomatic agreements were in place, and you broke every one of them. Perhaps not every member of your tribe broke rank, but you couldn't keep them all in line, so we removed you from our core.
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