Since Day 1, k44 was a really interesting place. Lots of premade tribes filled with quality players, Riot being one of them obviously. A LOT has happened in the last 80 days and we at BM were focused exclusively on surviving and helping our friends and allies while neglecting a bit that is also important, which is providing the public with correct info in a timely manner. Our neglection of externals has in turn resulted in somewhat distorted image of BM as a tribe and of relations between tribes in general in k44. So, I'm here to set things straight.
As you all probably know, Riot war was fought between Riot, Havoc and a few proxy tribes on one side vs Bro f., Tql f, BM, ID, and AKA on other side. I'm omitting now non existing tribes on purpose.
I won't go into detail about the entire Riot war, I'll just focus on the last few days and the aftermath. It was a long and exhausting war which ended in a fiasco. War pretty much ended when TQL f. decided to recruit half of Riot over night claiming it would take us forever to noble those empty, nuked, wall-less villages. Okay.(This all happened on 23.06.early morning ST) Over night they also started a smearing campaign targeting BM and Hot Eagle in particular trying to divide the coalition.Their claims were that BM was selfish, arrogant, racist, planning on gangbanging and betraying coalition members one by one, etc. Motives behind that were actually quite clear.
It has been going on for a few days after that merge thing, so, when I saw things were getting out of hand I had to respond to all the allegations as some allies were actually stating to believe it.
05.07. On shared forums I created a thread called "BM - Bratty Mafia? Or is it?
(long read)
This went well, allies finally realised we weren't the boogeyman TQL tried to portrait us as. It resulted in TQL canceling shared forums, I guess to prevent their members from reading it?
BM was actually kind to TQL, still reaching out and trying to fix things after all this. We had all the evidence we needed to start a massive war but we refused to give up on allies as we do like most of the players there. Unfortunately they are being led by delusional individuals with corrupt set of moral values. And in our opinion, their silence is their consent.
Anyways, in those secret chats, G(aifrem/now Guala Guala from END!(ex TQL.) and Bill (I?I?I?I?I?I from TQL)) were discussing all kinds of possibilities with RIOT leadership. 1500 messages about:
1. Who to betray first:
- BRO - as they saw them as inferior and underperforming
- BM - solely due to the fact we refused any talks or mergers. No surviors. No mercy.
2. Merger. They had some issues though. G was actually willing to abandon most of their accounts as there was obviously not enough space to take in all members. Talk about good leader. Talking to enemy, being their fanboy, while his tribe members are bleeding and taking a beating from that same enemy just to be left out in the cold at the end. lol
Problem there was the balance of power. G realised if he doesn't get enough accs in, he would eventually get played.
3.World politics. At that point it has been 40 days since the world started and they were already throwing names around. Predicting outcomes of conflicts, making plans for world wars and whatnot. What a joke.
So, here are just some screenshots of the convo and of G being G. 10 days before the war ended. 1month ago.
Jasper had it right. BM remembers. Either you are 100% with us or you are our enemy.
G likes Chris
13 accounts to merge Riot. 2 tribes had +40 players. It doesn't add up, now does it?
Barons like BM as well. 6 to Riot 7 to Havoc. I'm sure their tribe would have been super happy to find out they were abandoned over night by their leaders.
Constantly going on about Beast, Para etc. Clean your own back yard first. Still not time for big politics. world is 40days old. Oh, and they actually were siding with para. Talk about vision.
We rim Bro, you rim BM. Good plan G.
...telling all that while actually receiving TONS of BRO support. Quality person right there.
Things go south.
This is what G thinks of his tribemates. Inflated ego much?
After the talks failed, we were all informed about this by riot as they hoped to divide us. Hot Eagle kept his cool, sorted things out and we continued to fight riot for 10 days. Things went really good from that point and it gave G leverage with riot now. They had to accept his terms now as there wasn't any alternative since BM's stance was known already. So he used his opportunity and got them all in hoping hoping we would do nothing. And we were actually ready to find a peaceful solution but somehow they perceived their increase in size as a statement of power and our willingness to talk as weakness and changed their tone significantly to aggressive and demanding. So Bro obviously started preparing for an attack as it was obviously TQL's next move. Seing the stats for the first 24h, they obviously weren't fast enough, but oh well.
