clearly i never mentioned your name as the one who can send 50k attacks in 6 hours, the fact is another guy is taking credit for doing that, now whos stupid.
and from what i remember the last time you did that you got perma.... the offer is send it legally:lol:
but hey your remaining ctrl friends needs help badly, so get in there and lets dance.
I'm just pointing out that I never said I could send 50k in a day. Nor have I.
And absolutely. I'll jump on one of your accounts and fire off attacks. No matter how I do it, you're still going to say it's cheating because you still don't grasp the concept of how to mass attack.
Anyone who knows how it's done can easily vouch. It just takes dedication, and not even much of it.
The offer stands. I'll send if you'll delete your accounts when I shut you up. If you're not willing to believe how I send the attacks, then don't throw the offer on the table.
Because you're just saying, "I'll believe it when I see it." And when you see it, "I still think you're cheating."
Every fact and bit of evidence could be right infront of your face, and you still only see what you choose to see.
I really don't think it has much of anything to do with anything, other than the fact that you're an attention whore, and will just argue whatever point it is for the sake of arguing the point. The problem is, in order to do this well, your posts need to have substance, your arguments need to have validity, your baseless accusations need to have some kind of evidence other than hear say.
Unfortunately, your posts contain no substance. None of your arguments hold and validity or even have anything remotely logical to say. And all of your baseless accusations are exactly that, baseless.
You can continue believing whatever you want to believe, as clearly nothing is getting through that think skull of yours.

epsi styx piloted by a spy tried to banned others bad bad kid:lol:
I think you mean Borg was retarded and never did any backchecks of anyone they gave an account to.
They gave the pepsi styx account to a former BDR member who hated Borg.
The guy contacted us after he'd been given the account and said he'd leave Borg and start attacking them. It's not our fault Borg are/were retarded. That was purely their mistake.
the combined villages of those names, can almost equal one of EJ's lost village in one of his ban.:lol:
Given the fact that most of those players never came back after they had taken punishment. I'll say this is BS too.
think it was a premium points issue which resulted to their ban
See, you think. Statements like that are upsetting because you clearly have no idea what happened. Yet you speak as tho you do.
Having first hand knowledge of what actually happened. I know for a fact, you have no idea what you're talking about.