Better late than never
Number of players: 598 (-100)
Total villages: 325.434 (+26)
Player villages: Player villages: 99.950 (-529)
Total Tribes: 64 (-14)
Tribes with points over 200: 51 (-13)
World population # of members
> 10 million points= 14 members
8-10 million points = 16 members
7-8 million points = 7 members
6-7 million points= 13 members
5-6 million points= 19 members
4-5 million points= 16 members
3-4 million points= 25 members
2-3 million points= 30 members
1-2 million points = 30 players
900,000-1 million points = 10 players
800,000 -900,000 points = 14 players
700,000-800,000 points = 15 players
600,000 -700,000 points =14 players
500,000-600,000 points =11 players
400,000- 500,000 points = 16 players
300,000-400,000 points =28 players
200,000-3000 points = 32 players
100,000-200,000 points = 43 players
90,000 - 100,000 = 9 players
80,000-90,000 points= 7 players
70,000-80,000 points= 6 players
60,000-50,000 points = 15 players
40,000-50,000 points = 7 players
30,000-40,000 points = 17 players
20,000 to 30,000 points = 20 players
10,000 to 20,000 points = 36 players
5,000-10,000 points = 24 players
98-5,000 points = 40 players
zero points= 10 players
We have the same number of players with less than 5,000 points as we have above 6 millions points in a world that has been open for 1065 days.
This world has 69% of the players having less than 1 million points, in other words, only 31% of the members are actually playing.
Since I don't want my post to be confused with an April Fools prank, I will post a day early.
Number of players: 698 (-124)
Total villages: 325.408 (+35)
Player villages: 100.479
Barbarian villages: 224.929
Total Tribes: 78 (-10)
Tribes with over 200 pts: 64 (-11) There are currently 10 tribes with zero pts
We have reached another milestone, we are now under 700 players in the world, but still the moralle penalty remains
62% of the world's population is under 500,000 points (433 out of 698)
9.6% of the world's population is between 501,000 to 1 million points (67 out of 698)
8.3% of the world's population is between 1 and 2 million points (58 out of 698)
4.2% of the world's population is between 2 and 3 million points (29 out of 698)
3.3% of the world's population is between 3 and 4 million points (23 out of 698)
2.7% of the world's population is between 4 and 5 million points (19 out of 698)
2.9% of the world's population is between 5 and 6 million points (20 out of 698)
2.1% of the world's population is between 6 and 7 million points (15 out of 698)
1.1% of the world's population is between 7 and 8 million points (8 out of 698)
3.7% of the world's population is between 8 million and above points (26 out of 698)
Number of players: 598 (-100)
Total villages: 325.434 (+26)
Player villages: Player villages: 99.950 (-529)
Total Tribes: 64 (-14)
Tribes with points over 200: 51 (-13)
World population # of members
> 10 million points= 14 members
8-10 million points = 16 members
7-8 million points = 7 members
6-7 million points= 13 members
5-6 million points= 19 members
4-5 million points= 16 members
3-4 million points= 25 members
2-3 million points= 30 members
1-2 million points = 30 players
900,000-1 million points = 10 players
800,000 -900,000 points = 14 players
700,000-800,000 points = 15 players
600,000 -700,000 points =14 players
500,000-600,000 points =11 players
400,000- 500,000 points = 16 players
300,000-400,000 points =28 players
200,000-3000 points = 32 players
100,000-200,000 points = 43 players
90,000 - 100,000 = 9 players
80,000-90,000 points= 7 players
70,000-80,000 points= 6 players
60,000-50,000 points = 15 players
40,000-50,000 points = 7 players
30,000-40,000 points = 17 players
20,000 to 30,000 points = 20 players
10,000 to 20,000 points = 36 players
5,000-10,000 points = 24 players
98-5,000 points = 40 players
zero points= 10 players
We have the same number of players with less than 5,000 points as we have above 6 millions points in a world that has been open for 1065 days.
This world has 69% of the players having less than 1 million points, in other words, only 31% of the members are actually playing.
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