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1) Lando did not give his account to the player of amaraya, and the one he gave his account to was forced out of leadership within Hate. So if anyone had Lando's best interests in mind it was the person that the backstabbers and spies forced out. (I am not naming names of who those were since there were multiples of them)

Queency was the one who ended up with landos account. Not sure who he gave it to but Queency stayed loyal to dsband members till the end, refused to hit them and that is why the Hate machine account didnt get recruited into Nuke.

2) The player on the Amaraya account was asked to pick up that account by the same person Lando gave his account to. He was told by that person what he was doing was wrong and if anyone would know this it would have been them. So for him to hide behind the excuse he was doing what Lando would want is nonsense in my personal opinion.

Giacmo did his damndist to rally Hate and get the Ball rolling. If you saw how axte was treating Hate first hand you would understand the decision to help Nuke instead. Of course they kept nobling in bum!@#$% southern k's afteer been told to get their ass behind the lines numerous times and wit for more nukers to get down there. One of these days Ill make an "I told you" post

3) The Axte F was constantly funneling support into Hate and at the same time trying to figure out who the spies were. So for anyone to say that Axte was not there for them is also nonsense, however, most of that support came from DSBAND because back then...when "S" was the one running the show DSBAND was a meat shield to him no matter how much he may deny it. So I am not agreeing nor disagreeing with you here...just letting it be known that they were not left in the lurch by everyone.

This is widely known. Axte could not assist with D without getting directly involved so they used the dsband D as a temporary bandaid knowing full well it would not be enough. Hate had D, they needed somebody to tell em where to put it and offensive assistance.

4) Axte had sits and so did DSBAND and so did Nuke. Make sure to let that be clear too.
I never saw dsband sitting anybody but Im sure they did. not sure of the relevance.

5) Eating up inactives was some deal that "S" had in place with HATE, how why when....no clue.
Yep, it came along with the merge and the assistance. He wasn't the one doing most of the eating though and many axte players jumped at the chance to eat Hate Villages. At one point axte was eating them faster than nuke. And people still swear by his loyalty. Impressive really.

I know that you do care for dsband, but I think your naive to think that axte cares as much. Probably to a point now on the world where axte couldn't do anything to harm dsband because of the neener neener factor and they need the family to last FTW. Another failure on my part and the pnp world really.


Queency was the one who ended up with landos account. Not sure who he gave it to but Queency stayed loyal to dsband members till the end, refused to hit them and that is why the Hate machine account didnt get recruited into Nuke.

Actually Queency left the game and passed the account on and it eventually landed in my lap as a sit. I was the last person to hold the account and had it for a goodly period of time before it barbed out/nobled out.

Giacmo did his damndist to rally Hate and get the Ball rolling. If you saw how axte was treating Hate first hand you would understand the decision to help Nuke instead.

He may have and I am not saying he didn't. But he took all the support he had in his villas, just like Antigoon did and turn-coated going to Nuke with all our support in their villas, leaving HATE , instead of sticking it out like the owner(s) before him would have done. That is the problem. He was not asked to take over the account to give up within a short period of time and run away to Nuke. He played the account for self...not for tribe IMHO.

As for how Axte treated them....ohhh yeah...when "S" was in charge I can believe it. He singlehandedly caused the mess with Apathy, the mess with CW and nearly caused a full on mess with AB and then of course was the main reason why DSBAND had several incarnations before I was given the "in name only" power position there back in Feb/March?

Axte could not assist with D without getting directly involved

It may be wrong but I think if you go back in the records of tribal jumps you will see that Axte did get involved in a limited amount.

And people still swear by his loyalty. Impressive really.

I know right? Makes me get all boggled eyed when people praise him. I do believe that in the early onset of the world he made alot of the right choices but I think that once his head got bigger than his brain he lost his mind and told him so on many occasions.


I know that you do care for dsband, but I think your naive to think that axte cares as much.

I'm not that naive. I know some would be on us like white on rice given the chance and I know that others put up with us only because they know they need us for the "just incase" factor. But I also know that how it stands now...every single day I am in constant contact with the current Axte leadership and help make decisions that effect the family as a whole. And therefore...it's working and everyone knows where they all stand with no deception behind it.
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Better watch out. Whole world will be in uproar that we get along.

@pk4 somebody take over that forum account? Doesn't seem like you to call me by my birth name.


