
Historians have said, since the beginning of time. "History will repeat itself". If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of leaning from experience. Some of you may be lost already. That is fine, more will be explained below. Welcome to this edition of "W86 newsletter". Hope you enjoy!

Now this world is not over, still plenty of time for a competitive finish. The problem is, there are many other players who play with these tactics on this world. I am not saying Faux does not have players who do not use these tactics ether so please do not get my point wrong. My point is just a cry for listeners to realize this game is not just about surviving. It is about war, the game is about making friends with your tribe, not betraying them because you will survive longer with a different tribe. This game has way to many players who just want to survive instead of realizing you can always try again next world. Do not build a reputation like Brad, Darren, or just most of PD players in general no matter what tribe they ran to. Do not let history repeat itself once again on W86. Let's make for a fun end to a world with pretty good settings overall. Let's not let this world go to waste with betrayal and merges. Let's make some new history and a new breed of players starting this world.

[spoil]Although there are currently no "official wars" on the PnP. This is largely due to both PD and WET merging to make Slek. So statistics are off, or not existent unless you feel like spending an hour digging through TW stats to find out.
War started 2016,March 11th, 03:23 (Via Forums)
War ended 2016, April 12th 02:05 (when Slek was formed)
PD Gained: 45
PD Lost: 32
PD Net: +13
WET Gained: 47
WET Lost: 26
WET Net: +21
T-O-C Gained: 58
T-O-C Lost: 92
T-O-C Net: -34
Overall not a very impressive show from the former top 2 tribes WET or PD. Against a tribe that most top tribes should be able to handle fairly easily.
PD VS Faux
War Started 2016,April 1st 21:59 (via forums)
War Ended 2016, April 12th 02:05 (when Slek was formed)
Faux Gained: 27
Faux Lost: 7
Faux Net: +20
PD Gained: 7
PD Lost: 27
PD Net: -20
Short war only lasted 11 days till PD disbanded and merged into WET making Slek.

No "official wars" with MORS, but a little eye candy for the poor souls.
There are no other "official wars" place publicly anyways. So I will leave it at this.[/spoil]

Now I apologize ahead of time, I did not really take the time to do much for top tribes and players. So the rest of this newsletter is simply stuff you can look up on your own in game put into one area. Along with a map at the end. So if you don't care about rankings, stats or maps. You don't have to open the next couple spoilers.
Tribes, Players, ODA Rankings
In a day Rankings
Wars, Dominance, & Maps

In a day Rankings

Wars, Dominance, & Maps

Hope you guys enjoyed the read, again I am still looking for help making these newsletters. I would like someone who can do detailed opinions on the top 5 tribes and players. I personally don't have the time to do it, but I know if I found someone who could. It would make these newsletters way better. I would be willing to take on two or three people and credit will be given to the player who helps. These newsletters will only be as good as the info I get/help I get.

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