In behalf of BRO f., AKA and ID?!?!, BM declares war on TQL family.
Good luck to all their players on the worlds to come as there will be no mercy for them on this one.
As you all probably know, Riot war was fought between Riot, Havoc and a few proxy tribes on one side vs Bro f., Tql f, BM, ID, and AKA on other side. I'm omitting now non existing tribes on purpose.
I won't go into detail about the entire Riot war, I'll just focus on the last few days and the aftermath. It was a long and exhausting war which ended in a fiasco. War pretty much ended when TQL f. decided to recruit half of Riot over night claiming it would take us forever to noble those empty, nuked, wall-less villages. Okay.(This all happened on 23.06.early morning ST) Over night they also started a smearing campaign targeting BM and Hot Eagle in particular trying to divide the coalition.Their claims were that BM was selfish, arrogant, racist, planning on gangbanging and betraying coalition members one by one, etc. Motives behind that were actually quite clear.
It has been going on for a few days after that merge thing, so, when I saw things were getting out of hand I had to respond to all the allegations as some allies were actually stating to believe it.
05.07. On shared forums I created a thread called "BM - Bratty Mafia? Or is it?
(long read)
I'm here to tackle some disinformations(and God knows there are quite a few) about BM which could potentially erode our alliance and effectively get us all rimmed it not addressed properly.
First a small disclaimer. I DO NOT hold a rank within BM leadership, I was authorised by Hot Eagle to do this as my english is just a notch better so we want to make sure the message gets communicated properly.
A little something about myself. W19 veteran, IGN Sinn Fein, duke of Asylum. Not that it matters a lot. But that tribe wad on the receiving end of one of the most brutal gangbangs in history of TW. So I have a fair share of exp in those hidden diplo games and hopefully I learned my lessons there.
Lets get started.
Since day one it was obvious Riot was a huge threat. We had a premade alliance with Harry as his tribe was the only one BM actually had any connections to prior to this world.
Riot started pushing all the tribes around from the begining. Using meat tribes(Giant) to attack us, while wanting to have a NAP despite the fact they openly sent support to Giant players. We were cautious so we played ball. We took the NAP but we focused on finding and eliminating their spies in our tribe. Which we (and by we I mean brilliant Hot Eagle) managed easily. Zuthas and Crocky were busted for supporting riot/sharing delicate info. As the world progressed if was obvious and alliance needs to be formed in order to go in an all out conflict with Riot. That alliance was created, tql, bro and others were among first. BM, if I remember correctly was the last tribe to join.
Now I'll skip forward a bit as war is war and no need to go through tiny details. I'll focus on the key individials and recent events.
So while we were warring, losing troops, villages, and players, we were unaware of the fact that G(aifrem) and vasilis(!??!?!?) actually were in a secret skype chat with riot leadership since 12.06. and a lot of ugly stuff was said there, unworthy of our alliance and friendship. I won't go into detail there as nost probably have those 1500messages already.
Key points:
1. Hollyghost wanted to undermine us since day one. Deceipt and psychological warfare were his main weapons. He detected correctly 4 things
-loyalty of BM is not for sale
-Hot Eagle is a top class lad
-in the alliance, BM's say had a key role in keeping everyone together with a high fighting spirit
-tql leadership(to be completely honest, mostly aifrem) was the most susceptible to sweet talking and empty malevolent promisses.
So he did just about everything to divide us. As ancient romans used to say - "Divide et impera!". Divide and rule. In order to do that, they all started a smearing campaign on external forums how Hot Eagle is a shit person, cocky, arrogant, selfish, backstabbing, racist and whatnot.
What they omitted to say was the following:
-Hot was busy catting FNDP to shit while FNDP could do nothing but watch his villages going to dust.
-In those secret chats, FNDP offered aifrem a merge, world domination, and whatnot. And aifrem was willing(!?!?!? not so much) to discuss having some of his members being eaten, backstabbing BRO (as we all know Turks and Greeks have a history of good relations, flowers and all that good stuff) and even backstabbing BM. At the end, the merge did not happen as they could not agree who gets what, who controls which tribe etc etc. But the single biggest issue was BM. Our official stance was "All men(riot) must die." And we doubled down on that when aifrem offered us to work something out which frustrated both him and FNDP immensely. Another reason to hate bm and hot.
