Tribal Wars, A Dying Game?

Lady Madelina

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As an experienced senior manager (one level below board) in a large organisation, and owner of a management consultancy, I think I have a vague idea how to work with other people. Heck, I've been a leader on more worlds here than I can remember, they go back to somewhere around world 20. And I've seen this game change with the PP farms and cha-ching players, bad enough but the coplaying is what has killed it for me and many other long-term players. Who wants to be one of the guys with the brooms when one can be the one riding the elephant? I'm guessing our cute little puppy (love the selfie, btw) got participation trophies for things like, well, pooping in the bucket. Personally, I prefer to work with a bunch of individuals, learn their strengths and weaknesses, enjoy sharing a bit of our lives, and not have to remember the names of everyone playing each single account.

I succeeded in life - I was able to retire at age 54 with two houses, four cars, six Harleys, and the ability to do just about anything I choose. Self-esteem should never come from a browser game, but it's frustrating to see a good game going south at a rate of knots simply because of Inno's greed and the unlimited cheating potential in the game. I will never cheat to win anything, so no, I will not coplay.

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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I succeeded in life - I was able to retire at age 54 with two houses, four cars, six Harleys, and the ability to do just about anything I choose. Self-esteem should never come from a browser game, but it's frustrating to see a good game going south at a rate of knots simply because of Inno's greed and the unlimited cheating potential in the game. I will never cheat to win anything, so no, I will not coplay.
Coplaying and such haven't got anything to do with greed; it's just incredibly complicated with how technology has evolved to block without also harming a lot of players who don't coplay.

Frying Pan Warrior

Still Going Strong
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got participation trophies for things like, well, pooping in the bucket

Well I'm addicted to this game and spend 8 hours per day staring at the screen sending 1 scout and 1 LC to farms in Loot Assistant. If I didn't have a co player I would resign from playing as this game would utterly destroy me. It is destroying me right now. Our account could use an additional co player so that I only spend 4 hours a day.

Games are supposed to be for fun, not considered to be grinded like a job like I am. So, unless you have a solution for this, such as a limit to how long each account is allowed to be logged into per day, co playing is essential.

The premium is very ridiculous. There should be limits to how many resources one can buy from the market per day. Probably in proportion to number of days since the player joined the world, or points or something. And walls should only be allowed to halved in construction time once, to prevent a large wallet from making players somewhat invincible.
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My view, limited as it is:

The use of bots and general acceptance of co-playing seem to be recurring issues that have matured in recent worlds and are proving increasingly difficult for Inno to monitor, resource and police.

The game evolved somewhat with the advent of PP. It is true that with extreme use of PP, the game mechanics become flawed. The selective and reasonable use of PP and the market adds an excellent dimension.

1. Just allow bots. Nobody wants to do repetitive tasks all day to get ahead. Perhaps once developing scripts was an acceptable way to get an advantage, but those days are long gone (scripts are still great, don't get me wrong). Why not create an extra few PP packages e.g. FarmBot, ResourceBot, TagBot etc.
2. I'm no IT whizz, but surely if you allow bots, then you can allow AI to act as a co-player. Why multi account when you can train a machine copy you. Would be a fun, progressive step that would interest a new generation of players.
3. Put a cap on PP. It's just getting ridiculous now. People are spending so much to get ahead that it's traumatic for them to fall behind. The quick start advantage is totally out of hand. All of the fun elements of the game - politics, diplomacy and propaganda are all distorted out of context. Put a cap on and these key social elements to the game are more likely to return.
4. I think if you incentivise single playing enough, the advantage and attraction of multi accounting will reduce, especially if there are only marginal gains to be made via a PP cap.
when u ask for changes in a game you need to balance something

company benefit and player benefit, while company benefit staying the same or going up, all those changes that u asked for affect directly to company revenue, they are not going to come ever, period

accepting bots and putting limiting PP affects directly on their revenue, it never gonna happen


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Hey Guys,
Fabcio here.

As an avid player of a few Tribal Wars communities, I couldn't help but share some exciting news with you all. My friends over in the Polish community, boasting the largest and most active player base according to official Tribal Wars statistics (, are gearing up for something truly epic.


What's Happening?
• To memorialize the legacy of Tribal Wars and celebrate the incredible community spirit, Poland is hosting a non-pay-to-win server, possibly the last one on such a big size of map, as every year there are less and less players. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to relive those nostalgic moments and immerse ourselves in the game like never before. Just imagine the diplomacy between countries if it happens, there's a lot of bad blood (shit-talking) between our clans so it will be easy for you to find allies.

Why Poland?
• Just take a look at the numbers above! Poland leads the pack with the highest number of active players, making it the perfect hub for this grand event. Check out the stats yourself. Also, it will probably be easier to convince you guys to join than Polish people to go to a less-popular server and risk the server machine crashing on-start like it used to happen before.

• Mark your calendars for February 29th, 2024, when the anniversary world in tribes kicks off. With over 13,000 and 9,000 eager players already queued up, it's bound to be a blast! You can monitor the anticipation on the Polish TWStats page, specifically on worlds 197 and 198. ( There will only be more.

What's Special About This World?
• For starters, it's going to be massive! But more importantly, this world will operate under unique rules agreed upon by the Tribal Wars community and InnoGames. No additional Premium features or Premium Exchanges will be available, ensuring a level playing field for all. But also, all other parameters are currently being chosen by the player base through polls to make a perfect world with only the player's favorite parameters. As one of the Cartographers myself, I can tell you that our community makes detailed analyses and colored maps along with statistics daily. Take a look yourself:


Join the Fun!
• I extend a warm invitation to each and every single country listed above to join in on the action. Let's relive those childhood memories and forge new ones together. The tribe limit is set to a generous 100 players, and I assure you, the Polish community will welcome you with open arms. In the worst case, there will only be more memes, like it used to be on the last JUBILEE world of 150. (Jubilee worlds are once every 2 years) Here's a link, sadly it's in Polish:
The more countries, the more memes and FUN!

