Top 5 tribes


Let get rating people who's your top 5 picks for tribes !

1) Tno-Ke - good rim growth giving them great positioning, this will potentially blocking off who's NE growth.

2)OG^2 - I've spoken to their Duke has a responses for everything like Tno-Ke will give who? a run for their money when it comes to rim growth

3) Est - kinda crazy strong group of tight-nit player multiple not much to say about them inactivity can be their biggest weakness for the futre

4) Who? I don't like them anymore, leadership is weak comparing to other tribes all about "restructuring" when bigger players become available

5) Vodka- i put the rank 1 tribe as my 5th pick mostly because as a family tribe with lots of big players goes two directions, 1 would be that sooner than later the bigger active players will "assimilate the smaller less active accounts" or option 2 would be that the tribe splits ups which i think personally is going to happen.

Special mention blue for their open door recruitment policy its cute

That's my small analysis about this world


4) Who? I don't like them anymore, leadership is weak comparing to other tribes all about "restructuring" when bigger players become available

Love it when we get told WE just recruit the big players, Its brilliant.

Your observation of Vodka being rank 1 is absolutely phenomenal, I mean, how do you know this such accuracy!? Boggled..


4) Who? I don't like them anymore, leadership is weak comparing to other tribes all about "restructuring" when bigger players become available

147 tribe changes in 50 days. Almost 3 per day, which I would have to agree with you is a lot. I get inactivity, and trying to "Structure" your tribe into a culture that works well together and makes it to the end of the world. It happens.

Reason why I am quoting this though is to point out your opinion on them is certainly a bit biased considering

Vodak days on this world 50 (even), tribe changes 143 (4 less)

Expand days on this world 53 (3 days longer), tribe changes 119 (28 less)

the other tribe is less but also smaller and newer

Est days on this world 13 (37 days shorter), Tribe changes 25 (122 less)

TNO-KE is the only tribe that has a "out of the ordinary" tribe change over rate. They have a superb 64 changes (83 less) In 48 days (2 less).

So my point is Who?'s restructuring like it or not is the "Average" rate for this world's top 5 tribes. So for putting that as your only reason for not liking them doesn't make much sense and makes your top 5 opinions a little invalid in my opinion.

~ Sci


147 tribe changes in 50 days. Almost 3 per day, which I would have to agree with you is a lot. I get inactivity, and trying to "Structure" your tribe into a culture that works well together and makes it to the end of the world. It happens.

Reason why I am quoting this though is to point out your opinion on them is certainly a bit biased considering

Vodak days on this world 50 (even), tribe changes 143 (4 less)
Expand days on this world 53 (3 days longer), tribe changes 119 (28 less)

the other tribe is less but also smaller and newer

Est days on this world 13 (37 days shorter), Tribe changes 25 (122 less)

TNO-KE is the only tribe that has a "out of the ordinary" tribe change over rate. They have a superb 64 changes (83 less) In 48 days (2 less).

So my point is Who?'s restructuring like it or not is the "Average" rate for this world's top 5 tribes. So for putting that as your only reason for not liking them doesn't make much sense and makes your top 5 opinions a little invalid in my opinion.

~ Sci

i can't read what you wrote it hurt my eyes please stop this terrorism


I have to agree with your pick of top 3 tribes so far. Vodka and who? suck.

All kidding aside, TNO-KE, OG2, and Est all have exceptional leaders, all with traits I inspire to be more like. This world is far from over, eagerly watching each day go by as it forms.


i can't read what you wrote it hurt my eyes please stop this terrorism

I think the issue is more that you realize your opinion was based on info you failed to look up. Making yourself look like a fool but sure blame my font for the lack of reply to my criticism.


I think the issue is more that you realize your opinion was based on info you failed to look up. Making yourself look like a fool but sure blame my font for the lack of reply to my criticism.

i think it was more of S~N fell apart and all of sudden Who? went from 40 spots full to just enough to taking in the larger rejected(the ones who didn't make Vodka's cut) accounts from S~N

why the blue it hurts to look at. Are you blues duke >.> the font this time was a lot easier to read though so +1


You're making a bad habit of this "failure to do research" thing otherwise you would see I only have 190 points and not even in a tribe. So no i'm not the duke of Blue. Simply like writing in blue, it matches my eyes.

~ Sci


You're making a bad habit of this "failure to do research" thing otherwise you would see I only have 190 points and not even in a tribe. So no i'm not the duke of Blue. Simply like writing in blue, it matches my eyes.

~ Sci

i'm pretty sure you're secretly the blue eyes white dragron AkA duke of blue as proven with photo

and i don't research every forum account i'll take you at your word cuz like this was my own analysis of the top 5 (in the order i feel like they should be in) not an analysis on random forum dragons




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A few thoughts from someone new to this world... (and who clearly did most of his forum postings before "likes" were introduced on this forum :) )

It's early days... the kind of wars where every player has a few hundred villages, and co-ordination become much more important aren't showing yet... so it's distinctly likely that the makeup of the top 5 will have changed dramatically in 3 months' time.

