Why the hell not:-)


I sat abhie for a fair few of those conquers while he was trying to quit..


I sat abhie for a fair few of those conquers while he was trying to quit..

I could talk about all the barbs and villages of the accounts I nobled from them when I left but now your just pulling at straws because I had a higher difference. Cool you recapped more villages than me :icon_confused:


It's just something you guys brought up. I can't even defend myself now?


It's just something you guys brought up. I can't even defend myself now?

Nope :icon_evil:

We are jelly he's with bush yes but he seems to have lost the his sence of humour since joining.. We like the old jeff moar.


If I remember correct I led our 'war effort' against bush in both ODA and captures. I also seem to remember being the highest ODA account in Phat at that time.
^You brought it up :D


If you count villages taken, I have the most. If you substract villages lost (which I actually had as opposed to abhie) abhie and steve win. Not all villages that I lost were recaps; There's not a lot of *actual* losses I had, but enough to tip the balance. And for the record I don't think it's really fair to say that Abhie took more when I sat him a fair amount of time doing a bunch of those caps.

To be frank if you want to argue about caps just PM me on skype and I'll be happy to argue with you. It feels a lot like you're trying to antagonize me just because I left Phat and it saddens me that you've already dropped to that level.


If you count villages taken, I have the most. If you substract villages lost (which I actually had as opposed to abhie) abhie and steve win. Not all villages that I lost were recaps; There's not a lot of *actual* losses I had, but enough to tip the balance. And for the record I don't think it's really fair to say that Abhie took more when I sat him a fair amount of time doing a bunch of those caps.

To be frank if you want to argue about caps just PM me on skype and I'll be happy to argue with you. It feels a lot like you're trying to antagonize me just because I left Phat and it saddens me that you've already dropped to that level.

I havent been on the pawel account in probably a week. So Im just saying this to you because you are wrong. Not because I dont like you :icon_confused: