#5 HoCor
HoCor did not exist for my last review, but clearly *RiM* and FnB saw what I saw...
The rank 6 tribe merged with rank 5 to create HoCor which briefly held rank 4. Both tribes were clearly respectable, yet unable to capitalize on that
When Hodor said Hodor, he meant Hold the Door and envisioned this...
When they named themselves HoCor, it made me
I hoped to see them do it, clearly I had great respect for both, till they committed the most reprehensible act of W94, they attacked the media!
I never played W94, but I had a 1.5k village where I pp-traded to pay for scoops. I had no troops, as per the terms of our lease, so I did not farm and clearly I never aimed to noble, when market and warehouse were up, I flatlined. I was no threat, no cost, they even earned 200 pp per month renting me the space.
The first time I criticized them in the forums, they did what no other top tribe ever had, despite my criticizing all of them by that point. HoCor ALONE resorted to attacking the W94 free press
It's true threats had come previously from other tribes criticized, eventually causing me to post for support from the players who "supported" the free press, but only
ever sent me support, the same player who changed his forum image to a well documented racist symbol, then posted racist posts (which have since been removed by mods), in response to the criticism that his tribe and himself personally (as well as another member) might be encouraging/sympathetic to racism.
He did not withdraw his support, to his credit, ~500/500, despite it being his own tribe attacking. Thus, I do not blame him for attacking the free press, he did not, his tribemate did, his leadership authorized it.
Take from it what you will, THAT is what happened.
Since nobody else had supported me (I think Jobless sent 100/100 iirc) and words of support are nothing without action, I called on the Top Tribes of W94 to declare on HoCor, none did, some laughed at me
Some invited me to restart in their areas, but the market had become weak in W94, W95 had begun and I was actually playing, even nobling villages
I said I would not return to W94 forums till 2 of the 4 Top Tribes bordering HoCor had declared.
2 of the tribes merged with a 3rd in my absence and declared on HoCor for totally unrelated reasons, basically growth, maybe a dash of not being useful against Smart!
However, it meant the parameters of my return to W94 had been met and their were literally pleas
not just from every Top Tribe for my return, but from the leadership of each Top Tribe, except perhaps NN which is elusive (inactive?) atm.
HoCor's downfall was not in response to the most reprehensible act in the history of W94 (I might be biased there
Still, when I see Hold the Door is now played out in this sense...
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This makes me
I just wish they would change their name now, to #SnowFlakes