I think we all know that whether the tribe -HATE- as a whole were active or not are debatable. And they didn't become inactive after the 900 conquers either. That 900 conquers stated mentioned before was simply implying on when NUKE started their recruitment. Many of us in SHEEPS actually suspected that the tribe -HATE- were inactive during the Axte and SHEEPS war. And I also believe that was why NUKE finally decided to attack them after they have given up on helping MIND attack OWL's family (which is a really small tribe btw). But they also could have expanded into Axte's K which would also indirectly help the SHEEPS in that war if you wanted to, but you didn't. And NUKE's logic about Axte-F size being more than NUKE and should accomplish double of what NUKE have in the -HATE- war is kind of lame. More points and villages equals more costly noble. So in retrospect what would take us to make 1 noble, you can make 2. And in a game where recap is really easy considering the rule of the this world. I am really disappointed in NUKE's "active players" fighting ability. You are just not use to long distance warfare. And NUKE's recent op have proven it.

Yes i agree hate as a whole might of been active or might not everyone has their own opinion.
Yes u have more villages so noble cost will be more but with those more villages u have more resources (in theory) so u cant use tht as an excuse tbh:icon_wink:

You are mistaken. After the fight started, we never have a NAP with them. All 3 tribes eventually disbanded. Even when BLISS and TRIM was form, we didn't have any relationship with them. The NAP with TRIM was form prior to the war if I remember correctly. Which was months after the war with MIND before it was disbanded. Funny how you laugh at those 3 tribes, but they really did put up more of a fight than NUKE has, no lie. And you can claim that NUKE is inactive, but the players that we attacked only became inactive after we attacked them. They were nobling DSBAND no problem. So it's a coincidence that they were activate fighting DSBAND but once Axte joined they are suddenly labeled inactive. Merger always happen in the middle or end of a war especially with account as bigger as these. If you still haven't figure that part out yet, then you haven't been in very many major wars. O and maybe those 3 tribes conflicts are concerned a war in your stand point. But the facts remain, we have not once had a chance to recover from our war, thus any of those 3 conflicts could potentially break some of our players at that time.

Well i wasent in any form of leadership positions so if no naps were agrd then fair enough tht is what i assumed seeing as attacks stopped.

I laugh because u say they r better than nuke yet none of them are around still. Nuke still is so in my eyes nuke is better than those 3 tribes as it is still around and still fighting axte whereas the others have disbanded and given up? I know u will say tht isnt a way to compare tribes and i know myself tht other things determine how good a tribe is but the fact nuke have taken a beating yet are still around shows determination and loyalty.

Those 3 conflicts were at different parts of the world and at different times so in fact you probably have had chance to recover from all 3 conflicts at some point maybe not long but u have. Plus i doubt the whole of axte was involved in those conflicts so some might have been fighting for a while but others hve had time t build :icon_razz:


I do have to agree in this instance, survival in TW is worth its weight in gold even if you lose. Still hanging around and being a problem is pro.


Lando wasn't happy with Axte at times when he was a duke, I had some talks with him. He was my former baron after all... I dunno if he still plays but he ought to come on Skype more =/

I do have to agree in this instance, survival in TW is worth its weight in gold even if you lose. Still hanging around and being a problem is pro.



Yeah I was thinking about you when I said it. Would've been a lot more successful had others stuck it out with you as well I think :)


H0lly was never a problem. More of a mild inconvenience.


I'm glad you'd even describe it like that Choco, I would have just called it 'entertainment'. Seeing as all I tried to do was futile :lol:


I'm glad you'd even describe it like that Choco, I would have just called it 'entertainment'. Seeing as all I tried to do was futile :lol:

That solo train in the first Apathy vs. Axte op was pretty epic :lol: a shame it had to be yours, and ironic it had to be at me. THAT was some real entertainment, though I guess probably only on our side.


Yes i agree hate as a whole might of been active or might not everyone has their own opinion.
Yes u have more villages so noble cost will be more but with those more villages u have more resources (in theory) so u cant use tht as an excuse tbh:icon_wink:

In theory yes, and that's only if all the villages are completely upgraded and farm are full. But the fact of the matter is that is never the case. And in theory, with more villages, we can do more farming thus more resources. But the fact of the matter is, the villages are so clustered that after the first farm run, the 2nd, 3rd, etc farm run are farming the same barbs. So in "theory" if both NUKE and Axte farm their area dry, the advantage of resources still goes to NUKE since their noble cost less. So that is not an excuse, it's a fact:icon_idea: And you know that's true too, otherwise you would say "in theory" as theory and reality can be very different.

