...With Love

Hybrid Soul

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Ladies & Gentlemen!

After quite a substantial break from TW I have been approached by some of the usual crew to organize another premade tribe. I can only say that I am excited and looking forward to the task at hand.

Please, let me cut straight to it - the agenda is a late Spring or early Summer start with several of usual suspects desiring a new world or a return. Simply put, I now bolster my roster and await the most desirable settings.

I can happily say that on every world I have lead a premade, several pre-world recruits quickly became essential members and many, dear friends. And as such I hereby offer an open invitation for all to apply. Be you old friend or foe, please feel free to drop me a mail.

This time, I do not expect you to decipher any cryptic clues or bring me a head on a platter - I just expect a solid interview. I also want to stress that this worlds approach will differ in a lot aspects.....that said, my team have already advised that a lot of what we do, will not change. Take from that what you will.

For those of you who do not know of me and the team I bring, do some brief research and apply if so desired. For those of you who want to come against me and my team, I once again look forward to the battles and agree to somewhat disclose our intended world.




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I intend to attempt to cut down on my playtime this time around however I can but count me in too

Hybrid Soul

Non-stop Poster
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Best of luck, mate.
Thanks mate.

Like you had a choice.

You have my sword
Your spoon is deadlier Adam.

I will bring cookies if you allow me to follow in the adventure.
Looking forward to chatting mate.

can I take my bike ?
Do you go anywhere without it Ali??!

I intend to attempt to cut down on my playtime this time around however I can but count me in too
Always good to have you Ricky!

And my bow
Drop me a mail pal.

Good to get so many mails from old friends so quick and to see some old faces on Skype.

To all those applying to be part of the regime, we will be in touch over the coming days.



And I shall bring the beer ..
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Ill bring the boos and food and the ladies:p oh and pokemon for all


Hope you didnt think you could possibly sneak by a premade without me in it old friend ;)

I will be pretty busy for the next couple months so hopefully this doesnt kick off till May or later. Ill be in touch on skype sometime this weekend. Look forward to talking to everyone again.

Havent even been on TW since last march till googly sent me a skype message. (damn you googly ;))