why do you think infamy lost the final battle


we lost for many reasons... :) one of the main reason is lack of coordination and activity


They lost because they lost the respect of their active, larger accounts. That and the inactivity/lack of help/non-team-players/idiots like cool tracker, ect ect.


lost because they picked a fight with a bunch of fighters :) was only goin to end one way


i see people saying co-ordination and im inclinded to agree as i see activity, mostly from the ones that joined us but at the same time the person who creates these ops should be tryin to get people to participate, encouraging members to not only talk to each other but work together.

setting up an op aka listing vills to nuke and or noble isnt just enough, especially when you see people not offering or claiming, you need to msg people and say to them
worst comes to worst you work with ur active members and get them moving

do u really think every members in knock is active? nobles? nukes?


Lack of ambition, no one was around to put in the extra effort to get everyone on the same page to win. No one wanted to win, just to play.


clearly not because of activity, our infamy recruits are probably most of our most active players lol


Let me be honest with you all. Infamy lost the final battle because of kato. When kato quit, everyone lost the will to fight. He was the most awesome account and one of the greatest leaders of all time. The constant moaning and yelling made everyone want to try that {----} much harder. Also since psycho wasn't baking the tastiest cookies anymore, everyone left and joined because of aiden and djwrights cookies.


Let me be honest with you all. Infamy lost the final battle because of kato. When kato quit, everyone lost the will to fight. He was the most awesome account and one of the greatest leaders of all time. The constant moaning and yelling made everyone want to try that {----} much harder. Also since psycho wasn't baking the tastiest cookies anymore, everyone left and joined because of aiden and djwrights cookies.



Lack of ambition, no one was around to put in the extra effort to get everyone on the same page to win. No one wanted to win, just to play.

well looking at ur previous wars from an outside perspective there never has been an amibition to win.
no real ambition to fight.

rather you guys have the feeling or shud i say mindset that mass nuking everything will do the trick and you can just walk on in...you guys have never had to really fight before so that has come thru to the end and alas you have come up against a tribe that has to battle there way here, war hardened players who have had to fight for there vills.


I feel that infamy feel apart because leaders started to slack on inactives and showed no respect for the players fighting in the war. There was a lot of players doing nothing (not even supporting). At the start of the war there was almost 70% of the actives helping but as the war went on more and more people stopped supporting each other which caused people to get angry and fight each other.

The problem came up often but PsychoSmurf would always say that nothing could be done about it and that he could not force players to help which caused katooden to get angry and my self to also lose respect for PsychoSmurf and post a few things in the forum (shortly the 10 villages of support I had been given in this war was pulled) people replied saying I was doing nothing in the war and that I had never attacked Knock! which is when I left the tribe.

Anyway in the end I feel that Infamy feel apart because PsychoSmurf was to bothered about keeping the points and staying 1st.


Oh don't get me wrong he was a great duke, he got infamy to 1st place but as time went on he slowly stopped been active.

One Last Shot...

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I don't think it's fair to blame a leadership either, particularly late game.

On every world I've played, leadership has become less and less important the further through the world you go in every tribe I've been in long-term. There's not much you can do if people lose interest or a willingness to keep going. Obviously you can impact on it to a degree, but you can't force people to play a world they don't want to play any more. If people are team players they'll stick around and work together anyway. If they aren't, you've merely drawn the short straw or made a few bad recruitment decisions along the line. But each inactive individual in a tribe carries an equal responsibility for a tribe that doesn't survive in this sort of instance.

Congrats Knock on the world win. Sad to see PsychoSmurf didn't get the world win he had put so much time in to this world to achieve.


I don't think it's fair to blame a leadership either, particularly late game.

On every world I've played, leadership has become less and less important the further through the world you go in every tribe I've been in long-term. There's not much you can do if people lose interest or a willingness to keep going. Obviously you can impact on it to a degree, but you can't force people to play a world they don't want to play any more. If people are team players they'll stick around and work together anyway. If they aren't, you've merely drawn the short straw or made a few bad recruitment decisions along the line. But each inactive individual in a tribe carries an equal responsibility for a tribe that doesn't survive in this sort of instance.

Congrats Knock on the world win. Sad to see PsychoSmurf didn't get the world win he had put so much time in to this world to achieve.

that is in a way true but most of infamy was active, its just a some could not be bothered to support their tribe mates or attack the enemy. and that is something that leader could of fixed by simply saying "help or get out".


..I have been a duke once in a large tribe and will never put myself in that situation again. When things are not going at the right direction, you get to be pointed out both from members and enemies for all kind of things. One thing I can say is that Psycho has at least always had a decent appearence and avoided thrashtalk (feel free to correct me if I am wrong).

