W48 - Dead world?


I've played a lot of worlds over the years, under many different names.

I don't think I've ever seen a world so quiet.. Have these forums always been like this? In the 2 months or so I've been checking them, they have been more than a little disappointing.

Never have I seen so little attempts at PnP. :icon_confused:

Is this just a boring World in terms of forums? :icon_razz:


yeah it suddenly just went quiet, all the posters died :p an left for the after life haha
but nah i dunno, isnt really much to talk about really. we're all a bunch of huggers apaz ^^


Things were active a few month agos but then after a number of events took place it settled down and isnt near as active as it used to me. But Im sure it will eventually get back to being active.

Some of the reason it became less active is because a lot of the poster joined a tribe i made in w54. Then I left and then in a unrelated event it fell apart. Another reason their hasnt been as much activity lately is because nothing major has happened except for the eQu hugging and that has gotten talked about quiet a bit


Too many stupid rules on the forums, if players don't have the confidence to talk freely then they won't talk.

I've seen other worlds where they set up internal forums by way of a world shared forum (in game) so players could speak freely without interference from above. Just by me saying this will get me an infraction. Then they wonder why the forums are dead.

I only speak on here now and again now due to this and Brave! do not post their wars here. No posting of interesting goings on means no talk and no forums.


Well could be worse, could be like world 47 (the worst world on tribal wars)..

and well said caglen, that is true


The days with Howey, Pyker and Kent posting were the good days. Forums were real interesting then and now there boring :(

Also is it me or is Rep quieter than he normally is!


A worlds forum is a reflection of the world, this world may be in a lull, but trust me it will liven up soon :icon_twisted:


this stuff changes every few months depending on wuts going on in game.


Yeah forum is silent lately, prolly due to not much news going on in the game.

So far still same wars of last months for what concern us, for example, so maybe peeps feel less the need to discuss about them. Sorry but we cannot keep up nobling at the same rate they keep recruiting and merging lol Our only hope is the border of the map at this point :lol:


Believe me, they may be quiet but they are strong: SubV is one of the strongest tribes I've seen. They will surely take this world. For as long as they like.

P.S. MKC is FTW.


A worlds forum is a reflection of the world, this world may be in a lull, but trust me it will liven up soon :icon_twisted:

Maybe its because we are the most hated tribe, but things are NEVER in a lull in our tribe. This is the most constant game action I've seen in a long time...nobody here has much time to sit around reading and posting in the main forum. :)


Well could be worse, could be like world 47 (the worst world on tribal wars)..

W47 is quiet is because there really is NOTHING MAJOR to talk about...the world is lead by 1 ultra-powerful tribe. C'mon, the difference between the #1 and #2 tribes is over 90 Mils (ranked 1 has +104mil, ranked 2 has +18Mil)

I believe W47 resulted in the gi-normous tribe is because they were protesting the removal of Army camps half way through the game. I heard it messed up the strategies and all. So, it was INTENTIONAL that things happened that way.

And apparently, the protest never got through...which explained the tribe still being there.


Also is it me or is Rep quieter than he normally is!

Been very ill for the past week and not much has required my attention on these forum lately. It's all about eQu or Brave! lately and both are on the other side of the world from myself. I might not be lazy and post a PnP in the next week or two but I doubt it due to just not feeling in the mood to do a PnP and it won't be an interesting one due to all the wars being basically the same for the past several months.


Haha Bama every thread I look at I'm right behind your last post!

But yes I think this world has livened up quite a bit in the past day or so.


The world seems to have got a little more interesting recently, I like it. Wish I was in the NW getting a piece of the action..
The NE is yet to heat up, things are a little slow up here..