W70 - What's Your View?


The forum seems to have just sprung a little to life :icon_razz:

Let's capitalize on the activity on the Top 20 Player thread by having a light-hearted opinion thread on how this world has gone!

Only suggested rule - try no voting for yourself or your tribe in the 'best player/tribe' categories! Ego stroking is all well and good, but tends to ruin the fun of these threads!

As you may have noticed, I personally love to use films in many of my posts. This time I've gone for a classic to help split the sections up. Thanks to whoever I nicked all of the questions from :lol:

The Good!

1. Most Feared Player:

2. Your Favourite Player(s):

3. Most promising top 40 player(s)

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s):

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present:

6. Biggest game-changing move:

7. Best Leader past & present:

8. Most skilled player:

9. Most accomplished player:

10. Most underestimated player:

12 Funniest poster:

13. Best poster:

14. Best thread:

15. Best tribe representation:

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe:

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player:

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s):

3. The tribe you dislike the most:

4. Worst Leader past & present:

5. Worst player you've seen:

6. Most overestimated player:

7. Most overestimated leader:

8. Biggest tribal flop:

9. Poorest war:

10.. Worst poster:

11. Most annoying poster:

12. Worst thread:

13. Worst tribe representation:

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least:

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!):

3. Who you would hate to see win W70:

4. Who you wish would leave W70:

5. What you wanted that never came to be:

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
I am not posting on behalf of DSy4 with my opinions, as they are not shared by everybody, so will use my normal account for this :)

The Good!

1. Most Feared Player:
- Dutchwarrior. It usually goes to the rank 1 player as they have likely got the most nukes. But as Jake seems to enjoy his current fight with the barbs I'm only concerned of what happens if I hit delete :icon_redface:

2. Your Favourite Player(s):
- UnDeCoDeD - as they know, I've always had a soft spot for the people on this account and they are fun to talk to :icon_razz:
- Lord 0f War - his choice of positioning his account is, shall we say...sweet sassy molassy!
Maja Phoebe - seems to be very committed to stacking every village I ever seem to go after despite not being near me; players who help their tribe-mates are always good to see!

3. Most promising top 40 player(s)
- Come Little Children - the only top 20 account that is not in one of the 3 big dogs. Got high hopes for how much chaos he causes!

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s):
- Normy. - little biased here but I've seen him in past worlds, and like his style!

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present:
- M505 - might seem odd, but they gave DSy4 a lot of tactical challenges to deal with at once, and whilst they never tried to make a move on us themselves the amount of tribes we got to fight because of them earns them this spot.

6. Biggest game-changing move:
- The cease-fire between Infect and DSy4.
- The collapse of TT.
Had either of those not happened, the world would be hugely different today.

7. Best Leader past & present:
- I've got to go with the duchess over in Ronin. I like an underdog.

8. Most skilled player:
- From what I have seen, Se7ensins and Maggot132 have some talent. I won't list people I haven't fought :)

9. Most accomplished player:
Mysterious Viking Relic. Despite everything that the owner has been through on this world, he's still going strong and fighting hard!

10. Most underestimated player:
The Black Reaper. Those barbs may not be fighting back, but when he's done the local Smoke may want to look out!

12 Funniest poster:
Lord 0f War, hands down!

13. Best poster:
I don't really think I've seen a best poster on this world as nobody posts much!

14. Best thread:
Might be a little biased - okay a lot biased, but I only really have properly enjoyed the DSy4 declarations made by Cryptic Turnip. The Infect vs Smoke one would come a close second after those


15. Best tribe representation:
No tribe has had brilliant representation here, as there's been too much bickering in the past! So all are on the same playing field I think.

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe:
dutchwarrior; I don't see Infect being as strong as it is without Omar.
DSy4- Sidd 271; he's won a world as rank 1 before, and won several others too. The guy is a gift to the tribe!
Se7ensins; his positioning means what he does in the future will make or break Smoke.
The Repo Man; the only one in Ronin who I know at all, so has to be her, eh? him.
~DT~- Come Little Children; the guy is likely going to be a talisman for their tribe in the future.