So FNDP made a dirty move and added Martin and few others to the secret chat hoping to upset everyone with that "betrayal attempt".
Bro was upset, BM was upset, PCL was upset, but Hot Eagle kept his cool. Although Aifrem has questionable morals he did in fact state several times in that chat that he wants to wait for BMs decision, he does not want to backstabb us unless it's completely unavoidable etc etc. So once he found out, Hot talked to everyone, convinced all the leaders to keep pushing and to resolve the matter calmly as an internal divide is exactly what riot wanted. And that was what happened. Now you could imagine the levels of frustration of riot and how they must have felt about BM and Hot effing Eagle. That all happened on 14.06.
We kept pushing, and next few days were just awesome. Lots of caps, empty riot accounts, tribe on the knees. At least the southern front. And now, the last bit. Tql and Nutz had a beef as nutz were allied to riot and were harrasing tql south. I made a contact with with one of the nutz leaders trying to convince him to join us instead to help speed things up a bit. We were always 3-5 nukes short to have a massive breakthrough in each individual op. And nutz would add just enough to tip the scale and give us a must faster victory. I did the talks on 23.06.
Much to my surprise, without any feedback, I check the stats few h later and I see half of the riot joining TQL. So ofcourse BM was pissed about it.
Since day one we have been trying to make this alliance work, to fix all the fuckups aifrem had made, but he just keeps on going. After getting attacked by riot, after having them plant spies in his tribe, after making a complete fool out of him in that secret chat where BM pretty much saved his tribe from bangbang, he decides he would go talk to the defeated enemy once again and have empty accounts recruited just for points sake. Talk about a bad leader.
And now, he keeps recruiting enemies, nobling allied claims etc. In the war, I had the privilege of working closely with a few tql guys, as I'm sure most of you have as well. And I have only the words of praise for them. Top top top lads. Really. Which is why all this is making me sad. A tribe full of good people and good friends is being led by a complete #@$#. And that #@$##@ is spreading lies and false info trying to make BM and Hot look bad, just to divide us.
However, we at BM have a stance that will NOT change. There will be NO WAR between allies. K44 WILL stand together. No matter what some shady guys say in their private little skype chats. BM considers TQL north an ally and tql south a friendly tribe and that will not change, but we are also well aware that they are in a desperate need of new leadership as the current one made so many major fuckups which effectively raises some unpleasant questions which should be addressed promptly imho.
Anyways, sorry for the long read, but it was important to put things into perspective. Every single one of the claims I made, I have photo evidence to back it up. Also, quite a few details I left out as the general picture is clear already and it would unneccessarily lengthen the post.
Long story short. BM is honorable. BM is loyal. So far we kept quiet as we believed our actions spoke louder than the words. But it seems it is not the case as even some allies started with "tql left because of BM". Now, I don't blame them, they heard a good lie, nobody told them otherwise so they assumed it was the truth. The truth is now out here. BM is dedicated to keeping the peace in k44, growing together and gettinf ready for big wars to come.
To all our new ex-riot friends, nhf lads. War is war. You are allies now, behave as allies and you will be treated as if you were with us since day one.
First a small disclaimer. I DO NOT hold a rank within BM leadership, I was authorised by Hot Eagle to do this as my english is just a notch better so we want to make sure the message gets communicated properly.
A little something about myself. W19 veteran, IGN Sinn Fein, duke of Asylum. Not that it matters a lot. But that tribe wad on the receiving end of one of the most brutal gangbangs in history of TW. So I have a fair share of exp in those hidden diplo games and hopefully I learned my lessons there.
Lets get started.
Since day one it was obvious Riot was a huge threat. We had a premade alliance with Harry as his tribe was the only one BM actually had any connections to prior to this world.