Well i wasent in any form of leadership positions so if no naps were agrd then fair enough tht is what i assumed seeing as attacks stopped.

I laugh because u say they r better than nuke yet none of them are around still. Nuke still is so in my eyes nuke is better than those 3 tribes as it is still around and still fighting axte whereas the others have disbanded and given up? I know u will say tht isnt a way to compare tribes and i know myself tht other things determine how good a tribe is but the fact nuke have taken a beating yet are still around shows determination and loyalty.

The fighting have stopped because all the problematic players were nobled out. If you were following the tribe closely, then you would know who those players were and I need not say more about that.

So by your logic, if and when NUKE falls and disappear from this world, tribes that are still alive and running such as ~DogZ~, RAZOR, or B.O.W. are better than NUKE. Since NUKE will be gone and those tribes are still around and will probably one day fight Axte. If you truely believe that those 3 tribes are better than NUKE, then I will have to agree with you in your logic that NUKE is better than those 3 tribes. As for loyalty, it just shows you how much you truely knows about your tribe. Because if you know how loyal some of your mates truely are, you will not have made the statement that you have just made. O and before you make any assumption about my position of the tribe, I too have no leadership position. Never wanted one.

Those 3 conflicts were at different parts of the world and at different times so in fact you probably have had chance to recover from all 3 conflicts at some point maybe not long but u have. Plus i doubt the whole of axte was involved in those conflicts so some might have been fighting for a while but others hve had time t build :icon_razz:

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Sorry I couldn't stop laughing at this particular point. Because it is just too funny. Yes all three conflicts have happened in different part of the world. But you can ask anyone in Axte and they can confirm that I did indeed fought in all 3 conflicts so again you are wrong. I never had a chance to recovery fully. In fact, before the new recruits, I believe if not all, then at least 75% of Axte participated in all three worlds in some shape or form. Long distance nuke/train/support. So some were more activate than others. And it's not a stretch to say that I was and still am one of the more active nobler. Even in this current NUKE conflict. You see the difference between NUKE and Axte-F is that Axte-F have always fought as one ever since the end of SHEEPS and Axte war. And we are quite proud of that. We put our mate before ourselves and that my friend is loyalty. Unlike the current NUKE who are now just randomly recruiting meat shield to buy what little time they can to recover. And you can't say the new recruits are anything but a meat shield. Not really your mate if you don't provide them with support. And you can argue that they wanted to fight Axte thus they've joined, but if that's the case they could have just attacked and not join a tribe, since there's no purpose in recruiting them if you are not going to support them other than painting them on the map for us and say, "hey attack them, they are close to you." Well done in leaving them high and dry.

NUKE may or may not have been good as I have never played with them or against them in the past. And I've always thought that -HATE- was inactive so that conflict can't be used to gauge the ability of NUKE. But base on my experience in the past 4 conflicts (including SHEEPS and Axte war) I may rank the "current" NUKE and AGG in the same lvl in terms of tribal activity and fighting ability as a tribe.


Davisly, you know nothing. Now kindly stop posting bs, thanks.

Also, goat are almost the same color as axtef, someone change it please...
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Davisly, you know nothing. Now kindly stop posting bs, thanks.

Also, goat are almost the same color as axtef, someone change it please...

Purple and blue are almost the same color? I mean.. I guess I can change it, but I really don't see an issue with it.



Stand are quite similar to Axte, if you could change that to green maybe then it would be better.

Also i think changing the nobling map to 3 days would be better.


army size, great advice. Now please kindly follow it, thanks.

lol @ Nystagmus's post


Purple and blue are almost the same color? I mean.. I guess I can change it, but I really don't see an issue with it.


There's no contrast John, make them Bright green or something :).

STAND could do with being black/orange.


Stand are quite similar to Axte, if you could change that to green maybe then it would be better.

Also i think changing the nobling map to 3 days would be better.

I can change the nobling map to 3 days if others here are in favor of it, otherwise it's going to stay 1 day (I was yelled at for changing it last time).

There's no contrast John, make them Bright green or something :).

STAND could do with being black/orange.

I'll swap a couple of them around to add some contrast then. Wont show up until tomorrow however.
Y'all are so needy! :p
