Also, let me just comment on Dulcy's mentality here.
If you would not fight another tribe because there are friends of you in it, then your tribe is a joke. Nothing more than a joke.
As someone I know said to me: "TW has no place for sentimentality". That's right, TW is no playground where you make friends and stick with them until the end of the world. We are ALL playing to win the world here, and to win that world, we ALL need to make the right tactical decisions, even if those decisions involve attacking friends. And those decisions are all about defeating the tribe that would be able to harm you the most in case of war.
Every tribe its first focus should be on eliminating its threats, not on keeping good relations with your friends. And certainly not on maintaining an alliance with your biggest threat. Let's face it: Puffin and ARG are eachother's biggest threats. And instead of fighting, you've turned this world into a "which tribe will collapse due to inactivity the first?"-game.
Imagine something goes wrong with your alliance and relations get sour and one of both tribes has some trouble with inactivity or whatever. That tribe would be seriously dead, since Puffin and ARG share such a big border that any well-executed surprise attack would beat the opposing tribe up real good. Basically, if I were the leader of either ARG or Puffin, I'd really consider the possibility of announcing the end of the alliance and starting a war with my biggest threat, since whoever would get the first strike in the Puffin-ARG war, will have a major advantage.
If Puffin or ARG would win the world right now, all you'd be remembered for is that you hugged eachother firmly and took out nothing but tribes that didn't even have a chance of winning. And since friends are more important than tactical decisions for you, you're probably just going to merge at the end of the world, again robbing you of any challenge you might have had.
But if you're too afraid you'll hurt your friends' feelings in case you'd got to war with them to get rid of your main threat, then I can suggest the Tribalhugs game. You'll feel right at home.