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player:
- Deep.Pockets - we don't seem able to keep an enemy village right now!

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s):
- CaptainHellRazor - I'm not too keen on his personal style, as he seems to be a type who tries to tribe hop. Plus he didn't have much popularity in his methods of communicating with people in -LGN- before the merge between DSy4 & -LGN- was ever on the table and so was asked to not give him the time of day if he began to argue as a result :icon_redface:

3. The tribe you dislike the most:
- BB. Where did they just go???

4. Worst Leader past & present:
- Worst leader probably does go to M505's leadership, as despite having 5-6 tribes working for them and no enemies to really fight he still wouldn't run an op on DSy4.

5. Worst player you've seen:
- Mikhails, in all honesty. He got smashed by a nuke op, and then hit delete and let his tribe mop up barbs as fast as they could before DSy4 took them.

7. Most overestimated leader:
- I don't think any leader in W70 is over-estimated, as all seem to be doing a reasonable job right now.

8. Biggest tribal flop:
- Who? or Soon? or whichever tribes merges together. That was tribal suicide.

9. Poorest war:
- Who? vs ACE - the stats made it seem like there was never actually a war.

10.. Worst poster:

- Nobody posts enough to get this.

11. Most annoying poster:
- Nobody posts enough to get this.

12. Worst thread:
- Worst april fool thread yet -just 2 responses


The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least:
- I wouldn't say I 100% trust any player outside of DSy4.

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!):
- Everybody who did dirty play in the past that I was aware of seems to have quit now. So it's a hard call.

3. Who you would hate to see win W70:
- Anybody other than DSy4!

4. Who you wish would leave W70:
- StormChild; the antics of that account have been a nuisance to handle.

5. What you wanted that never came to be:
- The DSy4 vs Care? war. The best PnP DSy4 would have produced for this world was all written up ready for it, and was an absolute beauty. All credit to the artistic designer for the job he did on that. But then things occurred within DSy4 that led to the Care? war no longer happening. I still read the planned declaration periodically

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The Good!

1. Most Feared Player:
Dutchwarrior - Seems to have been Rank 1 for most of this world on this or another account so very active and be a pita for anyone to fight.

2. Your Favourite Player(s):
Zenloghut - Noz is a good player though seemingly getting bored with this world with the lack of fight from the enemy
xxLordwardxx - Played with scott on this account from the start and then jake when joined TT good guys and fun to play with even if they are internal whores ^^ lol
Frostgat - My basher frosty great player even after leaving infect defended well against many players will sadly be missed since he is quiting this world.

3. Most promising top 40 player(s)
RoloDax - Only person i see any promise from on this world outside of my tribe and on my side of the world.

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s):
Sean South - gurl is a good player if shes not bored to death be hard for anyone to fight or Rim

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present:
DSY4 - With Googly in charge this tribe be a force to be reckoned with googly is a good leader so expect to see more good things.

6. Biggest game-changing move:

Googly returning to Duke DSY4 again.
TT Collapse

7. Best Leader past & present:
Infect leadership works with the 3 of them so Dutchwarrior,Windstonejack, lowbudget
Googly, of Dsy4

8. Most skilled player:
Yet to see anyone really skilled fight me yet, Though there are a good few on this world i look forward to fighting.

9. Most accomplished player:
Googly, His second coming braught about change for Dsy4 so i think thats a big accomplishment expecialy under circamstances he left for in the first place.

10. Most underestimated player:
XXLordwardXX, Although he is a internal whore he is prob the most active player on this world besides Omar and his lot, will be a force to be reckoned with considering he learned so much on this world and still managed to keep top rank.

12 Funniest poster:

Crap externals this world.

13. Best poster:
Crap externals this world

14. Best thread:
Crap externals this world

15. Best tribe representation:

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe:
Infect, Omar( The Duke)
Dsy4, Googly( The Duke)
Don't have one for smoke yet
Jennifer(The Dutchess)
~DT~ Come Little Children

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player:
King Enea - Hes utter bollox

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s):
None at the moment there all rimmed lol.