I haven't got the names / tribes straight in my head yet, so the only tribe where I actually think of a particular spokesperson forum-wise is Vodka. And I don't recognise any of the top names from worlds I've played in the past, so can't really talk about leadership qualities from experience... but here are some thoughts:

1: Vodka... Good dominance of two of the centre Ks, but also a family tribe, with all the baggage that brings. Forum presence good... I've been impressed with a couple of Varomnia.'s posts so far (one pointing out that, in a war, only stats against the enemy count... the other giving respect to the leadership of a couple of the other tribes... which struck me as signs of a good Duke.) On the other hand, a bit too much nobling of sub-500 point barbs going on [Heh, we've all done it, but...]

2: Who?.... the most "dominant in a single core K" of all the tribes. No nobling of sub-500s. Maybe a little too much cannibalism (nobling of own tribe's villages) for this early, but I understand what happens when players drop out. They look to have made a well organised (albeit, still small) takedown of =WW=, which clearly involved a lot of their players.

3: Est... not a core tribe, but made it to number 3, which is impressive, particularly given they only have about half the number of players of 1 and 2. I don't know what the backstory is, because the seem to have come from nowhere in the last couple of weeks. They're bordering Vodka, sure, but in the core K where Vodka is less strong... so it will be interesting to see what impact the "family growth pains" have there. Their nobling profile shows a bit one sub-500 barb on the front page, and one only just over, so not quite the consistency I'd like to see.

4: Expand. Long-term, I don't like their positioning. They are too tightly clustered in the core, mostly in K55 but spilling over into what must be an obvious target for Vodka in K44, and for Who? in K45. Their nobling only has one sub-500 barb on the front page. Again, a bit too much cannibalism there as well. The only one of the top 5 to actually mention the possibility of diplomacy on their profile. However, a very, very impressive "gains / losses" ratio (which, on the flip side, means they've not yet tried a starter war.)

5: TNO-KE. Another "outer core" tribe, but too much barb nobling, albeit mostly of bonus villages, which is a bit more understandable early-game. However, they are keeping it small, so there's the potential to grow a third just by targetting recruitment.


i think it was more of S~N fell apart and all of sudden Who? went from 40 spots full to just enough to taking in the larger rejected(the ones who didn't make Vodka's cut) accounts from S~N

why the blue it hurts to look at. Are you blues duke >.> the font this time was a lot easier to read though so +1

SN players split to vodka, est and who. The largest factor for that probably being duke nobled out, prayerko wiped of troops and then vodka declaring war. Tribe was on it's last legs and disintegrated from there. Ex SN chose their new tribes based on location, old friendships and the styles of the game they prefer to play. No one tribe took all the best.

I'd say that in everyone's estimations Est. is currently overrated. Perhaps I feel this though as I know the potential we have, but we aren't there just yet. That's not to say that my guys aren't performing at a great level, they are, but as their leader and friend I always want to see them do themselves one better.

Being two weeks old we have teething problems, players have come from different tribes and are adjusting to the style of play we promote. Minimum rules, i want players to grow how they personally know best, if they can grow bigger doing things there way then I'd be an idiot to stop them. Membership is limited to 25 players. We want to maintain the close family feel whereby we'd just as happily talk to eachother even if we all quit playing.

Our first local op was poor. Our second was great. Finding our feet quick though.

The dukes on this world are good too, there's a lot of interesting ones anyway. Varomnia being my old duke will always be a good friend. People may not like Pritch but he has been civil and polite enough to us and that's good enough for me. Has also been interesting to talk to Tim of the Rim, part of Ravens leadership. Will never be a top 5 tribe they cannot recruit to the quality to compete at this size. But Tim himself is a quality leader


2: Who?.... the most "dominant in a single core K" of all the tribes.

Uhh we have more single K dominance in k44 if you work out the point differences between the rankings. Our academy is an extension of our own. They hold the same power and respect as any member in the main tribe.


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Uhh we have more single K dominance in k44 if you work out the point differences between the rankings.

Are you part of Vodka? If so, under which name? I don't see "0s0speedy" on EN99....

I'm assuming you are, and, as I said, it's early game.

"Our academy is an extension of our own. They hold the same power and respect as any member in the main tribe."

... at the moment. Such sentiments seldom last :)

Dirty Donut

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Awwwww it's so cute seeing all the haters of Vodka.

The world might change and things get little weird but at the end of the day Vodka has a lot of great people in it . I'm proud of what our council has done so far.



Everyone has the ability to make this world great. it's been fun so far let's keep it up and remember - it's just a game.


Awwwww it's so cute seeing all the haters of Vodka.

Just be thankful people are actually posting. In a couple month the forums will be completely dead. Take what people say with a grain of salt and move on. People are going to have opinions on the top tribe. Specially because 90% of TW are players who claim they would have a "small tribe" till they try to lead their own tribe then mass recruit and get family tribes for safety meat shields. On a side note anything is possible in the next couple months. You see it every world strong start up tribes fail to adjust to mid-game play, and mid-game tribes slowly creep into the top 3.

So just keep playing your game and see how far it takes you and learn from mistakes if it doesnt go well this world to make the next world better.