We Ride!

  • Thread starter blue eyed sandwalker
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What the hell are you going on about? LOL, Even your members are like :| WTH. You are a complete joke, just aren't funny.

The day is coming for you, Dana out, Gearhound on hes way out, You next? Get stacked, this is your warning don't want any excuse when we finally come and rim you. Just a matter of time time.

We all can see PITA can't noble more then 10 caps per day from GotRob in the last 3 weeks, Yet GotRob can't noble less then 20 with some days 40-50+ in the last 3 week. We'll sure carry that on, when we begin on you. :)


what your coming for me? now i am worried 1 sec 2 sec okay over it now! here's my prediction i will still be here this month and the month after why might you ask just to read next years post on how your gonna rim me out of this world again. who knows 2013 gives you another 12 months to try good luck.

what the heck i send you a scobby snack if you do rim me
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I never forget something and all what I said until now came true

I said lots of things about us rimming big players like teh for example, or like gearh, but you, will be my pleasure to help rim :)

You are just a bitter man with the only purpose in life to make others life miserable, a man who forgets all the time this is just a game

Shame on you

Geani... I hope you realize that you haven't beat anyone, right? Dana and Gow, they quit. And that's not some kinda testament to your skills. It's a testament to your irritability. You aren't fun to play with. You're morally bankrupt, hard to understand, unreasonable, frustrating and unskilled. The only thing you have going for you is your activity level, and the activity level of the people around you.

After a year or more of putting up with you, and people like you, in your tribe.... This game isn't fun! And if the game isn't fun, then why play it? And so people are quitting. Or going inactive. Call of Duty, or Assasin's Creed or Skyrim or heck... Life.... beckons. So that's Dana and Gow. Me, I'm an island, I'm surrounded on three sides, I'm fielding nukes from fully half your tribe, and yes, I'm losing ground.

On the other hand.... If PITA got off it's collective haunches and did the same to you, how do you think you'd do? There've been times I've had 30,000 incomings all at once. I tagged them. I doubt you'd know how. Our trains would be better. You just couldn't defend against that. We both know it. We could posture and preen and declare each other trolls and liars and intoxicated or hallucinating. But we both know. Your tribe, unskilled as they are, are active, and on the wagon. I'll congratulate the team.

And you know what? Let's say I get my butt rimmed. I know I'm better than you. I've seen your trains. I've seen your nukes, I've seen your farming practices, or lack thereof. The people I count as friends in game like me, and I like them. I'll still talk to them on skype. I will still go to bed secure in the knowledge that I really am in all ways better than you.

If you win, you will not win because you're good at anything other than being annoying.



Ill do just fine, for your information only, Ive seen much more incomings on few sits then you will ever see

Some of Pita players know where their ops failed because of me

teh and dana quit? HA HA, indeed they quit, AFTER WE OPPED THEM

I might have no visible skills, but dont you worry, you dont need to know what my skills are

its enough those inexistent skills work well for my tribe


geani still talking?

You'd think she'd have learned to be a respectful person by now.


I am, what about you?
still trolling here?
funny, no old Pita member is posting here, they are banned or?

just less, gear and you, lol
nice :))


On the other hand.... If PITA got off it's collective haunches and did the same to you, how do you think you'd do? There've been times I've had 30,000 incomings all at once. I tagged them. I doubt you'd know how. Our trains would be better. You just couldn't defend against that. We both know it. We could posture and preen and declare each other trolls and liars and intoxicated or hallucinating. But we both know. Your tribe, unskilled as they are, are active, and on the wagon. I'll congratulate the team.
Your trains would be better. Could/Never ever, you lot are just full of yourselves. No-body is losing ground just because one player is better than the rest, it’s because PITA lack team work that’s the bottom line. NO single player would turn this war around on their own. Fact.

Inactively is playing a big part in this war, Which PITA lack that a lot worst then GotRob. Fact. If that was different and PITA was all active “IF”, then it may be different. But we don’t live in IF, Buts and When.

Even “IF” PITA was all active, I still have my concern as many of PITA players egos are too big for their shoes. They are all me me me, never willing to share. That is the feeling am getting from many PITA members and from outside looking in.


I wouldn’t want that from you, Thankyou.


Geani... I hope you realize that you haven't beat anyone, right? Dana and Gow, they quit.

It's funny how people quit magically after we ravage their account. Both accounts were nuking and playing before our OPs started, Teh Gow even kept 'trying' after he was killed.

And you know what? Let's say I get my butt rimmed. I know I'm better than you. I've seen your trains. I've seen your nukes, I've seen your farming practices, or lack thereof. The people I count as friends in game like me, and I like them. I'll still talk to them on skype. I will still go to bed secure in the knowledge that I really am in all ways better than you.

Doesn't matter who is better and who is worse, through our team work on a team based, number based, browser game we will be you because you are exactly what is wrong with your tribe today. You are focusing on the individual, while GR focuses on the team. This is a numbers game, and until you and the rest of PITA get your heads out of your ass and realize this you lose. Could PITA have stacked the crap out of you? Yes. Did they? No, and from what I hear the only incoming support from the enemy to a cap off of you has been from CAS. I can personally state this is an accurate claim. I have taken about 50 or so caps from PITA over a 3 month span, most of which from the same player in the same K. Not once in the entire time span I have been on here did one of those caps have incoming support from PITA, only ever CAS.

You can be happy coming on here and getting your huggies on to "make friends", maybe you would prefer sim city, or farmville, it will offer you the same value you seek. This however, is a game not only about making friends, but working with those friends in a team to destroy the other team. That concept you have apparently struggled to grasp.

I mean you sit here and talk all this shit about Geani, but if she is so bad, why has she not been rimmed? Why is it she sits more than most in GotRob? Why is it she successfully works in the team to destroy players like you, like less, like Gow. I mean you can ask anybody, I am not like besties over here with Geani, and there are other in GR who would say the same, but you can't be as ignorant to say she isn't playing the game exactly how it is meant to be played. Using teamwork with the team, for the team. Even if she was the worst player left on this world, which is clearly not true, she would still beat you by using the games logic. I mean by ll means, it's fine if your life's happiness is derived from the approval of your "friendships" here on a browser game and not your performance doing what the game was actually meant to do, but don't slight others for participating in the real

If you win, you will not win because you're good at anything other than being annoying.

No, when we win, it will be because we worked together far better than PITA did, in other words our team was better than PITA team. Before this war started you can ask anybody, I predicted it would be the opposite, I am happy to say I was wrong.


Your trains would be better. Could/Never ever, you lot are just full of yourselves. No-body is losing ground just because one player is better than the rest, it’s because PITA lack team work that’s the bottom line. NO single player would turn this war around on their own. Fact.

Y'know. I've never had a train sniped yet. They either work or are stacked against. And I can say with certainty that my trains don't straddle the second, ever. And that's kinda my point. I'm better than you. I'm better, individually, than any player in your tribe. I've done better than any individual player in your tribe would have in the same circumstances. Nothing I've seen out of your tribe really impresses me. Your trains are sloppy, you don't send D behind them, or if you do, it's minutes away, you send real nukes behind your trains... It's kinda pathetic. But there's a lot of you and one of me. Don't ever think you're winning because of a skillset. You're going against me 20:1. With neighbors that are bigger than me.

But this isn't an individual player game. I would LOVE for my pick of five pita players to be dropped in a world with your pick of five Rob players. We both know you'd fail. But as it is, I'll give credit where it's due. Your army of retarded ants is active. And more than willing to use the attack button.

Inactively is playing a big part in this war, Which PITA lack that a lot worst then GotRob. Fact. If that was different and PITA was all active “IF”, then it may be different. But we don’t live in IF, Buts and When.

Even “IF” PITA was all active, I still have my concern as many of PITA players egos are too big for their shoes. They are all me me me, never willing to share. That is the feeling am getting from many PITA members and from outside looking in.

In this game, there are three attributes that matter: Skill, Time, and Teamwork. I'm not going to argue the facts. PITA has one, but not the other two, and GotRob has two, but not the other one. I'm thinking that it PITA were collectively active, and had given true effort into this conflict, you'd have eaten crow.

