The name sounded familiar. Turns out he was in DEFY with me in W90. Pretty sure I never even considered him one of the better players in our mediocre rim tribe, even before he fell for the divide-n-conquer propaganda of our enemies 2HARD - he joined their tribe, and two weeks later they kicked and nobled him. They were well known for that, so it's not as if he even had any political savvy. 'spose he could have been spying, as if that makes it any better
Unless there's somehow two hodgy77s - the one I'm talking about seems to have changed his name since then - I'm gonna hazard a guess that Michael was being facetious.
im sure its the same guy..we were tribe mates at one time..he he spent tons of money to get ahead not to mention was not a good team mate..the threw hissy fits all the time like a child..him and the duke at the time was was a mess..the end story was he got taken out eventually...all that money he spent went to waste..did him no good or helped him at all..i would not even dare say he was good enough to even mention..if that is the same guy Michael is recommending..