In the south of world 54, there is a tribe comprised of the most elite and talented hugglers that Tribalwars has ever seen. They've set the bar for merges, recruited away all threats, and kept sending invites all the way to the top. The 100 member limit wasn’t enough to contain their greatness; they’ve had to create another tribe to huggle to this magnificent extent. All sarcasm aside, anyone would have done what did in that situation, seriously, with all the mass recruit tribes around, how could they have reached their goal of recruiting north of 100 members without merging? People have asked them, “What’s the point of playing this way?”, or “Why recruit away all enemies? Do you really enjoy internally nobling 100’s of villages, was t-ball too much of a challenge for you?”, “You do know that you’re the Two-hand touch tribe of tribalwars, right?”, and like a broken record, they’ve responded,
Now, on the other hand, there’s a tribe in the North of W54, comprised of a group of elite players. This tribe was so bad-ass, that their decelerations killed tribes, troops weren’t even needed, and enemies deleted their accounts at merely the thought of potentially having to face them in a battle. They built an empire from scratch and single handedly ended a ZOMBIE Pandemic, and even with the PUNCH! they pack, a hard stare is more than most tribes can tolerate.
Women want us, men want to be us, and animals want to learn how to talk so they can hang out with us. We are the epitome of cool, the standard for success, and generally just better at everything than everyone else. Some people might find us to be a tad pompous, but we disagree. There’s a difference between arrogance and being consciously aware that you’re the best, and we intend to prove any and all naysayers wrong.
To avoid any confusion, I'll just spell this out:
PUNCH! (86.753.872 pts, 79 members) declares on WIN! (126.504.129 pts, 98 members)
It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it. :icon_cool:

Now, on the other hand, there’s a tribe in the North of W54, comprised of a group of elite players. This tribe was so bad-ass, that their decelerations killed tribes, troops weren’t even needed, and enemies deleted their accounts at merely the thought of potentially having to face them in a battle. They built an empire from scratch and single handedly ended a ZOMBIE Pandemic, and even with the PUNCH! they pack, a hard stare is more than most tribes can tolerate.

Women want us, men want to be us, and animals want to learn how to talk so they can hang out with us. We are the epitome of cool, the standard for success, and generally just better at everything than everyone else. Some people might find us to be a tad pompous, but we disagree. There’s a difference between arrogance and being consciously aware that you’re the best, and we intend to prove any and all naysayers wrong.
To avoid any confusion, I'll just spell this out:
PUNCH! (86.753.872 pts, 79 members) declares on WIN! (126.504.129 pts, 98 members)

It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it. :icon_cool: