Who is TW's greatest player?

  • Thread starter DeletedUser100736
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Krazd is the greatest TW player. He can noble barbs and inactives super quick.
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Krazd is the greatest TW player. He can noble barbs and inactives super quick.
never said that. as a matter of fact, with what i have at my dispossal atm im subpar. but at least i didn't cost my tribe 6.something mil did I?:lol:


I haven't cost my tribe 6 something mil...
When you left MoM you did
for those not witty enough to understand humor i'm saying that although at the minute im subpar, I at least won't leave and inflict damage.


MoM were not my tribe when I left, therefore I did not cost my tribe 6 something mil.


MoM were not my tribe when I left, therefore I did not cost my tribe 6 something mil.

The moment you left, you took 6mil( or rather how many points you had at the time+potential for more) with you.
But ya know, im done, seeing as you're just trolling and have nothing of value to say. if you do, say it. if not, dont waste my time.


I cost MoM 6 something mil.

I didn't cost my tribe 6 something mil.

Feel free to edit your original post, that's twice I have corrected you today? :)


I cost MoM 6 something mil.

I didn't cost my tribe 6 something mil.

Feel free to edit your original post, that's twice I have corrected you today? :)

no. i said what i meant. MoM gave you the account you are on. MoM was your tribe. If you want to play around with tecnicalities go ahead, but do so with Greg, English isn't my native toungue and definatly not my forte.


Then what you said is wrong.

I can't cost my tribe 6 something mil If I am tribeless. Your statement would only make sense if I rejoined MoM, which I didn't, so you can't.



Then what you said is wrong.

I can't cost my tribe 6 something mil If I am tribeless. Your statement would only make sense if I rejoined MoM, which I didn't, so you can't.


My statement made perfect sense. What was implied was obvious, and if not for your troll tendancies, thick head and digging in technicalities you would no doubt agree. Quit clutching at strings.


If your statement made perfect sense then I would not have corrected you.

I did, so it doesn't.


If your statement made perfect sense then I would not have corrected you.

I did, so it doesn't.

If i statement makes or does not make sense is a matter of opinion. Therefore the statement doesn't make sense to you. But thats ok, we accept you as you are, we won't judge your apperant inabilitity to understand common english :icon_wink:



Not only does your statement not make any sense, it is also incorrect. As already proved by me.

That isn't an opinion, it is fact. As everything I say is. :icon_cool:


Not only does your statement not make any sense, it is also incorrect. As already proved by me.

That isn't an opinion, it is fact. As everything I say is. :icon_cool:


In your case a mixture of both I assume.


Best players I ever played with were RobJ and SchwarzerOrden.

Best I ever fought? mohua, hands down.


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Allyboo beat both duff and jamm on w21. And PP wasn't even close to any of them if my memory serves me right. :icon_razz:
And what she offers in form of a tribemate make her on completely on a different level in my book. Kind of like Kenved in his days. Booboo is the queen of tw!

That said I don't know about the greatest single player.. I do know the greatest group of people though. Miss you all from Halp! Especially Bwahski.

I didn't mean to infer those were the top 5 players period, just that on the world in question (W33) which Jamm claimed he wasn't active on, those were rank 1-5 early on in varying order. I wouldn't even list kebabe as top 5,000 overall.


Metal Duck, the ellis "brothers" and that guy who made RAKI on every single world are the greatest players of all time.