This thread seems to be under the assumption that people in mass-recruiting tribes are there either because they are noobs or because they are attempting to sabotage it for the lulz. Some of us join newbie mass-recruiting tribes to educate the new folk and look for people worth training up. Not all of us are mindless drones or elitist saboteurs

Besides, unless you are in a premade then joining a tribe early game, apart from the opportunity to educate some with lesser knowledge than yourself and maybe even learn some new things from those with greater knowledge, it is also a way to pass the boredom. I would rather a tribe of 30 than 3 at this stage purely for social. However, I am on the rim where it is far less competetive, and I understand why early tribing is more important core-side.
Although with no less than 5 tribemates in my immediate area so far, I may have to have words with my leader...