3. The tribe you dislike the most:
Smoke, have hated them since in TT not great allies say stuff do another.

4. Worst Leader past & present:
Hellsjester, at the start of the world threatend me with 5 tribes and i rimmed all of there best players lol and rimmed him later on in the game as he was a SPY for a tribe when he was in TT

5. Worst player you've seen:
Hellsjester/King kristi. Spys and crap players got told to forcefully internal them in TT and they quit as soon as i launched noobs.

6. Most overestimated player:
dutchwarrior - YOU SUCK OMAR ! lol
7. Most overestimated leader:

8. Biggest tribal flop:

9. Poorest war:
TT vs Ronin

10.. Worst poster:

Myself perhaps???

11. Most annoying poster:
Andy Dawolf??

12. Worst thread:
All of world 70's threads?

13. Worst tribe representation:
None that i can think of

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least:
Akhil, he has beady eyes and is very unpredictable!!!!!

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!):

3. Who you would hate to see win W70:

4. Who you wish would leave W70:
Me Myself and I.... Stupid game

5. What you wanted that never came to be:

TT to declare war on smoke " not that we were in any fit shape to but i wanted it sooo bad lol.
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sidd 271

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
The Good!

1. Most Feared Player :
DO NOT DISTURB: Ricky and Camel both are beasts. Their war caps shows how dangerous they are.

2. Your Favourite Player(s):
Googly and Hybrid Soul: Amazing leadership skill. They recovered dsy4 from a position where we were absolutely hopeless
LORD 0F WAR : Great presence both in game and in externals.

3. Most promising top 40 player(s)
Dr-SM : Will finish within top 3 when this world ends

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s)
Normy : Great player with great attitude

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present:
Killers: Their villages were so easy to take :D

6. Biggest game-changing move:
Googly and HS coming back and signing the nap with Infect

7. Best Leader past & present:
Googly & HS again

8. Most skilled player:
Tie between LORD 0F WAR and DO NOT DISTURB

9. Most accomplished player:
Mysterious Viking Relic : His ODA and ODD shows it

10. Most underestimated player:
[h=1]Maggot132: seen him in past worlds. He is probably one of the most dangerous players in w70

12 Funniest poster: None

13. Best poster: Cryptic Turnip

14. Best thread: Puppets & Strings by Cryptic Turnip. That was an amazing piece of pnp. M505 folded even without warring after this [http://forum.tribalwars.net/showthread.php?266419-Puppets-amp-Strings]

15. Best tribe representation: Early DSy4. Everyone used to just guess who the players behind these “cryptic” usernames are.

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe:
Infect: DutchWarrior
DSy4: Googly
Smoke: 7sins
Ronin: Repo Man
DT: Come Little Children

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player: Don Funk

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s): Don Funk

3. The tribe you dislike the most: Smoke

4. Worst Leader past & present: Smoke hierarchy

5. Worst player you've seen:

6. Most overestimated player: Don Funk

7. Most overestimated leader:Talin

8. Biggest tribal flop: TT

9. Poorest war: TT vs ronin

10.. Worst poster: None

11. Most annoying poster: None

12. Worst thread: Many

13. Worst tribe representation:

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least:

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!): Smoke

3. Who you would hate to see win W70: Smoke

4. Who you wish would leave W70: None

5. What you wanted that never came to be: Nothing


The Good!

1. Most Feared Player: LORD 0F WAR- Dem war caps doh

2. Your Favourite Player(s): Do Not Disturb and the players on Gogg a while back.

3. Most promising top 40 player(s): Dr-SM and Se7ensins definitely.

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s): Maggot132. Great location and great player(s)

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present: Past- -LGN- | Present- Ronin

6. Biggest game-changing move: bAd merging in PTT and ACE :L
: TT splitting up. World have been so much different right now.

7. Best Leader past & present: Past- Sharbel/APC | Present- Guys over in DSy4

8. Most skilled player: IMO- Between Se7ensins and L0W just from watching them in action.

9. Most accomplished player: xXLordWardXx

10. Most underestimated player: Maggot132

12 Funniest poster: None

13. Best poster: L0W

14. Best thread:

15. Best tribe representation: DSy4 for sure. Love the PnP

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe: Infect- dutchwarrior
DSy4- Mystic Viking Relic
Smoke- Se7ensins
Ronin- Repo Man
~DT~- CLC, I guess.

