Tribes Mass Recruiting.


@spaßkaninchen weren't you on w57 with me my ign was Ghost of Sins until i went inactive
@angelgod I was the co founder with you on 58 wasn't I??

Dunno, I did play w57 but I have no recolection of your account :S

On topic, I think it's unlikely most mass recruitment tribes will still be around in a month, but then again neither will most of the premades, so I guess it doesn't really matter what tribe your in at the moment...


Dunno, I did play w57 but I have no recolection of your account :S

On topic, I think it's unlikely most mass recruitment tribes will still be around in a month, but then again neither will most of the premades, so I guess it doesn't really matter what tribe your in at the moment...

I was your tribe leader before u went inactive!!!lol


Exile is mass recruiting beyond belief thats k55 north east corner, something like 6th world rank now?


Exile is mass recruiting beyond belief thats k55 north east corner, something like 6th world rank now?

Exiled is too close to each other, most probably they will have no one to farm in some time, which leads to collapse. Exlied is full of players that are capable of doing some things, but not win a world. Especially when they are so close to each other. Tribal huggs x3.


In just a few hours the squealing will start....listen carefully....can you hear knees knocking yet ?


:C i wanna join them but recruitment is off damn them and there 100 members hope they start a family :p


My tribe leaders aren't very intelligent, so yes.

we have allies for some strange reason, this is a top 10 tribe i'm talking about aswell. :rolleyes:


My tribe leaders aren't very intelligent, so yes.

we have allies for some strange reason, this is a top 10 tribe i'm talking about aswell. :rolleyes:

That's rarely a good sign. Allies this early in the game (like actual allies) are so weird to see...


That's rarely a good sign. Allies this early in the game (like actual allies) are so weird to see...

i guess some peeps feel insecure they might get farmed :lol:

Or scared to attack before they mature to 9k