Isn`t there anything this guy has done well? Why isn`t there any members putting some of the blame on their own weaknesses? If some of the Knock members wouldn`t have stepped up, I am sure Knock leadership would get quite of a critisizm. How active has codygoodthegreat been the last year? Just sayin.

his trashtalk is rare but he has done it, hes very capable of it too in private so please dnt think hes not (goes for council chats too)

knock leadership mite but fact remains, in our tribe ppl step up to help, wether it be ops (planning, co-ordinating them) or sitting, support or nuking,

and frank and cody havent been that active at all, i sat franks acc for most of time to keep it active and lolz attackin kato with it, i finally got to see his abilities ingame after all his trash talk and well hes severly lackin in it.

i know codys situation in real life so im not gna bust his balls

and same with frank, his country calls and loves serving his country so...

thankfully we still had another level headed duke around (zaretz acc at the time) to steady the helm and steer the ship in the right direction

so yea like i said knock not only had members step up but we still had a duke there

I don't think it's fair to blame a leadership either, particularly late game.

made a few bad recruitment decisions along the line

i do, who brings in these players, so whose responsible for those players actions, you should be aware of the kind of player u bring into the tribe, weaknesses n strengths, the effort they put in.

not to mention pyscho barely tried to move to a frontline...thats leading by example? i mean if ur well respected duke isnt going to do it why would you...why is it ok for 1 player to not try to get to a frontline but ok for another

and dont give me the he was short on time story as when he faked he faked about 10 players at a time sending 500 to each

it doesnt take forever to send nobles or nukes, u move res, u queue up nobles, come bk when there all built and send them off
as bad as snortsmurf was even he made the effort to send nobles at knock members and took a few vills lol (but he never got the respect and never will so...)

as for kato...he demoralised his own tribe, im sure u read the other topic where his own members told of him stackin his backlines in a sea of blue just so he doesnt get catted...
thats pathetic

im tempted to say as always ur wrong ols but just to save arguement i wont

and i bet it hurts to say gratz to knock :p
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Lots of factors (activity), I don't blame psycho though. I think Infamy lost because... Knock were better :icon_rolleyes: The 2nd best tribe on .net would still lose to the best tribe. I am thinking Infamy are the 2nd best tribe on this world.

Well actually... they would be 3rd best and Chomp the #1 :lol:


Got to blame someone...

I don't think it's fair to blame a leadership either, particularly late game.

On every world I've played, leadership has become less and less important the further through the world you go in every tribe I've been in long-term. There's not much you can do if people lose interest or a willingness to keep going. Obviously you can impact on it to a degree, but you can't force people to play a world they don't want to play any more. If people are team players they'll stick around and work together anyway. If they aren't, you've merely drawn the short straw or made a few bad recruitment decisions along the line. But each inactive individual in a tribe carries an equal responsibility for a tribe that doesn't survive in this sort of instance.

Congrats Knock on the world win. Sad to see PsychoSmurf didn't get the world win he had put so much time in to this world to achieve.

I would have to disagree 100% on this one, the deeper into the world you go, the MORE important it is to have a leadership/team set in place to do all of the things it takes to win the world. It's easy to say that after 1 year everyone should know what they're doing, and should therefore be able to win their individual battles - but if I give 40 people each a ball of yarn, knowing they can all knit, am I going to end up with a sweater? if I don't tell people what to do, then I'll likely end up with 40 sleeves. Furthermore, the leadership needs to be in place to keep people interested in playing, give them a reason to keep logging in, help them get over those "difficult" times when the game becomes a job, find ways to keep it interesting. Never underestimate the importance of leading your tribe (if you're in the position) or how much work goes into it, and how important it is to follow the plans laid out by your leadership (if you're not in the position).

I think Infamy lost because they didn't go in prepared for a hard fight, they went in expecting the war to go as the rest of their wars went, and when it got difficult for a select few, tempers flared, and more and more members became disenchanted with the tribe.


Towards the end, I think its important to have a stronger council than at begging, as Duke could not plan for ops for every K on the front line as effectively.

One Last Shot...

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not to mention pyscho barely tried to move to a frontline...thats leading by example? i mean if ur well respected duke isnt going to do it why would you...why is it ok for 1 player to not try to get to a frontline but ok for another

and dont give me the he was short on time story as when he faked he faked about 10 players at a time sending 500 to each

When you learn to read what I write you will realize just how dumb some things you come out with are.

I didn't give you a "he was short on time" story. If you read what is there in front of you, you may notice this:

"Sad to see PsychoSmurf didn't get the world win he had put so much time in to this world to achieve."

I am not saying that Infamy leadership had no faults, far from it. I was merely making a point that each individual in a tribe has to carry some of the blame for the tribe's failures. A leadership can only do so much before it can no longer function effectively due to the member-base. Both leadership members and every individual in a tribe impacts on this, as there is no point in even attempting to lead when you have people who won't commit.

As for the suggestion of "help or get out", from what I've heard the situation was dire in terms of the numbers of people sitting on their bums. It's a very ineffective threat when you're risking having to kick dozens of accounts to back up your threat.


When you learn to read what I write you will realize just how dumb some things you come out with are.
Your so ignorant, your quote was answered in the sentence after your quote

The next line has a break and refers to other opinions, ones I agree on and you say wfman needs to learn to read

I don't think it's fair to blame a leadership either, particularly late game.
i do, who brings in these players, so whose responsible for those players actions, you should be aware of the kind of player u bring into the tribe, weaknesses n strengths, the effort they put in.

not to mention pyscho barely tried to move to a frontline...thats leading by example? i mean if ur well respected duke isnt going to do it why would you...why is it ok for 1 player to not try to get to a frontline but ok for another

and dont give me the he was short on time story as when he faked he faked about 10 players at a time sending 500 to each

you want to know why you guys lost its simple, your leaders were ignorant, arrogant and thought they were better than us and more than half your own tribe.
The new members here are a decent active crowd and fit in, so yeh its a leadership issue get over it

And Psycho was prepared to drop a lot of infamy players for his ticket here, and some of you still suck his balls
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