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player: whalefish1

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s): anantrocks and Don Funk

3. The tribe you dislike the most: ~DT~

4. Worst Leader past & present: Past- Time! leadership or M505 | Present- Maybe me? :icon_cool:

5. Worst player you've seen: dubiously- brutal nuke builds and coordination.

6. Most overestimated player: Don Funk

7. Most overestimated leader: Don Funk

8. Biggest tribal flop: TT

9. Poorest war: TT v most of the tribes they fought

10.. Worst poster:

11. Most annoying poster: Knightbrad

12. Worst thread:

13. Worst tribe representation: Can't think of any

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least: Mr Turkey

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!): Infect- seen/heard some dirty tactics from over there.

3. Who you would hate to see win W70: ~DT~

4. Who you wish would leave W70:

5. What you wanted that never came to be: TT v Infect war


The Good!

1. Most Feared Player:
- By sheer ODA alone, Tahawli. Clearly someone not afraid to throw his nukes to their death.
- Close in second has to be the Mysterious Viking Relic from Dsy and Do Not Disturb.

2. Your Favourite Player(s):
- Lots out there, but most stand out to me have to be Mytic666 and rphockey101. Great accounts, great people, always put the tribe first and always the first to volunteer to help in any situation, a leader couldn't ask for anything more.
- If he was still playing, soi6 account. Never seen a harder working player in my life.

3. Most promising top 40 player(s)
- Even though they are currently rank 1, LordWard account. A couple of workhorses on that account, I don't see them falling off any time soon if they can keep up their pace.
- xxaven, most people don't look twice, but an account that always gets the job done. Position wise, who doesn't love to be near the rim with unlimited food.

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s):
- Although may not be the same players from before, but Killer Willard account. Just from experience alone, I can say they are an account that is very skilled, or was, depending on who is on the account now.

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present:
- Don't really have one.

6. Biggest game-changing move:
- Dsy/Infect NAP

7. Best Leader past & present:
- The current group of guys over in Dsy. Nice talking to opposing leaders that show honor and respect, but are also forward when they speak.

8. Most skilled player:
- If he wasn't so damn lazy, mattcurr on windstonejack account.

9. Most accomplished player:
- Mysterious Viking Relic

10. Most underestimated player:
- Underestimating someone would just be stupid.

12 Funniest poster:
- Lord 0f War

13. Best poster:
- Lord 0f War/ Cryptic Turnip

14. Best thread:
- Don't really see a best.

15. Best tribe representation:
- Either too much bickering, or not enough talking, so none.

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe:
- Infect: Mystic666
- DSy4: Googly
- Smoke: se7ensins
- Ronin: The Repo Man
- ~DT~: Ghorabi

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player:
- Talin

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s):
- Qiwenwong: I'm not particularly fond of snakes. But that's a conversation for another time.

3. The tribe you dislike the most:
- Smoke, mainly because of their past and present leadership.

4. Worst Leader past & present:
- Past, snoopzy
- Present, whoever is leading smoke.

5. Worst player you've seen:
- Too many to pick one.

6. Most overestimated player:
- qiwenwong/Talin

7. Most overestimated leader:
- Talin

8. Biggest tribal flop:
- Smoke, particularly when they brought in PTT and ACE.

9. Poorest war:
- TT vs Ronin

10.. Worst poster:
- Micheal Wittman

11. Most annoying poster:
- Micheal Wittman

12. Worst thread:

13. Worst tribe representation:
- Micheal Wittman

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least:
- Anyone not in Infect.

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!):
- Anyone not Infect.

3. Who you would hate to see win W70:
- Smoke

4. Who you wish would leave W70:
- CDN, on Talin account. Time to move on bud.
- Repinski, I know you're still lurking around you map making son of a gun, lol.

5. What you wanted that never came to be:
- A mergeless world.


4. Who you wish would leave W70:
- Repinski, I know you're still lurking around you map making son of a gun, lol.

I mod the maps here. I can't leave until the world ends and I've never been one to fold on my map modding duties.



