I dont know at the current moment. Will check the site see if theres any updates from nickjer.
Before you send me a deluge of emails complaining about the maps, please read this. So the new site hosting the maps has unlimited bandwidth, but with unlimited bandwidth comes crappy services. Due to this issue, my program has been having trouble uploading all the maps to the site. I am now currently working on a solution and hope to have one by tonight. So theoretically, all the maps should be up and running by tomorrow.
Here is a hopingNext update. Drama may end up being the first tribe to hit 100 villages nobled in a day
[12:02:56 AM] Pete (Roversbeef): We did the equivalent of taking out allos in one day
143 villages to us Great job!
Wait and see, we'll be going to the most villages in the same second record We got it once before!
Nice to see Coming and Nooble get over a 100 villages, Sadly for you guys Drama! nobled 251 villages
yeah real tribe effort cause you guys didn't got great power of the day