A bad Analogy to be fair

Its a reasonable excuse that he noticed knock taking barbs, so not wanting to be at a disadvantage starting taking barbs too...
the excuse just fails when you look at how many barbs smurf have nobled in comparison to knock xD
lol bad but its the right point
not a reasonable excuse at all, anyone who takes barbs on a frontline is just an idiot, my own tribemate guerillawar has been told many times how stupid it was to take barbs on a frontline...
not to mention the fact that since the start of this war all hes been doin is losing vills and barb nobling, majority of his barb noblin came before he lost loads to knock so...wat use is he? just a meatshield to slow us down?
@ darth: lol please u know i never said anythin like that and never wud, im pretty sure i know wat i said but i'll go look to be safe (amount of nobles i had was the reason i think)
says the internal nobler...
im just testin out the tactics of ur tribe (so u sayin ur tribe members stoop to low tactics?)....so i'll let u know in a month if i benefit or not
and ask miller to help u find sum barbs
4x Great power of the day
You took over the most villages in this world on 20.10.2012 (56 villages)!
seems he co-ordinated better then us....
guess u were pretty much right there darth

tho it wasnt why i did it
wat u told xterm was closer, bout me doin it cus i was out of def