What happend to (~SP~)


wakasm 2 :icon_razz:

naw i agree with nobled ... but one thing there is i don t agree with... of course we would have won :icon_wink:


easy holdmyown you got something against nobled ? :icon_confused:


not against him per se, but stupidity irks me.

i haven t yet found stupidity there but i ll read it though a few times to make sure.

but would be easier if you pointed out whats stupid in his post.


just read it aloud. good luck interpreting the story that garbage is trying to convey.


I figured this forum would take at least a few days create but low and behold it popped up hours after the mini-merger. I only have a few things to say and I will probably never open this forum again(not that many of u care).

Alright, so this is quite simple....

Where as I cannot say thank you enough to the players who supported us with troops and with their well wishes I have to at this point step in and now ask you to treat the new AXE members with the same respect you have shown the rest of us. We had a great war and even though the noblings weren't impressive the amount of troops lost on both sides were. This war has ended and we are taking in what i see as the top end of SP. After today they will be the same to me as any of my other members. For those of you who enjoyed following this war definitely stay tuned. Give us a week or two to sort out the paperwork and we will emerge an even stronger tribe and will hopefully put on an even better show next time.

AXE part 2 "Rested and Angry" coming to a theater near you soon :)


Blue dot actaully did pretty well. I remember him sitting like 5 inactive SP members at once, while having many incommings on all the accounts, I'd say just give him some respect for surviving. :)

To Redhunter. The war was fairly even, you could say that SP didn't do that well, or you could say AXE didn't do that well vs a tribe with a heap of inactive. You choose man.
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tbh it was obvious something is gonna happen, since acid is mostly inactive i asume and now that anga left there isn't that friendship between those tribes and need to stay allied or something...


Bluedot is in AXE now :)

Don't let this fool you. He is in AXE now, and will never be the same guy who was in SP. Unless he chooses another less appealing fate.

I'm happy things worked out this way, something gave in the war, and we are all stronger for it, trim the fat so to speak, and now, regardless of how we got here, we are in this position.

Bring on the enemy :)


Kind of silly to think just because you recruited the players, all of a sudden we have to respect them. In fact I remember a time when tH almost went to war with 2eZ over recruiting from an enemy tribe. This time around I don't hold such bad feelings towards you, but we will respect them only if we feel they deserve it, not because they switched their tag.

And of course Blue dot, tied for the W15 biggest hypocrite with Angacam, will never have any respect from tH endorsed by me, no matter what color he is on our maps.


First off great job AXE! You did everything I expected of you and more. Second off lets be real here, SP was never really fully in this fight, they sucked from the start as I pointed out many many times. By the end of the first month with no great SP counter attack it was clear(at least to many in tH) that AXE was going to win, it was only a matter of time. And despite blues excuses and promises SP never did any better.

For all of you who hailed the "unbeatable" -?- alliance...this goes to show you how little being butt kissers gets you.

I will let you in on a lil secret. Acid God and I spoke shortly after I left. LOL, he and I were both on the same wave length. I held our guys back at the start of the Ninjas ordeal because I suspected SP was planning to blind side us. They were, for the SP players who said they did not know Acid Gods plans, those were the plans he never let some of you in on. We in -?-, James and I, had been disscussing doing exactly the same thing to SP as soon as we finished Ninjas, then TH joined in and the rest is history. If Real life had not interviened against Acid god this past war might have been even more interesting.


Angacam such is the nature of the game. Sometimes the best laid plans go out the door once real life kicks in and drags us back to reality

Verm i ask only that you respect the skills of the players with every merge there is animosity but i would be of the opinion that a good players skills be harnessed rather than wasted on the rim by restarting. But there are exceptions where witnessing the demise of a player known to have good abilities is dismantled in a well orchestrated attack

Its not so long ago you took in Nelaime after almost wiping her out


Angacam such is the nature of the game. Sometimes the best laid plans go out the door once real life kicks in and drags us back to reality

Verm i ask only that you respect the skills of the players with every merge there is animosity but i would be of the opinion that a good players skills be harnessed rather than wasted on the rim by restarting. But there are exceptions where witnessing the demise of a player known to have good abilities is dismantled in a well orchestrated attack

Its not so long ago you took in Nelaime after almost wiping her out

That was definitly a good idea. If the wars over and SP are no more why noble them, when tehy can just join. It happends in wars. I was in LHF and joined DMN after we lost and even if I didn't get in I would have still gone down with a fight.

John Lenin

If you think the AXE war was the main reason why we merged, think again.


weird as every merges in war times are never caused by the other side...