Have the conversations and screen shots somewhere, Varo came to us long ago and was told no go away, sat doing there own thing, They joined back to NN and were to be oped, It was at that point where Martin , (among others) were in a chat attempting to convince Superbad account to take them as co-players on vodka front line accoutns so they could basically open up are front line, typical discussing attempts to break rules (again from Martin and NN) and sabotage accounts.
"And NN" can you please stop generalising so much . I dont understand from where do you get this idea that the whole NN was part of this evil plan that wasnt even planned to go this war . That was about only getting info about vodka weak accounts and see where to strike. I dont find anything dirty about it. When you ask for coplayers you accept the risk of telling people you need help.
Regarding me, i was added there in that chat and disagreed with what you talk about. i think i left that chat like 10 minutes after being added there.
All i wanted this world was a good and fair war after all the drama with Symbiote and TSB yet you even further and recruted Var . Stop talking about dirt if you yourself play even dirtier.
The truth is Martin was a cancer to NN and none from leadership had the balls to put a stop to it , countless internal dramas, even with felons he was abusive and aggressive towards at a time when NN was trying to secure them into the war, constant attempts to get people banned.
Martin wasnt a cancer . Ye , he got himself into some arguments that went way to far because of his ego that made him believe he was right. Yet , i dont find anything anormal about it. When you are sure you are right you try to convince others about your point. I think you are talking about Martin fight with anir when you said Felons . I read it and i didnt find anything that bad like insults. Martin must have touched a sensible spot of Anir and thats it.
Regarding the Varomnia ban , if he trully did that i must say its way beyong anyones imagination. I have agreed with oppeing Var and sending all his def home about LT. You fight dirt with dirt , like in every war. If the enemy brings guns you cant beat with with swords.
About other people getting banned i am not aware of.Maybe you can bring here some screenshots ?