It's funny how people quit magically after we ravage their account. Both accounts were nuking and playing before our OPs started, Teh Gow even kept 'trying' after he was killed.

Who are you, what account are you on now, and how many have you gone through now? And why exactly... Should anyone care what you have to imput?

I mean you sit here and talk all this shit about Geani, but if she is so bad, why has she not been rimmed? Why is it she sits more than most in GotRob? Why is it she successfully works in the team to destroy players like you, like less, like Gow. I mean you can ask anybody, I am not like besties over here with Geani, and there are other in GR who would say the same, but you can't be as ignorant to say she isn't playing the game exactly how it is meant to be played. Using teamwork with the team, for the team. Even if she was the worst player left on this world, which is clearly not true, she would still beat you by using the games logic. I mean by ll means, it's fine if your life's happiness is derived from the approval of your "friendships" here on a browser game and not your performance doing what the game was actually meant to do, but don't slight others for participating in the real

I don't get great questions like that very often. She hasn't been rimmed because there's never been an op on her. There hasn't been an op on her because she doesn't have a border with Rob. It would be stupid to op her until everything around her is done, because defending an island sucks.

She doesn't work WITH the team, the team succeeds in SPITE of her. You forget, Gow, myself, dana and less were all on her team and she basically cut off any hope of reconciliation by being ignorant with us. Even now, if you take every single vill once attributed to us.... You've only broken even.

And on the note of teamwork... Before the new rules came out Geani would have been banned a LONG time ago. The admins revamped the sit schedule because they were sick of dealing with people wantonly shooting out requests for people to look into accounts and catch them on technicalities. So instead, they completely nerfed the push account rule to only apply to resource transfers. under the new rules, someone very much like geani, could in theory get 20 of her friends to start accounts, pass their sits, and disappear, and she would have 20 accounts worth of troops, coins, and nobles playerless. Which is basically what she did. When you say she plays exactly the way the game is supposed to be played, what you really mean is she connivingly exploited a loophole made by the dev's laziness and complacency, and does well because of it. Teamwork at it's best!

Geani has broken this game, and don't you dare defend her over it. Because even if you TECHNICALLY CAN do something, it doesn't mean that you SHOULD.


I am, what about you?
still trolling here?
funny, no old Pita member is posting here, they are banned or?

just less, gear and you, lol
nice :))

1) Tu quoque logical fallacy - Me trolling does not give you the right to troll.
2) Distorting the facts fallacy - I am not trolling.
3) Appeal to ignorance fallacy - No old PITA member ever posts here.

This is fun. I should keep going.

@Kev: I seem to recall a certain number of posts from a certain someone arguing the exact opposite side on a certain other world a few months ago. Quite the change of heart suddenly, ay?


C'mon guys, I thought geani was always right.

Whoops, guess not.


gear, I think you have to cut from those 5 pita skilled guys few names :))

you will be surprised to see how NOT skilled are most of them

or how they copy our methods :))

I have proves, so dont bother to deny :)

maybe I will post some here when I will have the time :p

about the rest of your jeberish, Im not bothered at all, its a free world and anyone can think what he likes

PS u6 is an arrogant troll, we all know it :))

1) Tu quoque logical fallacy - Me trolling does not give you the right to troll. - LOL
2) Distorting the facts fallacy - I am not trolling.
3) Appeal to ignorance fallacy - No old PITA member ever posts here.

This is fun. I should keep going.

I agree, it is fun :))


gear, I think you have to cut from those 5 pita skilled guys few names :))

you will be surprised to see how NOT skilled are most of them

or how they copy our methods :))

Distorting the facts; you did not invent any methods they could've "copied".

I have proves, so dont bother to deny :)

maybe I will post some here when I will have the time :p

about the rest of your jeberish, Im not bothered at all, its a free world and anyone can think what he likes

Protecting the hypothesis - refusal to acknowledge you're wrong even when you clearly are, and ignoring the arguments.