I mod the maps here. I can't leave until the world ends and I've never been one to fold on my map modding duties.

I'm just bitter because you deleted me off skype. I thought we had something special.


The Good!

1. Most Feared Player:

2. Your Favourite Player(s):
dr-sm most of ronin and a small group of nameless players over in my area.
3. Most promising top 40 player(s)
4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s):
5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present:
6. Biggest game-changing move:
I have to agree with everyone here the break of tt
7. Best Leader past & present:
Have to say Repo is pretty good...tvtman is not bad either
8. Most skilled player:
have not seen one yet.
9. Most accomplished player:
Zengo...despite having a tt back ground he has so far only lost 1 village this entire world and that is snazzy.
10. Most underestimated player:
12 Funniest poster:
cryptic turnip
13. Best poster:
cryptic turnip
14. Best thread:
Dont have one
15. Best tribe representation:
16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe:
Zen for infect
dr sm for ds4
Dont see any value in smoke
nidhogger for ronin
raven in dt

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player:
2. Your Least Favourite Player(s):
long long long list
3. The tribe you dislike the most:
drugs...kind of just poaching around though d**k is not much better.
4. Worst Leader past & present:
5. Worst player you've seen:
6. Most overestimated player:
not sure.
7. Most overestimated leader:
8. Biggest tribal flop:
9. Poorest war:
all of tt
10.. Worst poster:
11. Most annoying poster:
more then likely me
12. Worst thread:
eh not sure
13. Worst tribe representation:
mine lol

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least:
that is a long list hard to pick just one
2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!):
3. Who you would hate to see win W70:
4. Who you wish would leave W70:
God Himself
5. What you wanted that never came to be:
Smoke crumbling..(yet to be determined)


Because in some of your answers, you refer to yourself, so just wondering which account you are referring to when you say "me"


I am just a lowly peasant giving my opinion based on what i do and don't see...Nobody really important in the world but I do stand by my opinion and over the course of the next few months we will see if my opinion still stands and is validated OR is crushed.


Just for your information, my answers below do not represent DSy4´s opinions, just mine.

The Good!

1. Most Feared Player:
Might sound a bit arrogant, but I havent yet come across someone I fear...

2. Your Favourite Player(s):
UnDeCoDeD - always great and fun to talk to
Lord of War - cause its just him :D

3. Most promising top 40 player(s)
Im minded to say Dr-SM, but there are a couple of good ones.

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s):
Pff, no idea...

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present:
LGN - for not taking part in the gangbang on us

6. Biggest game-changing move:
DSy4/Infect-NAP & TT collapse

7. Best Leader past & present:
Our current leadership, no doubt about that

8. Most skilled player:
Theres a lot of skill around, and some may have not shown their real talent yet...

9. Most accomplished player:
MVR for sure, conquers and OD clearly display that. In addition, all the stuff, that was here on externals as well...

10. Most underestimated player:
Hard to say...

12. Funniest poster:
Not sure about this one...

13. Best poster:

14. Best thread:
Guess there are a few ones

15. Best tribe representation:
Clearly DSy4 (although there was a weak streak inbetween)...

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe:
Infect: LordWard
DSy4: Googly
Smoke: 7Sins
Ronin: Repo Man
DT: Come Little Children

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player:
mikhails (may he rest in pieces)

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s):
Everett - honestly, if I knew, which account in smoke hes on, I would happily ram all my nukes down his throat :)

3. The tribe you dislike the most:
Smoke and all their family tribes

4. Worst Leader past & present:
Talin - I mean, look at Smoke right now and youll see what I mean...

5. Worst player you've seen:
mikhails - after folding 24 hours after a simple nuke OP

6. Most overestimated player:
mikhails - I dont even know, how he managed to get so much ODA?

7. Most overestimated leader:

8. Biggest tribal flop:
TT - I mean, the way it imploded was just spectacular..

9. Poorest war:
Smoke vs. Ace

10.. Worst poster:

11. Most annoying poster:
knightbrad for sure

12. Worst thread:
This one XD (just joking)

13. Worst tribe representation:
hm, hard to tell, dont read externals too much

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least:
Everett - again :D

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!):

3. Who you would hate to see win W70:
Smoke of course...

4. Who you wish would leave W70:

5. What you wanted that never came to be:
TT vs Smoke and TT vs Infect - would have been interesting to see the entire world at war :D
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The Good!

