who me? what do you mean the truth?
Current tribe find out your a spy, see if they kick you?
who me? what do you mean the truth?
Well that one thread said HOPLOX is in ruin... I'll start looking in ruin, can someone else divide up the K's and check there? I don't think we'll find them though... I hear it's just a bunch of pussies that are scared, so they hide from everyone... if my sources are right, their latest hideout is under the tag SCIRNAHmmm... I know the person that disbanded the last SCIRNA... maybe history will repeat itself?
theyre free for the nobletheyve never moved troops to defend against me lol. you might wanna convince the VVV leadership to go to war with them first though
but if i were a spy i'd still have some evidence. i'm sory if i caused any trouble. the only reason i came to V V V+ is to get away from HOPLOX
theyre free for the nobletheyve never moved troops to defend against me lol. you might wanna convince the VVV leadership to go to war with them first though
Go to war with who?
Not much convinvcing needed.
Spell it our for meh pl0x.
SCIRNA, which would require you to go to war with sciron too
Go -=SP=-
fail. SCIOVA won't even let you merge into them, since that won't improve their ranks at all lol, only one player in -=SP=- would be in SCIOVA's top 40![]()
Stranger things have happened.
tennis, don't you have someone to kill than be hecklin mah boys, and in -=SP=- no less? All the talk of red dots and here's your a$$ on forum. :lol:
Ranks shpanks, you know what the worst position to be in for a Tribe is? #1.
#2 you have a goal, you have a fight, the struggle fuels a fervor for the game that lasts a while after achieving the goal...but inevitably fades.
But what is the goal? Is it to be #1 - for how long? As long as possible, sure, but what are we talking... is W5 going for 1-2 more years, maybe more? Who can endure this...not me.
So the #1 rank to me will always change, the #2 Tribe will always be the most ambitious and in actual game play be more active, and once any Tribe becomes victorious the fervor cools in time and some other next great #2 starts dancing on your shirt-tails looking for their time in the spot.
I think for SCIOVA, who is more than the sum of her Parts like a coral reef built from the work of the predecessors, better than being #1 is enduring the test of time by continuing to pass on not only privileges but our methodology and character.
For endurance the best rank is #2, so I am not as concerned as others in this. I can see the slump of achievement and the lack of a height to reach to becomes the burden of maintenance. It appeases the ego to be on top but there is nothing that takes the wind out of your sails like reaching your destination.