@kirk the wineman Oh, how I've waited. Must have taken patience to backspace the hashtags. Or you might be sober. I don't know which. I suppose at least I'll take it as a compliment you actually typed, mostly grammatically correct, just for
Lol, the "me-me-me" jab is getting old. If you ever appreciated what we had or maybe stopped nursing the war juice and took time to listen before, you'd know "the enterprise" was never about what I wanted or what anyone thought of me. On the contrary, it was about
you, and a lot more headache than I should have ever put myself through if where we are now is any indicator
. Your diplo, your ops, your war, your game plan, who you wanted in charge... I haven't seen a scrap of evidence that alliance wasn't 85-90% Wipe playing second fiddle in your symphony. I have seen you and yours spouting typical bollox propaganda, some even having the nerve to ask me to
apologize. Why? All I've done is tell the truth, something some people evidently find challenging.
If you remember, we used to have a vision. I was loyal to you to the bitter end. I was your friend, ready to come back from the dead, toss my hard work to the wind -- and I did, for you and Barb, not for me. I couldn't have given a rat less about the game at that point, but I came back because you convinced me we could make a difference, and I stayed true until I knew without a shadow of a doubt you were just playing games. Just a shame the honest way wasn't good enough for you to feel safe about your bets, or I might have helped you. What you did was unforgivable. It's one thing to frame an enemy, but a council member of a borderline family tribe, and then say "oh, well if it was a lie, I'm sure it's pointing straight to the heart of things"? I can almost hear Ludacris's
"How Low" playing in the background.
Now, you say it was all about
me, yet you try to flush me down the same "drain" you "plucked" me from, and slandered me before I'd even opened my mouth about
you. Well, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. You can talk about experience when you appear to have wisdom alongside it. And god forbid, if you ever find yourself talking to a woman outside the internet... don't ask about her period. Please. In case she's got some wicked stilettos. You're lucky I can't walk in heels, speaking of.
Back to reality, before all this, we, Wipe, catered to your every whim, and when relations were rough, who was left to handle it but me. I was the only one with the patience to put up with 8 hours of arguing with you over insignificant things while you were piss drunk, knowing you wouldn't remember what you were shouting at me about in the morning, or how I often sat silent while you told me to
buzz off shall we say, and that we were going to do x thing, or might as well can the alliance because we were "no good". I was asked to handle
us when no one else would. In the end, looks like the only reason you gave me anything at all was to keep me around, provided I was useful. It's kinda sad, I've had more civilized convos at times with Black Flags.
Now regarding giving, I'm sure you also forgot, but you said a lot of things to my mom that didn't just sit idle on her eardrums. Play the innocent man you like. Blood is thicker than water. She told me your contingency plans to take back what you "gave" me, which, by the way, you
told me to take -- you never asked -- and sure enough, not long after I got tipped off, in came the nobles, within the hour. We call that indian-giving over here.
What this tells me is, you got close to me because I had everyone's ear in a way that was strategically viable for you. Unfortunately, you didn't seem to care to hear what anyone had to say. Had you been willing to listen instead of plugging your ears, maybe Warpig would still be around, and I would count you my friend. Instead, you and Barb lied, not only
to me, but
through me. Your own decisions, not mine or anyone else's, are what "destroyed everything".
And lastly, you talk about me being a "blip" in TW history, yet I can't seem to recall WP as anything but that on any world. Yet still you repeat the same mistakes each time -- backstabbing, double dealing, keeping your tribe in the dark, arbitrary war, and lashing out at the few people who do actually like you. Perhaps you should go out and learn how to be "normal" -- if not for the game, for the personal relationships that are suffering for it. I'd know. I used to fancy you before you started impersonating my codgery, crotchety, cantankerous grandfather (RIP). Figured I might as well say in case you were indeed implying I should go outside and be
straight or some other bollox. I lurked for 10 years under various accs and coplays for this exact reason. A girl's a doll until you make her mad, and then she's on her monthly. What a joke.
Now, where's the part where you disprove my claims and prolong the thread.

I'm just gonna assume
@Raavna's alleged proof is fabricated or nonexistent, just like Barb's and Kirk's before it. Seems to be the WP trend!