1. Most Feared Player: No one yet, but plenty of time left yet.

2. Your Favourite Player(s): Undecoded, Killer Willard, Sidd 271 and Mysterious Viking Relic.

3. Most promising top 40 player(s): Dr-SM, these guys have fought non stop against the many minions of smoke.

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s): Maggot132, done a good job picking apart DSy4 members up north so far.

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present: LGN, very helpful to us when the world was against us.

6. Biggest game-changing move: Rep being given control of DSy4(dont think the world would of taken same path without his diplomacy skills) and googlys well timed return.

7. Best Leader past & present: Googly, dont care if you think im biased.

8. Most skilled player: No one ive fought really showed a lot other than recaps.

9. Most accomplished player: Do not Disturb, both great players always willing to help.

10. Most underestimated player: Undecoded

12 Funniest poster: lord of war

13. Best poster:

14. Best thread: DSy4 leadership posts

15. Best tribe representation: Infect

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe: Dutchwarrior, se7ensins, Do not Disturb on the other 2 ive had no real contact so cant comment.

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player: Don Funk

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s): Everett, useless spy.

3. The tribe you dislike the most: Smoke, with all there families it just got annoying.

4. Worst Leader past & present: Talin

5. Worst player you've seen: Qiwenwong or tochri, both had frontline vills with dsy4 and didnt act until they had too.

6. Most overestimated player: Mikhails, apart from recaps didnt really show much.

7. Most overestimated leader: Talin

8. Biggest tribal flop: TT

9. Poorest war: Smoke v Ace, recruited all the food.

10.. Worst poster:

11. Most annoying poster:

12. Worst thread:

13. Worst tribe representation:

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least: Qiwenwong

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!): Smoke

3. Who you would hate to see win W70: Smoke

4. Who you wish would leave W70: Everett

5. What you wanted that never came to be: bAd vs DSy4, before they got the terrible leadership and merged and made 100's of family tribes.


Maybe there should be a rule where you can only name players in your tribe a maximum of 3 times or something, lol.

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
Reaction score
Maybe there should be a rule where you can only name players in your tribe a maximum of 3 times or something, lol.


It's definitely great to have some life back in the forum again, but it's even nicer to see some credit to others for what they've done in this world too :icon_razz:


Colour me bored, but yeah, I'm doing this...

The Good!

1. Most Feared Player: For me, Frostgat, dude is a beast and it was a shame to see his quit post.

2. Your Favourite Player(s): There were some great people in DSY4, past and present. I miss them all. There's also a lowly peasant somewhere in the world I gotta give props to.

3. Most promising top 40 player(s): Do Not Disturb, no more needs said.

4. Most Promising Non Top 40 player(s): That lowly peasant, you gotta watch them peasants. They're prone to regicide.

5. Your Favourite Tribe other than your own, past and present: I had a lot of respect for bAd, kept it tight, doing their own thing. I truly despaired that merge with ACE.

6. Biggest game-changing move: I won't go into this, there are a couple of incidental occurrences that I believe would have seen the world turn slightly differently than it has.

7. Best Leader past & present: Googly, Hybrid and Foc. It's mostly Googly that tends to see the credit, but not only do they work well together, and make a great trio, and not only are they seemingly almost in tune with each other in what should be done, but they absolutely trust each other with those decisions.

8. Most skilled player: I honestly never got to see anything particularly noteworthy before I left. The game has its limits, as do players. I always thought that it was a game that came down to numbers, and those who spent the time getting to grips with those numbers. I never went to such extents myself, but I've seen players who could count seconds and put attacks exactly where they wanted them without fail.
^What that was, was fluff to avoid pumping ego's that don't need pumping.