Riot started pushing all the tribes around from the begining. Using meat tribes(Giant) to attack us, while wanting to have a NAP despite the fact they openly sent support to Giant players. We were cautious so we played ball. We took the NAP but we focused on finding and eliminating their spies in our tribe. Which we (and by we I mean brilliant Hot Eagle) managed easily. Zuthas and Crocky were busted for supporting riot/sharing delicate info. As the world progressed if was obvious and alliance needs to be formed in order to go in an all out conflict with Riot. That alliance was created, tql, bro and others were among first. BM, if I remember correctly was the last tribe to join.
Now I'll skip forward a bit as war is war and no need to go through tiny details. I'll focus on the key individials and recent events.
So while we were warring, losing troops, villages, and players, we were unaware of the fact that G(aifrem) and vasilis(!??!?!?) actually were in a secret skype chat with riot leadership since 12.06. and a lot of ugly stuff was said there, unworthy of our alliance and friendship. I won't go into detail there as nost probably have those 1500messages already.
Key points:
1. Hollyghost wanted to undermine us since day one. Deceipt and psychological warfare were his main weapons. He detected correctly 4 things
-loyalty of BM is not for sale
-Hot Eagle is a top class lad
-in the alliance, BM's say had a key role in keeping everyone together with a high fighting spirit
-tql leadership(to be completely honest, mostly aifrem) was the most susceptible to sweet talking and empty malevolent promisses.
So he did just about everything to divide us. As ancient romans used to say - "Divide et impera!". Divide and rule. In order to do that, they all started a smearing campaign on external forums how Hot Eagle is a shit person, cocky, arrogant, selfish, backstabbing, racist and whatnot.
What they omitted to say was the following:
-Hot was busy catting FNDP to shit while FNDP could do nothing but watch his villages going to dust.
-In those secret chats, FNDP offered aifrem a merge, world domination, and whatnot. And aifrem was willing(!?!?!? not so much) to discuss having some of his members being eaten, backstabbing BRO (as we all know Turks and Greeks have a history of good relations, flowers and all that good stuff) and even backstabbing BM. At the end, the merge did not happen as they could not agree who gets what, who controls which tribe etc etc. But the single biggest issue was BM. Our official stance was "All men(riot) must die." And we doubled down on that when aifrem offered us to work something out which frustrated both him and FNDP immensely. Another reason to hate bm and hot.
So FNDP made a dirty move and added Martin and few others to the secret chat hoping to upset everyone with that "betrayal attempt".
Bro was upset, BM was upset, PCL was upset, but Hot Eagle kept his cool. Although Aifrem has questionable morals he did in fact state several times in that chat that he wants to wait for BMs decision, he does not want to backstabb us unless it's completely unavoidable etc etc. So once he found out, Hot talked to everyone, convinced all the leaders to keep pushing and to resolve the matter calmly as an internal divide is exactly what riot wanted. And that was what happened. Now you could imagine the levels of frustration of riot and how they must have felt about BM and Hot effing Eagle. That all happened on 14.06.
We kept pushing, and next few days were just awesome. Lots of caps, empty riot accounts, tribe on the knees. At least the southern front. And now, the last bit. Tql and Nutz had a beef as nutz were allied to riot and were harrasing tql south. I made a contact with with one of the nutz leaders trying to convince him to join us instead to help speed things up a bit. We were always 3-5 nukes short to have a massive breakthrough in each individual op. And nutz would add just enough to tip the scale and give us a must faster victory. I did the talks on 23.06.
Much to my surprise, without any feedback, I check the stats few h later and I see half of the riot joining TQL. So ofcourse BM was pissed about it.
Since day one we have been trying to make this alliance work, to fix all the fuckups aifrem had made, but he just keeps on going. After getting attacked by riot, after having them plant spies in his tribe, after making a complete fool out of him in that secret chat where BM pretty much saved his tribe from bangbang, he decides he would go talk to the defeated enemy once again and have empty accounts recruited just for points sake. Talk about a bad leader.
And now, he keeps recruiting enemies, nobling allied claims etc. In the war, I had the privilege of working closely with a few tql guys, as I'm sure most of you have as well. And I have only the words of praise for them. Top top top lads. Really. Which is why all this is making me sad. A tribe full of good people and good friends is being led by a complete #@$#. And that #@$##@ is spreading lies and false info trying to make BM and Hot look bad, just to divide us.
