You want destroy me for what?
Like I said, it wasn't because you left, it was the things you said after you left that really bothered me. I was talking to that kid and used stronger words then I should have. I've always enjoyed your perspective and enthusiasm, my feelings were hurt.
Not your fault obviously, and dont you dare or anyonelse say i fed sin or dest information.
No ones saying that, again, it was the things you said after you left.
Yes i got angry after i was called a low life and a disgrace for leaving Regime, and said damn you regime and stuff but i feel if you had someone saying the same thing you would have had the same reaction if not worse. Mary and few others put up a hell of a fight during my time there and i would never discredit them for it but you yourself can not take credit for their efforts.
I left angry but when people i dont know started messaging me and calling me all kinds of stuff i found that unnaceptable
I agree, you had every right to leave, especially if you weren't enjoying yourself. It would have been nice to hear it from you, then see the comments you made, without much other context. Things would have gone different if you would have messaged me, we could have parted ways more peacefully. My apologies, take care and good luck.