9. Most accomplished player: Accomplished meaning...? We had "The Scientist" on what was the Zich account who put in a lot of time and effort behind the scenes to help keep accounts running during the crucial starting phase. I thought that was a pretty incredible and selfless accomplishment. I mean, he wasn't alone in doing it, he just always seemed to be there.

10. Most underestimated player: Underestimated is the key to a dangerous player's infamy. I'd not risk drawing them attention by throwing names around.
[SPOIL]SIKE! It's the peasant, dammit![/SPOIL]

12 Funniest poster: Snoopzy gave me some laughs. Been some pretty funny posters from Infect, but again I don't want to fan the flames of their egos :p

13. Best poster: Cryptic Turnip. This account rises above the person typing behind it to provide concise statements, with no qualms about truth and lies, only what is. It remains the pinnacle of respect for DSY4s forum presence.

14. Best thread: Gotta say it's a long time favourite and has already been linked to in previous replies, DSY4s M505 declaration.

15. Best tribe representation: Arguably a tribe with no representation has the best representation. DSY4 did great for a long time before unleashing to the forums. A shout out here to KTAD who's lack of forum presence leaves them to the fight for their existence with players from both DSY4 and Infect munching away at them.

16. The most valuable player in each top 5 tribe: I'm probably going to fail with this judgement...
Do Not Disturb
I would have said Snoopzy or Trickster...but Snoopzy jumped ship and Trickster looks(?) inactive.
I've heard Ronin are a good bunch, but I don't know enough about them to single out any one player.
Same lack of knowledge goes for DT, though I would like to know if Ravenswood 2 bears any relation to the original Ravenswood.

The Bad!

1. Least Feared Player: No idea

2. Your Least Favourite Player(s): Myself.

3. The tribe you dislike the most: It isn't Smoke. It's the tribes that allowed themselves to become Smoke's property, the number of them all falling in line.. I'd hate to be a part of that. I wouldn't lead a tribe or be in one that became cattle for a large tribe. Especially the rank 1.

4. Worst Leader past & present: Leadership comes down to mistakes made. A leader learns from those mistakes and carries the burden with him to the next experience/world. I think it was a mistake that M505 tried to instigate a war and then backed out of it, they should have fought. I think it was a mistake that bAd merged with ACE. I think it was a mistake that Googly, Hybrid and Foc quit, and I do so wish I could right that wrong...
A poor leader is one who doesn't learn from mistakes made...if they didn't learn, they would eventually not be leading anymore for lack of players who would follow them.

5. Worst player you've seen: Spies. The best thing about this game is the community built in tribes, and I absolutely despise people who build up that trust and ruin it for their own amusement.

6. Most overestimated player: For me, it is any player that talks a big game when their tribe is on the up and up, but then flops at the first sign of trouble.

7. Most overestimated leader: Not any one person, but there wasn't any one person big enough to hold Smoke up in times of trouble.

8. Biggest tribal flop: M505, TT, Smoke.

9. Poorest war: bAd vs Ace, it was only really a declaration that could be fulfilled through the destruction of Ace's family tribe, but the war persisted and after DSY4 needed to make a decision on expansion and chose ACE, bAd relegated to the merge option. A decision which cost them Aubreys Pirate Crew

10.. Worst poster: Me

11. Most annoying poster: Me

12. Worst thread: Me...wait...

13. Worst tribe representation:

The Ugly!

1. The player you trust the least: Any player who would forsake the bonds of the DSY4 brotherhood, and Snoopzy, just get that feeling he looks at me funny :p
[SPOIL]I kid the Snoopzy[/SPOIL]

2. The tribe you trust the least (given what's happened throughout this world, this might just be a rather entertaining one on many tribes!):
Infect. Never trust the Rank 1.

3. Who you would hate to see win W70: I hate to see the rank 1 tribe win, it's annoying how that works, isn't it? Seriously though, any one of the Smoke basher tribes I would hate to some how miraculously win.

4. Who you wish would leave W70: This game can be a poison, I hope that with the changes it is slightly less intensive for those on the poor end of a war, but I would wish the strength to anyone to leave the game when they need to.

5. What you wanted that never came to be: To win the world with DSY4. I still believe they will win, I'm just sad that I won't be with them for good. Good luck, guys.