Ouch. Fine be that way
Maybe a few Drama people might choose to post a few chats to confirm a few things for you.
I'll leave that up to them...
All hail Shango :icon_biggrin:
Why are we arguing about why someone quit?
Where's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark?? He made this thread rather entertaining :icon_cool:
Drama are all mouth and forum trolls. Now Im going back to the game...where it matters...and not partaking in your ridiculous forums anymore. Talk yourselves to death. Stroke each others egos. I could care less. We all know where it matters and Drama falls flat there.
I have a fan... lucky me!!! Today, I feel like posting a summary of how things have occurred so that some of the Uruz egos can get a proper perspective of their amazing war stats...All hail Shango :icon_biggrin:
Why are we arguing about why someone quit?
Where's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark?? He made this thread rather entertaining :icon_cool:
I have a fan... lucky me!!!
i want rainbow to come back so i can have another go at reading one of his posts. i got a 3rd of the way through one but then teletubbies came on tuh tellie
My final thought for the day (I'm starting to sound like Jerry Springer...)
This war is kinda like a game of poker, the person that makes the first aggressive move usually wins the pot, but the skilled player will always take the guy's bankroll by the end of the night. Now I'm definitely a betting man and I'm willing to wager that Uruz will be handing their bankroll over real soon...
This part I have to disagree with. I believe it may have been the case a few years back when there weren't co-played accounts but a couple of noobs with a bigger account in a bigger tribe playing round the clock have a massive advantage regardless of the skill level of the player they are up against..ask shango he knows
haha lmao, i never co played anyone from start up. always gone it alone. not the biggest fan of co played accounts either and would love a world with no co players. i like that you make a joke though, eat your friggin dead heart out richard pryor
rainbow is NPD though as far as i'm aware, had some great fun in the past with him when he lost some trains on some newly nobled vills of mine. never known anyone cry so hard about a couple of nukes
i would hardly call getting embarrassed for cybering a valid reason for leaving a world. did malak leave when she cybered?
Pwned? lol...I'm not a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark fanboi :icon_redface: I just thought that the arguments that you were involved in were entertaining... because you were being pwned in them :lol::lol:
Rude? lol... mmmm ok.Without sounding rude faaark, what are you going on about? Are you trying to explain Drama's tactics to the remaining players in the world or are you "the General" that instigated this phenomenum? From what I've heard you are/were a good leader in previous worlds but I didn't play in them and in this one you deleted (or whatever) and your tribe got eaten from what I recall, making it no different, possibly, to the tribes you appear to be preaching to in your summary. As I said not trying to be offensive here but your post comes across that you know everything and everyone else is a dumb ass. Congratulations on your predictions though, as you said in the post "it's not rocket science" but if you want to bold your predictions to emphasize how you knew everything that was going to happen congratz on these tremendous predictions.
This is the part you have to disagree with? Clearly you are saying that you agree with the rest of my post...?? Maybe you aren't are stupid as I first thought. No wait, my initial assessment of you was correct.This part I have to disagree with. I believe it may have been the case a few years back when there weren't co-played accounts but a couple of noobs with a bigger account in a bigger tribe playing round the clock have a massive advantage regardless of the skill level of the player they are up against..ask shango he knows
What got my goat, was watching the Uruz people posting in the W53 externals and carrying on about their fantastic war stats. I was watching from the sidelines and I had refrained from saying anything, but you get to a point where you just have to set these wankers straight. I posted my thoughts the other week as I was sick of the crap they were yapping on about.
"Woohoo.... we so good... we've taken more villages than you and we want our war to be considered as a separate war to Static..."
Sound familiar??
It annoyed me that Uruz wanted the Static v Drama and Uruz v Drama wars to be treated as separate wars. Okay... we can do that but please explain to me that once any Static player located near an Uruz player fell inactive, Uruz moved in and grabbed a ton of easy noblings without any response from Static. Additionally, please explain why Uruz would move in and grab the Static villages after Drama had cleared them. Please stop the bullshit... Static and Uruz were clearly working together and Drama have every right to declare this to be a world war - North v South.
This whole thread exploded into a good old fashioned debate when Raven24 failed to choose her words carefully. I suggest you learn from her mistake before you make a total fool of yourself as well. Now piss off little man.
Pwned? lol...
As for knowing everything, when compared to you little Alfy, I would definitely put my understanding of this game ahead of yours - strategically, tactically and operationally. I only know your stats from this world and they are nothing short of complete and utter shit. Your noblings are pathetic and random. You obviously try to lock up support by nobling random villages in Drama's main areas, but you fail to take any advantage of this once you are there. You do the hard work of getting into position, but then you fail dismally to expand in that area. I like you Alfy, but please shut the faaaaark up from now on.
This is the part you have to disagree with? Clearly you are saying that you agree with the rest of my post...?? Maybe you aren't are stupid as I first thought. No wait, my initial assessment of you was correct.
Go back and read what I posted about threats (read it slowly if you need to). Once you've done that, feel free to let me know what part of the word 'threat' don't you understand. If people are co-playing an account non-stop around the clock and expanding well, then they considered to be a 'threat' to you. It is then up to you to take action in one form or another. I never mentioned anything about noobs, I discussed what 'threats' are.
This whole thread exploded into a good old fashioned debate when Raven24 failed to choose her words carefully. I suggest you learn from her mistake before you make a total fool of yourself as well. Now piss off little man.
What really got my goat, was a player coming back to the w53 forums after he abandoned his tribe during a war to run his mouth about how player should and shouldn't play. because quite clearly, you're a good roll model :icon_rolleyes:
And before you bring up the whole RL bullshit that you spread around, conveniently before the war with Nooble broke out, despite the fact that you yourself commented on it's eventuality. You knowing that your tribe would falter and fail, had to keep your "reputation" intact (regardless of how circumspect it is) and as someone else put it 'planted the seed' that there were RL issues involved in your departure.
And before you even think to comment on any lack of respect towards anything that may have happened, think about the responses that the members of Drama have given in response to certain members quiting.
I'm sorry, are you trying to play down harassment because it happened over the internet and more specifically in a game? And that it's not a valid reason for leaving a world? Wow. Just wow. I had originally thought you were a, I don't think I am allowed to post my thoughts on either you as a person, or your general lack of intelligence without getting infracted and/or having my post deleted :icon_eek:
And before you even think to comment on any lack of respect towards anything that may have happened, think about the responses that the members of Drama have given in response to certain members quiting.