Why Should You Join?
• Picture this: seasoned veterans, now in their 30s with families, returning to the game they once conquered. It's a reunion of sorts, filled with camaraderie and fierce competition. Plus, there's a chance to experience Tribal Wars in its purest form, free from the distractions of Premium features.

How Can You Learn More?
• For those curious about the world and its dynamics, head over to the Polish forum using this link:Świat-200-nadchodzi.130294/. Feel free to ask questions and engage with the community. You can even reach out to me directly on the forum under the nickname Fabcio and Maciuś.

Let's make this last hurrah for Tribal Wars one to remember! Spread the word, gather your friends, and let's embark on this epic journey together. Sorry if I posted it in the wrong place tho. @Basand @Jirki88 @RedAlert Can you help me spread it across your forum? <3

See you on the battlefield!
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Discord Personality 2021 & 2022
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As an experienced senior manager (one level below board) in a large organisation, and owner of a management consultancy, I think I have a vague idea how to work with other people. Heck, I've been a leader on more worlds here than I can remember, they go back to somewhere around world 20. And I've seen this game change with the PP farms and cha-ching players, bad enough but the coplaying is what has killed it for me and many other long-term players. Who wants to be one of the guys with the brooms when one can be the one riding the elephant? I'm guessing our cute little puppy (love the selfie, btw) got participation trophies for things like, well, pooping in the bucket. Personally, I prefer to work with a bunch of individuals, learn their strengths and weaknesses, enjoy sharing a bit of our lives, and not have to remember the names of everyone playing each single account.

I succeeded in life - I was able to retire at age 54 with two houses, four cars, six Harleys, and the ability to do just about anything I choose. Self-esteem should never come from a browser game, but it's frustrating to see a good game going south at a rate of knots simply because of Inno's greed and the unlimited cheating potential in the game. I will never cheat to win anything, so no, I will not coplay.
Can you lend a not so dear friend of mine 12.5k $ ( with the high possibility of never seeing that money again)?. You'll be helping him pursue his dream of becoming a chess master. Personally, i don't know why he needs that money to play or study chess. Like I've seen homeless people be pro at it, but I'm sure he knows what he's doing, maybe. And thanks in advance.


Forum Personality 2019
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Can you lend a not so dear friend of mine 12.5k $ ( with the high possibility of never seeing that money again)?. You'll be helping him pursue his dream of becoming a chess master. Personally, i don't know why he needs that money to play or study chess. Like I've seen homeless people be pro at it, but I'm sure he knows what he's doing, maybe. And thanks in advance.
The 12.5K is actually to save the girl he isn't allowed to marry from dying, haven't you been listening?

Lady Madelina

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Yes, I could. But I wouldn't. I worked hard for what I have - working full time while doing my masters, going home with loaded briefcases to work on before I got back on the train in the morning, researching and studying and often going short on sleep. Most people can do the same, but they have to work hard for it. If you're young and spending hours a day on this game, guess what? You aren't going to retire as a millionaire. Log out of games and log into education. Then when you're old like me, you can afford to do whatever you wish.


New Member
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Well I'm addicted to this game and spend 8 hours per day staring at the screen sending 1 scout and 1 LC to farms in Loot Assistant. If I didn't have a co player I would resign from playing as this game would utterly destroy me. It is destroying me right now. Our account could use an additional co player so that I only spend 4 hours a day.

Games are supposed to be for fun, not considered to be grinded like a job like I am. So, unless you have a solution for this, such as a limit to how long each account is allowed to be logged into per day, co playing is essential.

The premium is very ridiculous. There should be limits to how many resources one can buy from the market per day. Probably in proportion to number of days since the player joined the world, or points or something. And walls should only be allowed to halved in construction time once, to prevent a large wallet from making players somewhat invincible.

I'm a bit late to reply to you, but here goes..

The argument that you would be destroyed without a coplayer is not a good argument for coplaying. You'd be destroyed for not playing more than 4 hours a day only if others coplayed. If no one coplays, 4 hours is a decent amount of time to get top ranks. Some people get top ranks with 4 hours per day, if you split it in at least 5-6 sessions of 20-30 minutes each to send farm runs ever 1-2 hours.

So yes, coplaying is now almost mandatory to get top ranks(although it's not impossible to do it solo without going 12+ hours per day), but that is only because many people coplay, so of course, to catch up you need to be more active or join to coplaying side.

Coplaying is not the solution, it's the problem and the solution to solving it has become to coplay yourself. The game would be a lot better if there was no coplaying, but it is what it is, you can't really stop it. You could in theory add sleep mode like on speed rounds and that would reduce the level of coplaying, but that setting is tricky on normal worlds where attacks can take more than 48 hours to land, perhaps with some twists sleep mode can be a solution.


Non-stop Poster
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So glad this chat is still going on though many names show as deleted users, including many of my comments sadly. Though I am sad that people have really gotten of track of the real reasons for the death of the game and keep coming back to co-playing and premium. Yes, premium has a major impact but co-playing has a far smaller overall impact then is being given credit to it. One of the largest failings is the lack of regular larger sized worlds, worlds where solo players would be able to compensate for a lack of co-players OR players with insane schedules by having room to grow accounts that are actually formidable. Sadly this will not be a thing and the game will just continue its deaths spiral.