However, we at BM have a stance that will NOT change. There will be NO WAR between allies. K44 WILL stand together. No matter what some shady guys say in their private little skype chats. BM considers TQL north an ally and tql south a friendly tribe and that will not change, but we are also well aware that they are in a desperate need of new leadership as the current one made so many major fuckups which effectively raises some unpleasant questions which should be addressed promptly imho.
Anyways, sorry for the long read, but it was important to put things into perspective. Every single one of the claims I made, I have photo evidence to back it up. Also, quite a few details I left out as the general picture is clear already and it would unneccessarily lengthen the post.
Long story short. BM is honorable. BM is loyal. So far we kept quiet as we believed our actions spoke louder than the words. But it seems it is not the case as even some allies started with "tql left because of BM". Now, I don't blame them, they heard a good lie, nobody told them otherwise so they assumed it was the truth. The truth is now out here. BM is dedicated to keeping the peace in k44, growing together and gettinf ready for big wars to come.
To all our new ex-riot friends, nhf lads. War is war. You are allies now, behave as allies and you will be treated as if you were with us since day one.
This went well, allies finally realised we weren't the boogeyman TQL tried to portrait us as. It resulted in TQL canceling shared forums, I guess to prevent their members from reading it?
BM was actually kind to TQL, still reaching out and trying to fix things after all this. We had all the evidence we needed to start a massive war but we refused to give up on allies as we do like most of the players there. Unfortunately they are being led by delusional individuals with corrupt set of moral values. And in our opinion, their silence is their consent.
Anyways, in those secret chats, G(aifrem/now Guala Guala from END!(ex TQL.) and Bill (I?I?I?I?I?I from TQL)) were discussing all kinds of possibilities with RIOT leadership. 1500 messages about:
1. Who to betray first:
- BRO - as they saw them as inferior and underperforming
- BM - solely due to the fact we refused any talks or mergers. No surviors. No mercy.
2. Merger. They had some issues though. G was actually willing to abandon most of their accounts as there was obviously not enough space to take in all members. Talk about good leader. Talking to enemy, being their fanboy, while his tribe members are bleeding and taking a beating from that same enemy just to be left out in the cold at the end. lol
Problem there was the balance of power. G realised if he doesn't get enough accs in, he would eventually get played.
3.World politics. At that point it has been 40 days since the world started and they were already throwing names around. Predicting outcomes of conflicts, making plans for world wars and whatnot. What a joke.
So, here are just some screenshots of the convo and of G being G. 10 days before the war ended. 1month ago.
Jasper had it right. BM remembers. Either you are 100% with us or you are our enemy.
G likes Chris
13 accounts to merge Riot. 2 tribes had +40 players. It doesn't add up, now does it?
Barons like BM as well. 6 to Riot 7 to Havoc. I'm sure their tribe would have been super happy to find out they were abandoned over night by their leaders.
Constantly going on about Beast, Para etc. Clean your own back yard first. Still not time for big politics. world is 40days old. Oh, and they actually were siding with para. Talk about vision.
We rim Bro, you rim BM. Good plan G.
...telling all that while actually receiving TONS of BRO support. Quality person right there.
Things go south.
This is what G thinks of his tribemates. Inflated ego much?
After the talks failed, we were all informed about this by riot as they hoped to divide us. Hot Eagle kept his cool, sorted things out and we continued to fight riot for 10 days. Things went really good from that point and it gave G leverage with riot now. They had to accept his terms now as there wasn't any alternative since BM's stance was known already. So he used his opportunity and got them all in hoping hoping we would do nothing. And we were actually ready to find a peaceful solution but somehow they perceived their increase in size as a statement of power and our willingness to talk as weakness and changed their tone significantly to aggressive and demanding. So Bro obviously started preparing for an attack as it was obviously TQL's next move. Seing the stats for the first 24h, they obviously weren't fast enough, but oh well.
In behalf of BRO f., AKA and ID?!?!, BM declares war on TQL family.
Good luck to all their players on the worlds to come as there will be no mercy for them on this one.
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