Ah, I missed these...
Who Would It Be?
Part One:
10 favorite enemies on this world:
1. Daethon: Because he was so insidious and was so good at this game, playing people and spreading propganda, he made me physically hate him and frustrated me more than anyone else (on tw.net) ever has.
And that my friends is an amazing skill, one I hope to perfect myself one day.
He lead the world against the ARG!/Puff alliance as was the last hope to defeat us.
He and Mystic Conjuror arguing were some of the funniest stuff I have read on the internet.
2. Tacticus: For similiar reasons, he stirred the pot, went against the trend, made up a huge spin story which he tried to get world 21 to gorge themselves on. None of it worked, but it was definitely frustrating to argue with him. No where near the calibre leader that Daethon was, but a decent player and difficult to noble villages from.
3. Ugofree: Creater of Viruis, built for the purpose of fighting PnP, solid concept, poor execution. Offspring of Daethon in all things.
Great guy, fought fair, kept his tribes spirits up against overwhelming odds, never surrendered, never gave up an easy village, the best defender on this server (outside PnP). He was an enemy but I admired the way he carried himself, so peaceful and humble.
4. Chachi: Ah chahi. Bitter til the very end. I admire his bitterness, stubborness and his unending efforts to try and hurt PnP. If he were more successful it would have made us think "oooh, there's one guy we shouldn't have crossed".
Luckily he was not successful, but he kept up the anti puffin sentiment which Star Wars brewed, long after all his star wars friends had left or defected.
A definite thorn in my side.
5. Spacemanspiff: Been fighting with him and his crew for the better part of 2 years, and whilst we always win the villages and push them back, they just keep nobling barbs and slow our progress by growing themselves on easy barbs. It's a strategy that has an expiration date as they are now backed up in the corner of K99 and time is running out, but they kept us going this long and spaceman deserves props for keeping the TA/GA together against PnP for nearly 3 years, despite lying to everyone and has been the source for some frustration.
6. Alexis Hertain: For similiar reasons to spaceman, I considered her a friend for a long time and discussed many things, but when I really needed her against TESB, she did not come through for me, not surprising really, she thought it was in the best intrests of her people... boy did she back the wrong horse.
But she has done a good job of supplying PnP with its biggest enemy to date and gives us all something to do. For that reason formostly, she makes my favorite list of enemies.
7. hl2dmlord: Has been a great side kick to spiffy, always put up a good fight, rarely gives away an easy village, has lost heart a few times, threatend to quit, begged to join PnP, dumped the TA, but we all know where he belongs and we all know he'd rather be rimmed than quit (even though he is already on the rim).
Great competitor. Keeps you on your toes.
8. GOD OF KINGS: Was never an enemy of mine directly, but politically we were aligned on opposing sides. He was a great forum personality, enigmatic baron for his tribe, supported his leader and always tried to do whatever he could to keep 47Ron on top.
It was not his fault that they fell apart, although he did sort of abandon them, but the fact that he was not successful, yet interesting, makes me put him on my favorite enemies list.
Great debates, good times.
9. Zytech: From KKND, back in the day, he was so charismatic and eccentric. He tried so many different things to bring ARG! and Puffin down. In the end it took a gargantuan op from Puffin, with over 100 noble trains all landing within about 5 minutes of each other to bring him down. And he did not go quietly, spreading all manner nay sayings on the public forums. Those were the good old days...
10. Silonce. Great leader, great player, great opponent. Fair and just on the forums, lied in game sometimes, but always fessed up to it when exposed. Took us a long time to take him out and a lot of effort. He did quite well to keep his small elitest team together for as long as he did. He was never going to win, but lasted much longer than I would have expected. He was dedicated to the game. W21 would be richer if we had more opponents like him.
Part Two:
-10 least favorite enemies.
1. Eleandar: Never did anything in game. From what I understand did do mucn to help Dr NO. Just ran his mouth with invented statistics and big words whilst avoiding any actual fighting.
For all intents and purposes a big coward.
2. Missdarkkittykat from A2A. Made all these crazy claims that I was a traitor to A2A after they threatend to attack me if I did not leave, simply because I wanted to play a larger role in assisting leadership with the tribe.
When I came back for her with ARG! behind me, she went down without much of a fight and her bite was much less intimidating than her meow.
An annoying waste of time.
3. Brodis of IMP. Another forum heavy personality who never fought any active players in game, but was happy to insult Puffin and ARG! who had fought some of the hardest battles on the server. Never achieved anything noteworthy other than making it on to my least favorite enemies list.
I had a nibble of him to test out if he was actually a great player and it was all ruse, but his villages went down easy, he was defending with mixed axes and spears :icon_neutral:
Soon after he went inactive and drifted off into barbarianism.
What a shitty enemy.
4. That guy who disbanded 47Ronin... what was his name again?
And then he deleted accounts in Dr NO, fed information out of Silonces tribe to PnP and still other tribes considered taking him in afterwards. He was the greatest accomplished traitor this server has ever seen and I admire him for that.
He just kept joining tribes and persuading them to give him bigger accounts and more privilages, then he would sabotage the hell out of them. It was great.
Whilst not an enemy of mine directly, he was enemy of fair play and I feel this server would have been better off without his influence. Perhaps 47Ron would still be around?
5. I can't think of any others right now, I might revisit this later.
Part Three:
-favorite friends and allies outside your tribe.
1. Shtaal. Good old Shtaal. Had many interesting discussions and we have worked together on a few projects. Glad to have him alongside PnP helping keep the beast of Panda on track. Great guy.
2. UKwildcat. Friend and confidon. Strong leader for her people, whilst she is technically my enemy, I consider her a friend personally and could not justify listing her as an enemy.
She's been a bit quieter in recent times, but is a decent player, nice person to talk to and realistic, humble and fair.
3. Ladycounsel (when she was in G.barb for the purposes of this list). Great player, plunges her tiny tribe into battle withour fear or regret, never stops pushing her enemies, never stops supporting her friends. A true asset to any tribe and a we were lucky to finally recruit her. Virus beware.
4. Astronomypouya. Taught me a lot about this game in private. About leadership and how to control geography. Excellent leader in his time, with SPAM and later CRayn. Its a damn shame he had to leave, if he didn't CRayn. would likely still be around today. Funny dude as well.
5. MattyJ. Great charismatic leader, funny dude, played the game for the right reasons in the right way.
I can't help being oldschool...