PS u6 is an arrogant troll, we all know it :))

1) Tu quoque logical fallacy - Me trolling does not give you the right to troll. - LOL
2) Distorting the facts fallacy - I am not trolling.
3) Appeal to ignorance fallacy - No old PITA member ever posts here.

This is fun. I should keep going.

I agree, it is fun :))

Ad homenim - attacking the poster, not the post.

As usual, geani fails to respond politely...or really to respond at all, addressing points made. A tad sad if you ask me.


Im allways polite, u just dont see it


u dont want to

Well.... It could be that... OR....POSSIBLY... get this. You could be a really toxic individual. Now I'm not going to say which, but there aren't a whole lot of people on here ready to defend your virtue.

And why is that again? Oh yes.

Anyone that might do that has been banned by you from posting.


gear, I think you have to cut from those 5 pita skilled guys few names :))

you will be surprised to see how NOT skilled are most of them

or how they copy our methods :))

I have proves, so dont bother to deny :)

So... These PITA people, the ones that aren't skilled, but are doing the same things as you.... Is that an admission of being unskilled?


gear, I think you have to cut from those 5 pita skilled guys few names :))

you will be surprised to see how NOT skilled are most of them

or how they copy our methods :))

I have proves, so dont bother to deny :)

maybe I will post some here when I will have the time :p

about the rest of your jeberish, Im not bothered at all, its a free world and anyone can think what he likes

As long as its the same way as geani thinks !

i believe different thinking and bad treatment from geani is why gearhound was forced out of gotrob in the first place. so simple logic here shows geani thought she could kill gearhound so she caused a huge mess that she cant seem to clean up to this day. further more had she shown her own tribemate respect in the first place gearhound would still be in gotrob and i would be nobled out. why would i say that i know gearhound is that good he could have taken me out.

so reality is all my posts and all my defensive points are due to how geani treated others in her own tribe. the splittering in -one- wasnt due to just shaggy little disband the tribe trick. it was one members that were a team having decide to stay with there longtime friends or put up with geani! some that did join gotrob were ordered to eat there freinds some did others abstained did nothing to help or hurt afew defended there extribemates. again there actions were clearly due to how geani was treating there freinds and her tribemates. you want the truth there it is! geani's actions have stalled gotrobs actions because of geani there is a huge island of red dots in the middle of gotrob that would have never been except for geani. so members of gotrob should thank her for all the lost time with your families to send 150000 fakes and nukes all the farming required to replace those nukes while one exrob member named gearhound holds them off.

as for me based on what i have seen i plan on being a bigger pain in there buttocks than the lastime she said i was being rimmed out of the game http://youtu.be/lTs6a0ORdQU

best regards lesss
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We Ride, we Run :)

A matter of time before you disband now :axemen:, then one down , one to go.

Happy hunting.

What was that about 1 down, 1 to go?

~HW~ down, ESL down, now just =GTC= and GotRob to go. In the meantime, CAS and PITA are going strong.

Good luck :).


Wut? HW, unlike RIDE, was doing nothing really against the common enemy, they have now disbanded and joined into a tribe where they will have the proper leadership to push them to actually do something, so them joining into the GR family is actually going to hurt PITA a lot more than it will help them.



You mean merging the few players who had any size at all into GotRob and leaving the rest to be in the inactive, internals-in-process horde of =GTC=? Better for who? ~HW~? Hah. Right. You guys get more food, disguised as putting them in =GTC= until they "grow and prove themselves". Going to internal them like popsis if they refuse the almighty wishes of the Romanian horde?

In the past 2 months, ~HW~ made over 60 conquers against CAS. They made contributions in the fight against PITA prior to the disbanding especially.

If Shaggy can use that logic to say that Ride (which was a contributor who began faltering slightly, prior to joining PITA exactly like ~HW~, though Ride did more, and has since proved to be a great addition) is "1 down", then ~HW~ and ESL are most certainly 2 down. But whether or not ~HW~ is going to be all that helpful under your "proper leadership" is very debatable. Heck, they do more internalling than GotRob.

That is, of course, unless you choose to say Ride never went down, which I'd agree with :).

Either way, you can wriggle as much as you like. War on :axemen:.
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